Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.
First of all, this is NO lady, this is a vile feral NIGGER BITCH. Niggers prey on the weak. If that was a big human guy she would've dindu nuffin. But this is the reality of dealing with animals. Make no mistake, their "race" is really not a race; they are a species apart. Animals are in chains, in cages, dominated, and subjugated. Dogs know loyalty and kindness, that is why they even hold a special place in us, neither man nor full beast. Niggers are beasts.
Life in prison is not enough for this negress.
Coalburning is bestiality.
Wish I could say what I'm thinking.
Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.
Sounds like they got her, she is being charged with murder.
Even though they have video evidence they are using terms such as allegedly and making it sound as if she was the victim here.
I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.
And fuck every last other person on that bus, who sat there and did ASS NOTHING.
A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.
Never let a feral nigger shitbeast out of your sight. The opportunist apes wait until you're not looking..
islam (is-LAHM) n.
- The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.