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  1. #1
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    Hawaiin Mudshark Spouse & Her Unborn Sprog Deleted by a Nigger Army Man

    A member of the U.S. Army has been charged with killing his pregnant and newlywed wife who went missing from a barracks in Hawaii last summer, the armed forces announced this week.

    Mischa Mabeline Kaalohilani Johnson, 19, was last seen on the night of July 31, 2024, inside her home on the Schofield Barracks in Oahu, according to the Army Criminal Investigation Division. She was reported missing the next day, on Aug. 1, 2024.

    Her soldier husband, Private First Class Dewayne Arthur Johnson II, was arrested on Aug. 2, 2024 — and placed in military pretrial confinement. Later that same month, he was charged with false official statements, obstruction of justice and production and distribution of child pornography, according to the Army. Those three initial charges “stemmed from the investigation into Johnson’s disappearance,” according to a statement obtained by Army Times.

    In November 2024, the Army Office of Special Trial Council leveled new allegations against Johnson for his wife’s murder, for “intentionally” killing her unborn child, and for possession of child pornography, according to Task & Purpose and
    No picture of the nigger in L & C
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Mischa-Johnson.jpg 
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ID:	25955
    Mischa Johnson (U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division).
    The nigger also is charged with possessing and distributing kiddy porn.
    Nigger's Pic from the Independent:
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	25956
    Last edited by Groid_Rage; 02-15-2025 at 02:55 PM. Reason: add emojis
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

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  3. #2
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    Gee, that's one black nigga. Kiddy porn? What a surprise.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  5. #3
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    He'enalu is the term for "wave sliding" and what we would call "surfing" here in the U.S.

    What are niggers doing in such a place?
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    He'enalu is the term for "wave sliding" and what we would call "surfing" here in the U.S.

    What are niggers doing in such a place?
    Do nigger surf?

    The groid was in Hawaii in the army - "Schofield Barracks in Oahu". I guess niggers think it's safe to steal, rape, and murder if they're in the armed forces. They must because it seems to happen a lot.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  9. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    Do nigger surf?
    Are you kidding? They invented it!

    Where Was Surfing Actually Born? A Look at the Origins of Wave Riding

    On a subsequent visit, while filming the 2010 documentary The Lost Wave: An African Surf Story, we interviewed the father of one of these local surfers, who explained that he had passed on this wave-riding tradition to his kids, having been taught by his father, who had, in turn, been taught by his. This anecdotal evidence takes Sao Tome surf culture back to at least the 1930s. Taking into account the development of modern surf culture during that period there is no conceivable way that the sport was introduced to this remote island by 20th-century outsiders, but most probably had been imported millennia ago by the first wave of slaves from coastal Angola, brought to Sao Tome by Portuguese plantation overseers in the 15th century, and then passed down, generation after generation. Which is to say that, with the 170,000-year-old shell midden in mind, what is conceivable is that surfing developed along the coast of West Africa centuries before Polynesia, and eventually Hawaii, was even settled; long before pre-Columbian fishermen first dipped their reed boats in the waves off the coast of what is now Peru.
    Diversifying the Lineup: Changing the White Face of Surfing

    The white face of surfing
    “Surfing is glorified in mainstream culture, but it’s one identity,” says Ybarra of popular notions of the male, white, blond surfer. Ybarra says that changing perceptions for her surf students of what a surfer looks like “opens them up to a world that they didn’t know they could be a part of.”

    The lack of broad representation out in the lineup — the place in the water where surfers congregate, jostling to catch the next incoming wave — is a well-known concern in the world of surfing.

    “Surfing is a very white sport, especially in the US,” says Becky Mendoza, co-founder of the Changing Tides Foundation, in an email exchange with Matador. “It is extremely rare to see a person of color in the lineup. We really need this to change.”
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  10. #6
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    If the niggaz take up surfing en masse, I hope sharks go after them

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  12. #7
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    An African Surf Story, we interviewed the father of one of these local surfers, who explained that he had passed on this wave-riding tradition to his kids, having been taught by his father, who had, in turn, been taught by his.
    Obviously BS. As if all those niggers know they pappys.

    “It is extremely rare to see a person of color in the lineup. We really need this to change.”
    So is someone stopping niggers from surfing, the way evil YT stops them from camping? I haven't heard about this shameful segregation being practiced in these areas.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  13. #8
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    Nigger don't surf and we think he should
    Straight into the mouth of a great white shark.
    – The Clash.

    And Hawaiians invented surfing. Some cucktard needed to write a thesis for their Nigger Studies degree.

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