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  1. #1
    tren de aragua
    Chimpout Guest

    taking care of two problems at once

    The ruthless Venezuelan gang, tren de aragua, has made it's way to nigger fuxxated Chicago. The O-block gang bangers are complaining about raycizzums and turf wars. They cry because they are a bunch if poosays while the illegals get all their gibbsmedats.
    Wouldn't a full blown turf war take care of two problems at once?

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    Tren de Aragua = negroids. Chimpcongo coons = regular niggers. If they could annihilate each other, that'd be great. I know Venezuelan elites and our fellow whites are more racist than your average chimper. They may act one way to keep a public image, but once you've earned their trust, they're unashamedly racist. They are aware that Venezuela was destined to be a socialist shit-hole because of miscegenation. They know that blacks - including their zambo descendants ARE the problem -. Hugo Chavez, like those hideous "tren de Aragua" gangbanger monkeys belong in the deepest pits of Hell. I hope Trump rounds 'em up and does the right thing. If you're a nigger or are a goddamned mestizo, stay as far away from the civilized world as possible. We don't need any more low IQ rape-apes prowling around in America, thank you.

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