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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    South Korea is more racist than us..

    South Korea has no comprehensive anti-discrimination laws. Legislative efforts have been repeatedly thwarted by conservative groups
    A lack of legal redress for race-based discrimination effectively means that it is legally permissible to discriminate on the basis of race.
    refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, also shared stories of how little South Korean children would sing racist chants at them.
    Poorer immigrants and foreigners are also often abused by their employers and subject to daily racism.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    I have a few Korean friends who grew up there. This is 100% true. Not just of niggers either. They aren't really racist unless you consider the liberal meaning of it. They just want to preserve their heritage and prioritize their own. Like we used to be able to do until nigger lovers fucked it all up.

  3. #3
    Cracka Jack's Avatar
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    Note to self. Visit South Korean Embassy and inquire about citizenship.

  4. #4
    Senior Trustee
    Rape Ape's Avatar
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    Don't forget this EPIC Korean chiggunz ad!

    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Rape Ape View Post
    Don't forget this EPIC Korean chiggunz ad!

    Imagine the riots if that were aired anywhere in YT land?

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