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  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
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    Congresscoon Sheila Jackson Lee steals first class seat from United passenger

    I would have called the filthy ape a nigger right to its face and not cared if they kicked me off the plane.

    Link: Nigger squatting in a human passenger's first class seat.
    And of course, it's United.
    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  2. #2
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    I just read about this. And the best part, when questioned about it the congressional yard ape played the race card, suggesting that the woman is only complaining because of race.

    The congresswoman suggested that her grievance may have something to do with the fact that she is an African American.
    'Since this was not any fault of mine, the way the individual continued to act appeared to be, upon reflection, because I was an African American woman, seemingly an easy target along with the African American flight attendant who was very, very nice,' Jackson Lee said in the statement.
    And you know what? The nigger is right. It is about race and she made it so. Only a nigger would demand the seat of another passenger because they feel entitled to it and then spin the story around to make it sound like they are the victim. Get your nappy ass to the back of the bus (ooops plane) you black ass Alabama porch monkey!

  3. #3
    Chimpout Member
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    I would have been arrested if that happened to me .

  4. #4
    Witch Doctor
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    First class *cage* in the cargo hold

  5. #5
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    Nigger should have been kicked off the airplane mid flight.

  6. #6
    Senior Administrator
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    The real question is why the people of Texas (especially around Houston) have chosen to elect this greasy useless sheboon to the House of Representatives, where it has been stinking up the hallways of congress since 1995.

    NO niggers in the Senate!
    NO niggers in the House of Representatives!
    NO niggers in the White House!
    "Blacks have no rights which the white man is bound to respect." - US Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney, 1857

    Black lives DON'T matter. Never did, and never will.

    You can't have law and order and filthy niggers too.

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