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  1. #1
    Chimpout Member
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    impolite niglets

    So I am in the mall and this teenage niglet is wearing a t-shirt that reads f* U, you, F*ing F*

    I know that the 1st amendment protects this baboon but If I began shouting

    "F* all F*ing shitskins"

    what would happen to me? Undoubtedly the mall rent a cops would zoom over from the donut shops on their Segway scooters to silence the white man.

    We continue to pay a staggering price for bringing animals here during slavery. The chimps, sheboons and shitskins erode our great society every damn day.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    Thread moved, please post an intro here:

  3. #3
    Cracka Jack's Avatar
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    158 years later and we're still paying for that F*'ing cotton...


  4. #4
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Impolite niglets as opposed to another kind? They all are impolite, it is part of their nature.
    And yes you are right. They can get away with this kind of thing because they are niggers. Humans on the other hand have to walk on egg shells around the black beasts. We stand too much to lose. Niggers don't have jobs, don't have a mortgage or car payment. You or I, if we make a scene regarding niggers - we will lose our jobs even if it is not related to work, since we lost our job we will not be able to pay the bills and then lose the house and car, our kids will be harassed at school to the point they will have to drop out or switch schools, that's just how it is.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  5. #5
    Senior Trustee
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    It gets better when you get old. WHen you retire you don't give a fuck about what other people think. For example I built my flag pole out of rigid aluminum conduit and it was my first attempt at welding aluminum on my mig welder. When I erected the flag pole it suddenly became a neighborhood project. One neighbor bought the first flag, One got me the brass ball for the top of the pole and two others helped me sink the pole. There was not a dry eye when old glory went up for the first time so we drank a beer to toast the country. Then comes Obama. I couldn't believe that the country elected this worthless nigger from Chicago. I ordered the stars and bars for his inauguration and the day the nigger became president I flew the stars and bars at half staff. The next morning I ran it the whole way up the pole only taking it down for memorial day, Flag day, the 4th of July, Veterans day and September 11 where I would fly old glory. A new neighbor down the street had a pet nigger living with him. This nigger started complaining about the stars and bars to my neighbor that gave me the first flag and Sid told him to piss off and get over it. As usual pet niggers never have their own transportation and it used to walk by the house all of the time. I go outside to check the mail and here is this nigger attempting to take down my flag. I immediately barked in my most authoritative voice that he better leave that flag alone or he is going to pull back a stump if it comes down. I also told him if it hits the ground so will he. SO he walks back to his buddies nest mumbling something. That started the fight between me and the libs. One old lady still drives by the house everyday giving me the finger. Another wants to debate me in the front yard one day about the disrespect I show to America by flying that flag. I told him that 844,000 Americans died for that flag and just because you don't believe in their cause makes them no less of an American. I also don't give a fuck what you think. HE walk away grumbling like the nigger. I recently had a doctor refuse me her practice because of my voice mail. There are other doctor's in the world and my new one is closer to the house. I now fly Old Glory along with the thin blue line flag. I have plenty of Stars and Bars in backup for whatever occasion the niggers want to bitch about. So be patient, your day will come!

  6. #6
    Senior Corrections Officer
    Sheboon DeLuxe's Avatar
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    ^^ zagnut, I wish I could shake your hand.

  7. #7
    LT. Colonel
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    zag, can we be your neighbors? Maybe as many as 300,000 good men died for the flag you flew, and they'd have all been proud to salute it, and salute you.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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