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  1. #1
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    Thoughts on the Upcoming Election and Washington.

    Respectfully... so many don't understand the gravity of what these last 18 months have wrought on the US. This fuck-faced vile pimp of a president and his handlers have allowed in FIVE MILLION illegals into this nation... They have done it purposefully, holding back Homeland Security from stopping them. They have fired many conservative refugee adjudicators who would have sent back many these parasitic illegals from whence they came... WHY??? I'll tell you what it's NOT... It is not some humanitarian gesture. It is NOT some attempt to provide cheap labor for farmers and other businesses requiring low skilled labor...

    THIS IS A BALD-FACED POWER GRAB... designed to give the DemonRATS veto and filibuster-proof control over both houses of Congress. Many of these Illegals are being shipped to lightly held Republican swing states like Florida, Texas and others. And there is legislation already in the pipeline to give these CRIMINALS expedited citizenship and therefore the right to vote. I choose my words carefully here: This is an outright act of war against the conservative and Republican side of the isle. It's right up there with Bunker Hill and Ft. Sumter.

    How do I - and how do they - know these criminal immigrants will vote DemonRAT?? A study has already been done and new immigrants, especially poor ones, vote well north of 3 to 1 DemonRAT... Especially the rabble coming across (what once was) our Southern Border... AND HERE'S THE STUDY...

    This is the party that believes men can get pregnant..... Patent INSANITY and, in my view, there has never been a greater threat to The Republic...

    So, boys and girls, what happens in November is essentially meaningless. The demonRATS know this and are willing to take the hit now for complete control later... So celebrate when our side wins.... The party will be short-lived.

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    It's no secret this is what Democrats want. Then, there'll be no balance and equity in voting. If they take Texas and Florida, then that's it. And it would have been achieved by nefarious and immoral means.

    5 million border niggers is a lot. They breed like rabbits. Their presence is an existential threat to the US as we know it. What else could it be but an invasion?

    Yesterday, I was listening to public radio. I was surprised they had 3 guests that were vehemently opposed to border niggers. The simple point made by one: do you lock your doors at night?

    I cannot and will not consider any border nigger an American. If they are part border nigger, 1/2, 1/4, one drop, they don't belong here. Why? It's easy, if that ancestor was not allowed in the first place, they won't be here, and any part illegal IS illegal. If something is within the law, no part of it is outside the law. We are a nation of laws, not wetbacks from Haiti, Guatemala, Mehico, Iran, Venezuela, etc etc. Imagine, they want to be American, have the sacred right to VOTE, and yet the first thing they do is break the law?

    I have a friend who just two years ago decried Trump's separation of children. A few months ago, he told he that he didn't feel anything for the casualties of an illegal laden truck which crashed in Texas or Arizona. He began to see the lawlessness. What changed him? I told him all these illegals will compete with your child for all resources in the future.

    Even our Supreme Court is under attack. Just because majority of the population thinks it was wrong that they left the abortion issue to each state's decision, doesn't mean it's not functioning as it should. They say it's broken, and here they try to substitute what they think over the rule of law. How else would it end if we're dealing with irrational, unreasonable people? To them, if it's not their viewpoint, it's wrong, it's racist, etc etc.

    Stop feeding the rats.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    It's no secret this is what Democrats want. Then, there'll be no balance and equity in voting. If they take Texas and Florida, then that's it. And it would have been achieved by nefarious and immoral means.

    5 million border niggers is a lot. They breed like rabbits. Their presence is an existential threat to the US as we know it. What else could it be but an invasion?

    Yesterday, I was listening to public radio. I was surprised they had 3 guests that were vehemently opposed to border niggers. The simple point made by one: do you lock your doors at night?

    I cannot and will not consider any border nigger an American. If they are part border nigger, 1/2, 1/4, one drop, they don't belong here. Why? It's easy, if that ancestor was not allowed in the first place, they won't be here, and any part illegal IS illegal. If something is within the law, no part of it is outside the law. We are a nation of laws, not wetbacks from Haiti, Guatemala, Mehico, Iran, Venezuela, etc etc. Imagine, they want to be American, have the sacred right to VOTE, and yet the first thing they do is break the law?

    I have a friend who just two years ago decried Trump's separation of children. A few months ago, he told he that he didn't feel anything for the casualties of an illegal laden truck which crashed in Texas or Arizona. He began to see the lawlessness. What changed him? I told him all these illegals will compete with your child for all resources in the future.

