Think what you will about abortion but consider this :
Which race has the highest rate of unwanted pregnancies and spends most time visiting abortion clinics?
Which race is defiling white women to become single parents with mixed race kids?
Don't be so far to the right that you won't see how abortion makes common sense for our survival.
Think what you will about abortion but consider this :
Which race has the highest rate of unwanted pregnancies and spends most time visiting abortion clinics?
Which race is defiling white women to become single parents with mixed race kids?
Don't be so far to the right that you won't see how abortion makes common sense for our survival.
Trust me, I know what abortion has done for us and I am all for it.
We wuz Vikangz, Native Amuricahns, Buhgypshuns, Eskimos, Mermaids, Australians, Beethoven, Shakespeare and Flyin Purramiyid Pilots.
I was thinking about this very issue yesterday. Every time Sheet'hed Tonyeesha gets an abortion, a future felon/felon factory kept from polluting the planet. Niggers are not humans, so if a sow wants to nip it in the bud, it should - technically - be considered a veterinary procedure or even pest control and should be facilitated.
Abortion continues to be completely legal in all the communist blue states. They also have the greatest concentration of libtards and niggers, so I am all for it! Thinning the herd of these shit beasts is a good thing!
We do not have a gun problem in America, we have a nigger problem
Abortion continues to be completely legal in all the communist blue states. They also have the greatest concentration of libtards and niggers, so I am all for it! Thinning the herd of these shit beasts is a good thing!
Now we need to covertly finance an "undagroun rayh road" to get niggresses in red states to blue states so nip it in the bud, even if we have to finance an average 4 to 5 abortions per year per sow. Unless something is done to cull their numbers, red states are going to be overrun by niggers in 25+ years. If America is to survive, we need to keep the number of criminal knuckle draggers under control.
I was thinking about this very issue yesterday. Every time Sheet'hed Tonyeesha gets an abortion, a future felon/felon factory kept from polluting the planet. Niggers are not humans, so if a sow wants to nip it in the bud, it should - technically - be considered a veterinary procedure or even pest control and should be facilitated.
I would like to see the humane society get involved and start a campaign to spay or neuter your nigger. Maybe the bucks and sows would be a little more docile with their nuts cut off and their tubes tied? That would be an interesting social experiment for sure.
What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months.
A Threat to Democracy really means a threat to the American Communist Democrats Power.
Free abortion for niggers. Even better to spay and neuter niggers.
Sorry Jenkem I didn't read far enough down to see yours. It was my first thought as well.
What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months.
A Threat to Democracy really means a threat to the American Communist Democrats Power.
100% agreement here. Hell, develop mobile X-ray clinics to irradiate nigger ovaries and nards. Include a KFC coupon with every treatment and watch the boons line up for blocks!
I am all for abortion. I always have been. It's all niggers and mudsharks getting abortions. No other race. I don't want any more niggers. 14% is 14% too many.
Also, for those on section ape (8) housing, welfare, ebt, or what have you.... mandatory spaying or neutering. Curb the nigger population. bring back eugenics.
I've been saying this for years. Abortion keeps the nigger population contained. I would argue there should be a free, quick-abort clinic attached to every McDonald's and welfare office. Kinda like those 10-minute oil change places, but for nigger abortions. Then the country can finally begin to heal.
I've been saying this for years. Abortion keeps the nigger population contained. I would argue there should be a free, quick-abort clinic attached to every McDonald's and welfare office. Kinda like those 10-minute oil change places, but for nigger abortions. Then the country can finally begin to heal.
Give the sows free abortions and a month of extra food stamps and chiggun joint coupons, but only if they get spayed at the same time as they get the parasitic larvae scraped out.
I'm kind of surprised at how many niggers there are, considering how they batwing each other daily and murder their sprogs all time. I guess all those Hayshee and Somalia replacements are needed so the numbers won't drop.
"Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."
I've been saying this for years. Abortion keeps the nigger population contained. I would argue there should be a free, quick-abort clinic attached to every McDonald's and welfare office. Kinda like those 10-minute oil change places, but for nigger abortions. Then the country can finally begin to heal.
I am 100% pro ape-bortion. Not only will it stop sows but mudsharks / coal burners as well. No other race is having abortions at the same rate as niggers and coal burners.
Why should I have to pay taxes for future criminals and sub saharan simians who sponge off of the rest of us?