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  1. #1
    Chimpout Member
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    Jumpout Boys vs Armed "Teen"


    Another sad tale of an aspiring astronaut or doctor (an astro-doctor?) cut down in his prime, while out for his morning stroll.

    So anyway... officers from the Neighborhood Crime Suppression Unit were also out, enjoying a leisurely morning drive, when they spot two niggers. They determined one of the niggers, a 16 year old coon, was carrying a concealed handgun.

    As the police pull up on the niggers, the nigger with the gun hauls ass. One of the officers lights out after him.

    Shortly thereafter the officer sees the gun in the jigaboo's left hand. At this point the officer fired on the nigger twice, hitting the nigger once in the leg.

    The cries in pain are delicious!

    After being treated and released the nigger was charged with:

    Receiving and concealing a firearm.

    Carrying a concealed weapon.

    I'm sure the slap on the wrist the nigger will get will make a lasting impression.

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  3. #2
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    There must be a better way to apprehend these coons than a primitive chase ? In the year 2024, can't we develop some kind of drone nigger net, a bit like a K9 that tracks the scent of the fleeing nigger and ejects some kind of wire netting and makes it fall to the ground ? I think this may be invention of the century. We can call it the coon catcher....or like a plane landing on an aircraft carrier, the arrestor wire ?
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    There must be a better way to apprehend these coons than a primitive chase ? In the year 2024, can't we develop some kind of drone nigger net, a bit like a K9 that tracks the scent of the fleeing nigger and ejects some kind of wire netting and makes it fall to the ground ? I think this may be invention of the century. We can call it the coon catcher....or like a plane landing on an aircraft carrier, the arrestor wire ?
    Yes, drones that shoot nets owuld be the best way of wrangling wayward niggroes.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  7. #4
    Chimpout Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    There must be a better way to apprehend these coons than a primitive chase ? In the year 2024, can't we develop some kind of drone nigger net, a bit like a K9 that tracks the scent of the fleeing nigger and ejects some kind of wire netting and makes it fall to the ground ? I think this may be invention of the century. We can call it the coon catcher....or like a plane landing on an aircraft carrier, the arrestor wire ?
    I like it!

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