    Even our Supreme Court is under attack. Just because majority of the population thinks it was wrong that they left the abortion issue to each state's decision, doesn't mean it's not functioning as it should. They say it's broken, and here they try to substitute what they think over the rule of law. How else would it end if we're dealing with irrational, unreasonable people? To them, if it's not their viewpoint, it's wrong, it's racist, etc etc.

    Stop feeding the rats.
    Powerfully written.

    Quoting you:

    "It's no secret this is what Democrats want. Then, there'll be no balance and equity in voting. If they take Texas and Florida, then that's it. And it would have been achieved by nefarious and immoral means."

    Just put in 'Germany' for Democrats, above, and 'Soviet Union' for Texas and Florida and you have what the Nazis did ... It started a world war. I'm arguing that what these demonRAT fucks are doing is on par with Operation Barbarossa. You and I may not see it, but we are looking down both barrels of the demise of this nation - and nothing less than that. Without veto or filibuster powers, Republican lawmakers will simply be spectators to our nation's end. And IT'S EXACTLY WHAT THESE DEMONRAT FUCKS ARE DOING.

    Quoting you:

    "I cannot and will not consider any border nigger an American. "

    Hell ya..... I don't consider them human. But that will not stop them from voting and that vote is every bit as powerful as yours or mine.

    And again:

    "Even our Supreme Court is under attack. "

    What surprises me is that liberal filth have not already taken one or two conservatives out. The Secret Service stopped one guy armed to the teeth outside Cavenaugh's house. There are legislative methods to emasculate our conservative court... Raise the number to 12 and pack it with liberals... Or not.... Demonrats may find it easier to just kill a few of these patriot justices off. Nothing will surprise me.

    I say again... We are under attack. It's war - and we're doing nothing.

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  7. #4
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    I fully believe that the November elections will have no effect because the same election theft machine that cost Trump the last election is still fully in place. It has not had as much as a chink in it's armor left by any of the half hearted efforts to bring it to heel.

    Ladies and gentlemen, it's been nice, but stick a fork in us, we're done. We had a good run.

    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  9. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    I fully believe that the November elections will have no effect because the same election theft machine that cost Trump the last election is still fully in place. It has not had as much as a chink in it's armor left by any of the half hearted efforts to bring it to heel.

    Ladies and gentlemen, it's been nice, but stick a fork in us, we're done. We had a good run.

    Tweakstick, I feel for you but I think you're being too pessimistic.
    I've been following President Trump as he has positioned his fellow believers for these upcoming elections. I still have a great deal of faith in him. He's not one for taking a beating, then giving up.
    I just hope the Republicans can take both House and Senate, and turn this so-called president into a lame duck for the next two years.
    If they can't, then I shall with great regret agree with you. It is no understatement to say that the entire future of the United States - and the western way of life - hangs on these election results.
    My best hopes and wishes are with you all from here across the pond.

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  11. #6
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    The Republicans will likely take the house and possibly the senate which will lead to a stalemate in legislation for the next two years. No bills passed since anything the congress passes will be vetoed by the old cocksucker. The immediate problem is what will happen for November to January. These libtard pricks will push though as much useless and damaging spending that they can as lame ducks. We are in for a great big shit sandwich and we're all going to have to take a bite.
    We do not have a gun problem in America, we have a nigger problem

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  13. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Tweakstick, I feel for you but I think you're being too pessimistic.
    I've been following President Trump as he has positioned his fellow believers for these upcoming elections. I still have a great deal of faith in him. He's not one for taking a beating, then giving up.
    I just hope the Republicans can take both House and Senate, and turn this so-called president into a lame duck for the next two years.
    If they can't, then I shall with great regret agree with you. It is no understatement to say that the entire future of the United States - and the western way of life - hangs on these election results.
    My best hopes and wishes are with you all from here across the pond.
    I agree with you my brother from across the pond. This is the MOST important election of my lifetime!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Tweakstick, I feel for you but I think you're being too pessimistic.

    I fear you're wrong, but i pray you are right.
    I fear I'm right, but pray I'm wrong.

    True, the Donald doesn't give up and never has. It's just that I've been keeping up with the whole voting machine fiasco and they haven't been replaced anywhere with paper ballots yet. If anything they are getting more widespread.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  17. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    I fully believe that the November elections will have no effect because the same election theft machine that cost Trump the last election is still fully in place. It has not had as much as a chink in it's armor left by any of the half hearted efforts to bring it to heel.

    Ladies and gentlemen, it's been nice, but stick a fork in us, we're done. We had a good run.

    First, a great vid and painfully appropriate for what this nation is facing. We are listing heavily... I never considered the possibility of a repeat performance of 2020. I do now. Dept. of Justice, the FBI and the Federal Court system ran cover for these nation destroying vermin. Flush with success, they will try to expand their game.

