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  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
    Midder Peenud Hayed's Avatar
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    Niggers harass, fling poo at gay TRUMP supporter!

    Obama was a true piece of shit in every way imaginable, but I would never verbally, or in any other way attack, his idiot supporters.

    Here we have well-known conservative commentator Scott Presler, who happens to be gay, exercising his constitutional right to speak freely, set upon by a trio of fucking niggers! First they threw objects at him from a moving car, then they physically confronted him.


    Because these niggers got nothing from fake black man, Barry Soetoro "Obama", and TRUMP is not a nigger. In what passes as a nigger's "brain", they believe everything should be about them. These feral apes think we should always have a nigger president.

    This from Gateway Pundit...

  2. #2
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    About that,

    One of my little sisters voted for the nigger. Following the crowd, wanting to be hip...I don't really know why but...

    The rest of us never let her forget it either. Kind of like "hey, remember that time when you were sick and shit your pants in the mall?"

    Yeah, she loves when we bring that up.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    About that,

    One of my little sisters voted for the nigger. Following the crowd, wanting to be hip...I don't really know why but...

    The rest of us never let her forget it either. Kind of like "hey, remember that time when you were sick and shit your pants in the mall?"

    Yeah, she loves when we bring that up.
    LMMFLWAO! Did your sister really shit her pants in the mall? How old was she...?

    Anyway, I have the same basic problem with my wife.

    The first presidential election in which my wife could vote (she's from Canada) was 2008 (she became a U.S. citizen in 2005). She leans left, but is not very political. Problem is, she LISTENS TO MY MOM, who is a former hippy-chick flower-child and is a borderline communist. Of course, mom chose to get married to, and have three son with, a USN officer who served for 37 years, SMDH...

    Anyway, mom got her all juiced up on the magic nigger. I told her I would never vote for an unqualified, inexperienced communist of ANY race. She thought I didn't care for Barry because he was "black".

    So, yeah..., my own wife voted for fucking Obama in 2008. She didn't vote in 2012 (unless she lied to me). 2016? Jill Stein (thanks to mom).

    The good news is, she's becoming more conservative as she gets older and is warming to TRUMP. If I can keep mom out of her head, I think she'll vote for him in 2020.

    What about dad...? He doesn't vote. The only time I remember him having a political opinion that seemed to gnaw at him was when we were kids in the mid-1980's and he was constantly grumbling about Reagan stretching the Navy too thin. I have no idea what his beef was, but yo howdy, was he pissed at Ronaldus Maximus.

    Ironically, at about that time, he got a promotion to CDR and we all got crated off to Subic for 32 months

  4. #4
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    I have family members that hate Trump but they can't tell you why. My brother in-law popped off the other day and said it was Trump's mouth blurting our anything that comes to mind.

    I replied what would you rather have; a fucking nigger that never tells the truth or an independent that is not beholding to any party or financial organization that speaks what's on his mind? Crickets.

    We finally have someone that does what he said what he is going to do and people bitch because he does it. I don't understand! Now all of these fist fuckers come out on the democratic party saying they are going to beat Trump. The bought and payed for media backs them and refuses to publish how fucked up they all are. I don't have much time left on this earth but I'll be damned before I'll support liberal fuck wads to run this country.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by zagnut View Post

    We finally have someone that does what he said what he is going to do and people bitch because he does it. I don't understand! Now all of these fist fuckers come out on the democratic party saying they are going to beat Trump. The bought and payed for media backs them and refuses to publish how fucked up they all are. I don't have much time left on this earth but I'll be damned before I'll support liberal fuck wads to run this country.
    Well said! And, stick around a little longer, my brother. We need you here!

  6. #6
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    I was aghast when I heard Sarah Sanders and family were accosted by liberals as they were eating dinner. So with Kirstjen Nielsen. We should be able to disagree but not make it a personal affront or physical attack. We're supposed to be civilized people, but these lefties are unhinged and frankly, dangerous. Of course, they're exhorted by Maxine Waters and other so-called lawmakers.

    Despite Trump acting the way he does, I'm all for him closing the southern border and protecting the USA. We would not be a nation of laws if we welcome criminal, unlawful, illegal aliens just march in and impose their taco stands and God-awful language, a bastardization of Spanish. Tell anyone who would listen, if you don't want to be taxed so heavily, support the movement to first stop illegal immigration, then the movement to deport as many illegals back to their origin.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    Obama was a true piece of shit in every way imaginable, but I would never verbally, or in any other way attack, his idiot supporters.
    And his eight years and Trump's subsequent two-plus have shown us who the adults in the country really are.

    None of the shit that is happening to Trump supporters ever happened to Obongo cucks.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeybash View Post
    None of the shit that is happening to Trump supporters ever happened to Obongo cucks.
    It's even worse than that...

    Obuma actually incited and fomented nigger violence. Look how many cops were killed by niggers in Soetoro's last term. Think about nigger Christopher Dorner alone. That nigger set out to shoot cops. That was all fomented by Bath House Barry! For years, he took the side of the nigger criminals against the police. From filthy nigger Travon to the Cambridge, CT nigger, Hussein always blamed the cops (or Zimmerman in the case of precious little No Limit Nigger).

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