Not sure how many of you are aware there was a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue this morning. Of course, almost every fucking nigger on social media and other discussion sites are making it about themselves.
"It wasn't called a hate crime when Dylan Roof was shooting people!"
"The gunman was taking alive. OMG, white privilege!1111"
"Innocent blacks are being shot and nobody cared!'
"YTs are terrorists!"
"Of course whites will say he didn’t get killed because he didn’t run away from the police, whereas a black men needs only to be black to be considered dangerous. "
And my favorite:
"White folks out here calling the cops on black folk for random foolishness (BULLSHIT), while their people going on killing rampages across the country."
And on and on. I actually went off on a couple people earlier, "WHAT HAPPENED TODAY ISN'T ABOUT YOU! STOP PLAYING THE FUCKING RACE CARD! PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF YOUR SHIT!"
Thanks for letting me rant. Can we petition Trump to round up these useless entitled pieces of shit and ship them all back to Africa instead of deporting Mexicans? At least the Mexicans make an attempt to work and don't play the victim card (least that I'm aware)