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  1. #1
    Tell it like it is
    Chimpout Guest

    Niggers and hoodies

    What is the deal with niggers and hoodies?
    My job takes me,sadly, to a lot of community colleges in the deep South.
    Every where I go I see filthy male niggers wearing hoodies in the 80 plus degree heat.
    Head down, filthy knotted hair in their face, and staring at a damn telephone.
    No doubt they are there on my tax funded Grant money, or to play nigger ball for the "massa".
    Sure as he'll ain't there to learn.
    Skulking around in the shadows like some kind of evil druid / monkey hybrid.
    Sickens me that we as a nation not only tolerate these feral beasts, but even seem to worship them. Even had one for president.....
    Is there any hope?

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
    Corrections Officer
    Moe_Gibbs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
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    The hoodies are so they can steal something at a moment's notice. It's hardwired in their DNA.

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