Quote Originally Posted by Libtardologist View Post
So far the fake news media refuses to address the migrant crime issue so this will keep happening...Calling it "far right thuggery" "racists" etc etc
Funny because usually MSM supports indigenous populations against colonization, unless of course the skin is white....

I've said it for years, that leftists and their fake news media simply hate White People.
I'm sometimes considered late Gen X, sometimes considered to have been born after Gen X, but whichever one, my age group is when schools started teaching us to hate ourselves just because of our skin color. Maybe I'm placing the timeline too late, but the revisionism started in the 1960s in colleges and universities, and then in the 1980s it reached the younger grades in public schools. YTs are greedy oppressors of everyone else, we stole all their technology and science and math and arts, and we're the ones responsible for all slavery, even if our families never owned any slaves (and Sandy Sr.'s side of the family didn't even immigrate here until just after the Civil War).

Mrs. S is part Italian, and even if she weren't, Columbus is still a hero in our house. End of story!