And every nigger, cuck and libtard are already screaming "rayyyycism!"
And every nigger, cuck and libtard are already screaming "rayyyycism!"
Give America back to the human race and end nigger fuxation - TRUMP 2020
I can't remember a time when the felon league was not just a bunch of niggers being paid millions to chase a ball when they should be costing the taxpayer around $50,000 a year in NU instead.
Pouncey? a nigger named Pouncey playing football? Please tell me they have one named Chimpy as well!
I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.
I'll admit that I used to watch feetsball. Totally lost interest about 15 years ago, about the time that nigger on the Baltimore team was filmed dragging it's unconscious burner out of a hotel elevator by it's hair.
Now I consider professional sports as no different than the arena games of the late Roman empire. Panem et circenses - bread and circuses, an opiate for the masses. Worse yet, it has devolved to outright nigger worship.
Let us all endeavor to end nigger worship in our time. Use the phrase "nigger felon league" often around those fellow humans still stuck in the Matrix.
Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.
I always say negro felon league no matter who's company I'm in. First, being retired, I have no career to worry about being ruined and secondly...I really dont give a shit. Most people who know me, know I don't have much of a filter.
The funny thing is that when you say negro felon league in the company of people who'd be inclined to be offended and argue with you...they'll perk-up like they're ready to say something then you see the wheels turn and they realize it's not a winning arguement.
I used to love a good football game until about 15-18 years ago. I just hate niggers so much anymore I can't stand to watch.