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  1. #1
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    Teen rapper nigger goods itself by ' accident '

    A stupid and worthless mini-shitlet has managed to good itself, apparently in error. It was making some kind of ' looks at me ' Tik-Tok menacing video and pulled the trigger by mistake. I'd say give that lil' nigger a state funeral. It's saved the nation a fortune with it's forward thinking !

    A quote from the article..

    “He was her only son!” A cousin of the rapper wrote in the post. “She was a single parent but took care of her son the best she could.”
    So no pappy around ?

    Hashtags #Nigger....#No pappy....#Rapper....#Teen....#Goodboy.....#Dindu nuffins.....#Aspiring.....#Up an coming....
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  2. #2
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    Funny how many single mothers manage to "do the best they can" and don't end up with a gun-toting shitbag for a child. But I guess it's rayciss to mention it, cuz the ones I'm talking about tend to be HUMAN.

  3. #3
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    What can I possibly do except for expressing my grief, sorrow and condolences in the medium of Haiku?

    Macrame Snakehead
    Accidental gun discharge
    Brains go flying, too

    How about a Limerick, too?

    An aspiring rapper named Rylo Huncho
    Liked waving his gun around a whole bunch-o
    he pointed the gun at his noggin
    and it gave it a floggin'
    Now his corpse is a lucky maggot's lunch-o
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    What can I possibly do except for expressing my grief, sorrow and condolences in the medium of Haiku?

    Macrame Snakehead
    Accidental gun discharge
    Brains go flying, too

    How about a Limerick, too?

    An aspiring rapper named Rylo Huncho
    Liked waving his gun around a whole bunch-o
    he pointed the gun at his noggin
    and it gave it a floggin'
    Now his corpse is a lucky maggot's lunch-o
    This whole incident is hilarious. A stupid nigger (a tautology) is of course careless, and deserves it's batwings.

    Just a comment on the haiku, Whitey. What brains? Do you mean the walnut sized proto-simian set of cells that control nigger instincts of muh-dikk and violence?
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    This whole incident is hilarious. A stupid nigger (a tautology) is of course careless, and deserves it's batwings.

    Just a comment on the haiku, Whitey. What brains? Do you mean the walnut sized proto-simian set of cells that control nigger instincts of muh-dikk and violence?
    You have me dead to rights on this one.
    The whole concept of "brains" has no place when dealing with niggers. Moving forward, I will observe the fact that the mindless animals known collectively as niggers don't actually possess the "gray matter," the neuronal cell bodies that compose a human brain. You are correct, my friend.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    You have me dead to rights on this one.
    The whole concept of "brains" has no place when dealing with niggers. Moving forward, I will observe the fact that the mindless animals known collectively as niggers don't actually possess the "gray matter," the neuronal cell bodies that compose a human brain. You are correct, my friend.
    I actually detected a flaw in what I just wrote. There's nothing inside a nigger that controls the beast. They are governed only by instincts, lusts, and reactions. There is nothing that controls or holds back muh-dikk and violence, and it is so evident in how they behave and what they do. It's ironic that our intellectual energies are spent ... in proving and describing the absence of consciousness, morality, and decency in niggers. They are truly a failed worthless species that really should be extinct today as Homo erectus is extinct.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    I actually detected a flaw in what I just wrote. There's nothing inside a nigger that controls the beast. They are governed only by instincts, lusts, and reactions. There is nothing that controls or holds back muh-dikk and violence, and it is so evident in how they behave and what they do. It's ironic that our intellectual energies are spent ... in proving and describing the absence of consciousness, morality, and decency in niggers. They are truly a failed worthless species that really should be extinct today as Homo erectus is extinct.
    They didn't have a bunch of interfering do-gooders willing to feed and care for them, unlike niggers who are coddled by Libtards from the day they're shit out of the sow until the day they're good.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    They are truly a failed worthless species that really should be extinct today as Homo erectus is extinct.
    Why do we keep animals at the zoo ? So you can charge to see them. Niggers are kept out in an open zoo because they are good for business. Niggers are a useful tool for capital advance for a select few smart folk. Wish the niggers worked for me.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  10. #9
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    Nice work, nigger! Hopefully this will become a viral NigTok trend for all the other “aspiring cRappers” out there.

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  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    They didn't have a bunch of interfering do-gooders willing to feed and care for them, unlike niggers who are coddled by Libtards from the day they're shit out of the sow until the day they're good.

    Diva you beat me to it. I was gonna say the same thing. Stop feeding the animals.

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  14. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    ...They are truly a failed worthless species that really should be extinct today as Homo erectus is extinct.
    I fully agree they are a failed and worthless species, and should be as extinct as Homo habilis and a few others, but I sincerely believe Homo erectus is still shuffling around da hood today...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zambo View Post
    I fully agree they are a failed and worthless species, and should be as extinct as Homo habilis and a few others, but I sincerely believe Homo erectus is still shuffling around da hood today...
    Anthropologists generally believe that Homo erectus and Homo habilis are extinct. The former about 300,000 years ago, an estimate. They both should be extinct. But why do we still have niggers, as you said, shuffling about?

    This proves the resilience of H. erectus. They're still around bix nooding and muh-dikking! They get fed, they get fat, but remain utterly savage and stupid. Start with not helping the niggroid race. They'll die by the millions. Don't give them antibiotics that they didn't invent. Return the disdain to them, for the violence we get from them. Realize they are ungrateful. These turds will disappear.

    Unfortunately there's a lot of miscegenation products, so the nigger erectus gene lives on.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  18. #13
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    All's well that ends well I see. I just love a good story with a happy ending don't you? Every other race of people have evolved, the only ones who haven't are niggers from the looks of it. I'm surprised they haven't gone extincted yet with the amount of stupid they have in their genes.

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  20. #14
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    The self batwinging wasn’t an accident, it was an early Christmas present to YT! L O L!

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