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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Another magic nigger ...

    Cuba Gooding Jr., another magic nigger, got caught not being able to control it's muh-dik instincts. Not as bad as Bill Cosby, but TNB nonetheless. It put it's dirty paw on a female's breast in a pub. I wonder how many other dirty offenses it got away with?

    When will society learn that niggers are niggers? No amount of money or education can change that fact. You can take a nigger out of the jungle, make it wealthy, teach it to mimic human behavior - even put lipstick on it... but it is still, and always will be, a nigger. Sooner or later, niggers will always revert to their nature and exhibit TNB.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    It was only because he was drunk an sheet... Funny how they hung Bret Kavanaugh out to dry for an accusation that happened 30 years ago and this is on video, and the left still says it is "alleged".

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest

    Groid face

    With any luck, it will be found guilty (as it should) and we won't have to endure seeing it's big misshapen gorilla face blubbering out it's script with it's inner-tube lips on TV and in movies any more.

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