Skank white trash ho' Stormy Daniels had her bullshit nigger lotto thrown out and the judge has ruled that the lying cunt has to pay Trump's legal fees, which I guarantee aren't cheap. Justice!
Skank white trash ho' Stormy Daniels had her bullshit nigger lotto thrown out and the judge has ruled that the lying cunt has to pay Trump's legal fees, which I guarantee aren't cheap. Justice!
islam (is-LAHM) n.
- The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.
Skank whore nigger fucker...dirty doesn't even come close to describe her filth.
Coalburning is bestiality.
This time next year she will be working at some niggertown McDonalds for a living.
I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.
All that money the lefties paid her through GoFundMe crowdfunding will be used to pay the fees. I've never seen a bigger backfire.