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  1. #1
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Willie the Welder

    This goes back to the late 90s early 2000s. I was working at a local factory as a CNC operator. Also i did some welding and other manufacturing related jobs. One day i hear talk about this new employee and how he walked in the door with no welding experience yet picked up on it super fast and is the fastest welder the company has ever had. Wow, ive got to see this. Sure enough it was a nigger. Now this place did not have a whole lot of niggers so that made it unusual to see. The company only had about 125 employees and probably only around 20 were niggers so it was a good place to work, unlike my last job which had like 1000 niggers. (it was at a nigger cloning facility) Nevermind, im getting off track.

    Anyways sure enough, Willie was fast Damn fast. And the company tried to hold everyone else to the same standards. If Willie can weld this fast all of you should be able to. Even me, even though i only welded part time whenever they were short on people and needed someone to fill in they expected me to put out the same numbers as Willie. We had production quotas where you had to put out X amount of parts per hour, Willie blew those numbers out of the water which of course caused the company to come out and raise the rates on everyone. He really was the star of the place, they just loved him.

    One thing though, Willies quality was ZILCH. His welds would have burs, holes blown in the metal, cracks. But the welding supervisor didn't care. I brought it up to him one day, i pointed out yeah this guy is fast but his work is absolutely crap. You are eventually going to get all of this stuff back. He didnt see it that way. As long as he got those numbers out that is all that mattered to him. Well the day came that i put in for a transfer to the quality control department and got it. First thing i did? I went over to the welding department and rejected a shitload of everything Willie had welded up for the past several days. The welding supervisor about had a heart attack. Willie went apeshit as well. A good Christian nigger like he claimed to be and he was cussing me out. I forget at this point how it went down but this went all the way to the top, to the plant manager. While he took my side and said i was right for doing this, their solution instead of getting rid of the nigger was to put 1-2 other guys working in back of him to touch up everything he fucked up. Come to find out the company had been sued by niggers in the past for discrimination plus Willie had sued a different company he previously worked for for discrimination. Thus they were scared of him.

    Willie was a amazing nigger though, i would write a book on him and the things he did at work and away from work. The moral of the story though, dont hire niggers. All of that Affirmative Action quota nonsense might look good on paper but in the long run you dont want Willie working for you.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  2. #2
    Cracka Jack's Avatar
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    Having to deal with nigger co-"workers" is one of the prime reasons I will NEVER be an employee again. I could write a term paper on all of the times I've been "asked" to take up the slack for some unqualified token nigger. It even happened to me at the FAMILY BUSINESS!!!!

    Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.

  3. #3
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    My father in law, God rest his soul, hired niggers in the early 70s. The business was to move safes. After a month 2 employees were always drunk or asleep. He had no choice but to let them go. What happens after that, you know. Niggers filed a discrimination suit and won. Not a huge amount but that came from his company's pocket. Learned the lesson the hard way. He thought he was being a good Christian Catholic but no, no good deed goes unpunished. Needless to say no niggers were ever hired again.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  4. #4
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    Midder Peenud Hayed's Avatar
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    I've really only ever worked with one nigger (as a peer) in my career, and he was actually the only nigger I've ever thought was a good guy.

    He was a Real African Nigger™ from The Gambia. He was the blackest black man I have ever seen. He was so black, you almost couldn't see his actual facial features in broad daylight. Even when we were in Kenya, I never saw a nigger that black.

    His name was "Babou" and we were both Account rep's in our first year at the company I recently left.

    Babou HATED American niggers! He thought they were dumb, mongrelized, weak, whiners -- which of course, we all know is the actual case.

    Babou was the first (and only) nigger I've ever enjoyed hanging out with. He had a really good sense of humor. I saw the same self-deprecating humor many Kenyan niggers we met in 2006 had. They know they're fucked and reluctantly embrace it.

    I was actually a little sad when Babou's dad died and he made the decision to go back to The Gambia to take care of his mother and younger siblings.

    I also respected that.

    We traded emails for a year or so, then lost touch.

    He actually made me understand why every 19th Century West African "government" refused to take back our slave-descended niggers.
    Last edited by Midder Peenud Hayed; 03-16-2019 at 01:16 AM. Reason: Content

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