    Of course it could happen again. And, if it does, it will hasten what I expected these 5 million illegals would do 10-15 years down the road.

    The only thing that will bring us back from the edge is Ft. Sumter and it's 4 year aftermath and losing such a conflict is a distinct possibility.

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  19. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    The only thing that will bring us back from the edge is Ft. Sumter and it's 4 year aftermath and losing such a conflict is a distinct possibility.
    If the civil war does begin, there's no way the niggers and their pampered little helpers would win. Wars are always won by the most intelligent.
    Once whites club together in a common cause - to rid the nation of the nigger - I'm confident they'd finish the job, and make sure they never allow the black bastards back in.

    It's not gonna be too long before the majority of white people realise that the nigger is our enemy. Every time we've tried to help them, they bite the hand that feeds them.
    I say let's stop feeding them - now!

    Perhaps the white population should refuse to pay taxes till the government kicks the niggers out. Something has to be done.

  20. #11
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    We are truly frustrated with the current administration, the ongoing free pass for BLM and blacks in general, the nonstop illegal aliens just walking in. I get a headache due to these situations that frankly I have no solution. Well I do have a solution in mind but we just can't deport all the blacks and illegals.

    The first step is realization, but until someone they love is violated by a black or illegal, people keep thinking they are just like us and are isolated incidents. Media brainwashing is 24-7-365. The war in Ukraine strains our financial situation, it adds chaos to the mix, then everything is going up in price with our same income. In short, people are feeling powerless to make positive changes.

    Because of these, as a moderator I have allowed wide latitude for comments. I understand and feel you. Though, I just need to remind everyone of the dangers of using direct words of "civil war", "retaking by force", "when". We mods would rather not limit free speech, and yet we need to, from time to time. It's like preventing spontaneous combustion, if you get my drift.

    I really hate doing this, because what other options do we have to right a country, and world, of the liberal excesses and decay that we see everyday?

    I say this with all respect and good faith to all our members and contributions.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  22. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    We are truly frustrated with the current administration, the ongoing free pass for BLM and blacks in general, the nonstop illegal aliens just walking in. I get a headache due to these situations that frankly I have no solution. Well I do have a solution in mind but we just can't deport all the blacks and illegals.

    The first step is realization, but until someone they love is violated by a black or illegal, people keep thinking they are just like us and are isolated incidents. Media brainwashing is 24-7-365. The war in Ukraine strains our financial situation, it adds chaos to the mix, then everything is going up in price with our same income. In short, people are feeling powerless to make positive changes.

    Because of these, as a moderator I have allowed wide latitude for comments. I understand and feel you. Though, I just need to remind everyone of the dangers of using direct words of "civil war", "retaking by force", "when". We mods would rather not limit free speech, and yet we need to, from time to time. It's like preventing spontaneous combustion, if you get my drift.

    I really hate doing this, because what other options do we have to right a country, and world, of the liberal excesses and decay that we see everyday?

    I say this with all respect and good faith to all our members and contributions.
    Understood, Ignatow. But how about the last option, refusing to pay taxes - and household bills too? Grinding the country to a halt may be a peaceful way of changing things.
    Soon it will be a case of "what is there to lose?".

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  24. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Understood, Ignatow. But how about the last option, refusing to pay taxes - and household bills too? Grinding the country to a halt may be a peaceful way of changing things.
    Soon it will be a case of "what is there to lose?".
    Matters of civil disobedience and refusals are fair game. I personally don't want my California taxes going to every pregnant midget fat border nigger.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  25. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    If the civil war does begin, there's no way the niggers and their pampered little helpers would win. Wars are always won by the most intelligent.
    Once whites club together in a common cause - to rid the nation of the nigger - I'm confident they'd finish the job, and make sure they never allow the black bastards back in.

    It's not gonna be too long before the majority of white people realise that the nigger is our enemy. Every time we've tried to help them, they bite the hand that feeds them.
    I say let's stop feeding them - now!

    Perhaps the white population should refuse to pay taxes till the government kicks the niggers out. Something has to be done.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	i-feel-pretty-good-about-our-chances.jpg 
Views:	2044 
Size:	60.4 KB 
ID:	21149

    I was looking for a vid from one of the late night shows where the host mentioned that Whites would be the minority by 2045... and the WHITE crowd roared approval.... The reason why I bring this up is that there are MANY Whites who would fight on the side that believes niggers are the same as humans... Remember what we're dealing with here.... This government just put in place a General Design Criteria for all new ships and major retro-fits in the Navy have disposal options for menstural products in male heads.... Just ten years ago, such behavior could be used as a definition of psychotic behavior.... But here it is.. and we're dealing with it. The Dims are simply not rational. These people believe men can get pregnant and are changing leave regs so pregnant men can get the same time off Females do... It stands to reason they believe that the nigger is not our enemy, MANY believe them to be our superior... IE the late night crowd I reference, above... To be sure, the good guys lost last time (US Civil War)... The slave states lost.

