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Thread: Vile shark!

  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
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    Vile shark!

    I get referrals from customers. And sometimes the potential customer is a nigger. I’m never rude, because I would not want to tarnish my five star rating. I’ll just charge accordingly. That includes.nigger tax.
    So I’m doing a bathroom remodel for a magic nigger. It’s edjamacated and served in the military. I don’t mind it as much as a ghetto trash nigg because it has money .And it doesn’t stand around watching me.
    Anyway, if working for a nigger Isn’t bad enough, it’s got a vile mud shark. The nigger Must’ve been trained by it’s liberal Masters, because it’s sort of acts white. The shark, who is fat and disgusting acts like a ghetto nigger!
    Nigg told me I could park in the driveway in front of it’s sharks car. The fucking shark came out yelling at me in. Ebonics.”Why yous park in fronk of muh ride?” I tried to tell the beast that I had some heavy stuff to unload and if it could please move the car. The beast replied”I’s Already pissed! Y’all Can carried da shit from the street. So,the nigger moved the car for me itself.
    And that nasty shark was yelling at it. This was all on the first day. Yesterday was OK because the shark was at work. I just hope I can get done quickly enough to not have to see that vile shark again.The nigger is a nigger, but it pretty much leaves us alone to work.

  2. #2
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    Sounds bad enough doing a gig in a niggerhouse, but a trashy niggerfied shark as well! You have my sympathies.

    A long time ago, I worked at a place that had a mouthy, useless nigger that worked in the warehouse. His flapping twat of a mouth was always flapping. He especially got irked when we would go back there to grab something, which was way quicker than waiting for his lazy ass to go fetch it. One day we walked back and grabbed some PVC pipes for a job and the nigger gave us a dirty look, he acted like the warehouse was his private domain even though technically he works under us. He looked at us all grinch like and said "Go ahead. Move around then." (???)

    So i picked up a broom that was leaning against the wall and put it up to my mouth like it was a microphone while grabbing my nuts with the other hand. I started jumping up and down like a (c)rapper while (in a niggery voice) yellin' "Move Around y'all! Move around y'all! Move around y'all!" Everybody in the place died laughing. Except the nigger. He didn't think that that was very funny.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    Sounds bad enough doing a gig in a niggerhouse, but a trashy niggerfied shark as well! You have my sympathies.

    A long time ago, I worked at a place that had a mouthy, useless nigger that worked in the warehouse. His flapping twat of a mouth was always flapping. He especially got irked when we would go back there to grab something, which was way quicker than waiting for his lazy ass to go fetch it. One day we walked back and grabbed some PVC pipes for a job and the nigger gave us a dirty look, he acted like the warehouse was his private domain even though technically he works under us. He looked at us all grinch like and said "Go ahead. Move around then." (???)

    So i picked up a broom that was leaning against the wall and put it up to my mouth like it was a microphone while grabbing my nuts with the other hand. I started jumping up and down like a (c)rapper while (in a niggery voice) yellin' "Move Around y'all! Move around y'all! Move around y'all!" Everybody in the place died laughing. Except the nigger. He didn't think that that was very funny.
    There is a fat mouthy useless nigger that works at the flooring supply warehouse. It’s supposed to check your receipt after you pay, and then pick your order and load it on your truck. Instead, this lazy useless nigger won’t get off the forklift, it waits for you to load your own shit on your truck. I’ve called it a lazy fuck dozens of times. But it just smiles and laughingly says “you know it“. Worthless beast!
    As far as this job, it’s not that bad because they both work. She’s gone before I get there.Nig leaves after 9am. I met shark on her day off. Hopefully I won’t see her again!
    Last edited by Jim Crow; 12-04-2024 at 05:03 PM. Reason: Spelling

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