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  1. #1
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    L.A. Dodgers import huge, ginormous ugly nigger from Sudan to throw a ball for them

    Dodgers Land Joseph Deng, First Player Ever Signed From South Sudan

    The Dodgers signed 17-year-old righthander Joseph Deng from South Sudan, believed to be the first player ever from South Sudan to sign a contract with a major league team.
    While teams blanket the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and countries across Latin America to sign players, few teams besides the Dodgers have a scouting presence in Africa. Deng is the second player signed from Africa so far this year, following Armstrong Muhoozi, an infielder from Uganda who signed with the Pirates.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  3. #2
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    Dey gotz some black niggas!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	basebawnigs1-18 232853.jpg 
Views:	42 
Size:	97.6 KB 
ID:	25845

    Wait til that beanpole groid starts getting fed regularly. It'll balloon up to 275 in no time.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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