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  1. #1
    Nick U. Fugger
    Chimpout Guest

    DuckDuckGo is now almost as rigged as Google

    Have you noticed that the previously rather neutral search engine DuckDuckGo has become pretty much as niggerloving as Google? Every now and then I feel like I need to let some steam out so I type something like "i hate niggers" or "muslims are scum" and so on and earlier DuckDuckGo returned some nice rants and hits to sites like Chimpout but now the first results are some niggerloving Commiepedia pages about hate speech and other bullshit or even nigger websites like The Root where poor niggers can't understand why ebil YT hates them so much.

    I probably found the original Chimpout by typing something like "i hate niggers" to Google over 15 years ago. Those were the days. God I hate liberals.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    Duck supposedly gets all of their material from Google and then sorts it out fairly, for instance, when you need a rental vehicle. Google would post rental agencies on their front page who were Google's sponsors.
    I'd get surprising politically-questionable results from even Bing, while Duck and Goog seemed to hush them.
    Ecosia, Quant and Yandex are lesser known alternative search engines
    Humiliation through derision, since 1965

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  4. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick U. Fugger View Post
    Have you noticed that the previously rather neutral search engine DuckDuckGo has become pretty much as niggerloving as Google? Every now and then I feel like I need to let some steam out so I type something like "i hate niggers" or "muslims are scum" and so on and earlier DuckDuckGo returned some nice rants and hits to sites like Chimpout but now the first results are some niggerloving Commiepedia pages about hate speech and other bullshit or even nigger websites like The Root where poor niggers can't understand why ebil YT hates them so much.

    I probably found the original Chimpout by typing something like "i hate niggers" to Google over 15 years ago. Those were the days. God I hate liberals.
    That is EXACTLY how I found Chimpout!! GREAT minds THINK alike!!

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  6. #4
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    I keep getting those SpookTube messages when I log in to tell me how I've abused the hate speech policies and If I continue I'll get banned....but being a paying customer, I never seem to. Funny how the money talks and the BS walks eh ?
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  7. #5
    Chimpout Guest

    Good to know

    If that is the case, DuckDuckGo can go to hell. I'm tired of liberal thought-policing. Not only are we bombarded with niggers on ads, movies, and even video games, but now you can't say anything against niggers or Jihadis without your search engine censoring your shit. If libs want to suck off every filthy nigger/jihadi/gypsy, they're free to do so, but silencing those you disagree with is what "Fascists" do.

  8. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick U. Fugger View Post
    Have you noticed that the previously rather neutral search engine DuckDuckGo has become pretty much as niggerloving as Google? Every now and then I feel like I need to let some steam out so I type something like "i hate niggers" or "muslims are scum" and so on and earlier DuckDuckGo returned some nice rants and hits to sites like Chimpout but now the first results are some niggerloving Commiepedia pages about hate speech and other bullshit or even nigger websites like The Root where poor niggers can't understand why ebil YT hates them so much.

    I probably found the original Chimpout by typing something like "i hate niggers" to Google over 15 years ago. Those were the days. God I hate liberals.
    Same, but I didn't type niggers and knew little about the species. It was something like "Why do blacks talk the way they do?" and bingo! This place came up.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  10. #7
    Chimpout Guest

    Groid lip failures

    Sad, between the mud shark scum and the gov, they'll have the youth thinking the nigger is human. Yandex is awesome- search worthless niggers, and within first 5 hits is chimpout.

    Now all you get from a search is how the nigger is being held back, but not how africa isn't, and the niggers
    who invented sailing still use a lion skin on a stick. The vile nigger isn't a thief or rapist, it's white lies, until you watch the news.

    Removed the show cops, all worthless niggers who can't speak English were getting arrested.

    This vile gov have been putting niggers into positions that's destroying the country.


    Teachers union GORILLA SOWBOON APE filliping out like a crackhead and not one word about teaching the little criminal niggers math, but screams about teaching children they can be any sex they want.

    NIGGERS are a virus worse than covid and will have this place looking like their shthole in groid land, where everyone has bars on their windows because they live next to NIGGERS.

  11. #8
    Chimpout Guest
    I just got here from yandex. I heard about negro fatigue a long time ago but didn't really think about it until recently so I wanted to know more about it. Every search engine sucked including duckduckgo and "brave."
    Apparently academics have taken the term negro fatigue and changed the definition so it refers to niggers getting tired from white people discriminating against them, leaving them no energy to maintain a stable family.
    Hilarious but not what I was looking for. I decided to try yandex since thats the one search engine I've been explicitly told not to use. The first page was all about the real version of negro fatigue. One of the results was a thread from here about it.
    I've suspected for a while that ddg is basically just a proxy to google but even if it isn't, it might as well be. I've never seen an iota of difference between the two.

  12. #9
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I just got here from yandex. I heard about negro fatigue a long time ago but didn't really think about it until recently so I wanted to know more about it. Every search engine sucked including duckduckgo and "brave."
    Apparently academics have taken the term negro fatigue and changed the definition so it refers to niggers getting tired from white people discriminating against them, leaving them no energy to maintain a stable family.
    Hilarious but not what I was looking for. I decided to try yandex since thats the one search engine I've been explicitly told not to use. The first page was all about the real version of negro fatigue. One of the results was a thread from here about it.
    I've suspected for a while that ddg is basically just a proxy to google but even if it isn't, it might as well be. I've never seen an iota of difference between the two.
    You should feel sorry for the niggers, it's tough when "racist" which= (intelligent) white people give niggers everything over white people, that EBT card is heavy and being given a job because you're a nigger instead of qualified, stresses the 5 IQ . LOL

    I doubt that DDG is prox, they're just doing what all the other scum are doing and swallowing the nigger lies and the mud shark scum with no lives that go around and threaten business's if they don't pander to the worthless nigger.

    They do use a server that's really owned by Microsucks corp which has their criminal hands into everything, it's why I stopped using DDG.

    Use yadex and startpage. Start is pretty woke but better than nigger loving gaggle, and don't use a server affiliated with microsuck.

    Plus Startpage has a nice feature, when you look at the hits that are returned, underneath you'll see "" Visit in Anonymous View "" don't know if you proxy, but if you do and sites see it and block with cloudfare garbage, most times their server doesn't get blocked, and it spoofs
    your user agent and DNS query, which is also nice for people who change their user and DNS, this way they don't even have to.

  13. #10
    Chimpout Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I just got here from yandex. I heard about negro fatigue a long time ago but didn't really think about it until recently so I wanted to know more about it. Every search engine sucked including duckduckgo and "brave."
    Apparently academics have taken the term negro fatigue and changed the definition so it refers to niggers getting tired from white people discriminating against them, leaving them no energy to maintain a stable family.
    Hilarious but not what I was looking for. I decided to try yandex since thats the one search engine I've been explicitly told not to use. The first page was all about the real version of negro fatigue. One of the results was a thread from here about it.
    I've suspected for a while that ddg is basically just a proxy to google but even if it isn't, it might as well be. I've never seen an iota of difference between the two.
    Didn't mean to sound pushy, was in a hurry. If you get a chance you could try Startpage.

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