    Just look at that pic, above... Yet one more attempt to make cucks out of white men... Feminize them. Emasculate them. You see a nigger in that line up??? Fashion designers would never dress up a coon like that....

    Most Whites would realize niggers are inferior... If the truth could get to them. The only way you can now call up intelligence studies, physiological studies and others that prove the nigger inferior is to know the EXACT web address of those studies... Google has hired battalions of bearded dress wearers whose only job is to bury such truths. Google 'inferior african brain' and see what comes up! Only defense of the NIGGER.... Anyway.. I'm rambling here but, to be sure, these are dark, dark days...

  26. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	i-feel-pretty-good-about-our-chances.jpg 
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ID:	21149 Google 'inferior african brain' and see what comes up! Only defense of the NIGGER.... Anyway.. I'm rambling here but, to be sure, these are dark, dark days...
    Try using DuckDuckGo. You get a very different result.

    And on this page

    I see that common sense prevails in the end:
    "Perhaps if the doubters quit watching TV and actually read the research on the subject they just might find that the truth (no matter how uncomfortable for the closed mind) is that yes, the Negro is intellectually inferior to both Caucasians and Orientals. And this intellectual deficiency is bio-genetic in origin and to a significant degree not remedial to social/environmental enhancement."

    The above article is interesting, particularly in demonstrating the extraordinary lengths some will go to (and have gone to in the past) to try to deny what to us here is absolutely obvious about niggers.

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  28. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Try using DuckDuckGo. You get a very different result.

    And on this page

    I see that common sense prevails in the end:
    "Perhaps if the doubters quit watching TV and actually read the research on the subject they just might find that the truth (no matter how uncomfortable for the closed mind) is that yes, the Negro is intellectually inferior to both Caucasians and Orientals. And this intellectual deficiency is bio-genetic in origin and to a significant degree not remedial to social/environmental enhancement."

    The above article is interesting, particularly in demonstrating the extraordinary lengths some will go to (and have gone to in the past) to try to deny what to us here is absolutely obvious about niggers.
    Great article... And yes, it's clear Google buries such things... And that is true evil....

    A great quote from the article you posted:

    the anatomical basis for the complete failure of of the negro schools to impart the higher studies - the brain cannot comprehend them any more than a horse can understand the rule of three...[and] leaders in all political parties now acknowledge the error of human equality...It may be practicable to rectify the error and remove a menace to our prosperity - a large electorate without brains."

    If only our leaders did acknowledge such truths...

  29. #17
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    We also need to ponder what feminism has done to America.
    Niggers: "The next to lowest form of life on the planet."

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  31. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    ...these Illegals are being shipped to lightly held Republican swing states like Florida, Texas and others. And there is legislation already in the pipeline to give these CRIMINALS expedited citizenship and therefore the right to vote...
    It gets even more underhanded than most people can imagine possible:

    How the Biden admin intends to manipulate ballots in the upcoming election - LifeSite (

    ...The migrants will not use the ballots. The DNC harvesters will collect them, fill them out (Team Obama), then the precinct workers will scan them and count them (Team Clyburn). Illegals don’t need to vote. They only need to exist to
    create a ballot...
    ...The migrants will not use the ballots. The DNC harvesters will collect them, fill them out (Team Obama), then the precinct workers will scan them and count them (Team Clyburn). Illegals don’t need to vote. They only need to exist to create a ballot...

    Humiliation through derision, since 1965

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  33. #19
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    Camela's appearance on a drag queen show, sponsored with your tax money. "Vice" President seems to be an appropriate title for it:

    Kamala Harris kicks off her presidential campaign on Ru Paul’s Drag Show - LifeSite (

    ...In the short preview of Friday night’s season nine finale, which was taped a few weeks ago, the vice president is joined by the garish, cartoonish, outlandish show regulars...
    ...In the short preview of Friday night’s season nine finale, which was taped a few weeks ago, the vice president is joined by the garish, cartoonish, outlandish show regulars...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Voteguvmammy.jpg 
Views:	1331 
Size:	172.1 KB 
ID:	25181
    Humiliation through derision, since 1965

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