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  1. #1
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    Tranny-loving nigger libtard lawyer

    While in the military, I worked - fortunately at distance - with a negress Captain. Never really interacted with her a great deal, knew much about her but she seemed personable as much as a nigger can be. Obviously, the military tamed her natural jungle instincts. That changed once she left and became a lawyer.

    She sent a hectoring message to me on Facebook about a Trump meme I posted. So I looked at her Facebook at it was nothing but Burn, Loot, Murder, but more surprisingly, trannies. Most niggers hate trannies and most tranny deaths are from niggers who want muh-pussy but get muh-dick instead.

    Although she was seeing the dregs of humanity working in the DA's office, a Trump meme set her off in a way that only a nigger libtard would react. She moved to private law firm, and she is the token negress lawyer. She could have gone to an all nigger legal firm, but she probably wanted to be the wise negress for the virtue signaling libtard legal firm. It shows that niggers will sacrifice their BLM talking points and belief in diversity for money, that many niggers don't being like around other niggers, and that whitey has to provide them with a living.

    She'll probably cause so many problems from BLM activity, tranny advocacy etc. that the firm fires her, gets sued etc., all from hiring a nigger. Never worth it.

  2. #2
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    Nig will always revert to Jungle Genetics

  3. #3
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    When i first saw this, I thought you were talking about the new monkey on the SCOTUS... She's worse, however

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da'Spooktravious View Post
    While in the military, I worked - fortunately at distance - with a negress Captain. Never really interacted with her a great deal, knew much about her but she seemed personable as much as a nigger can be. Obviously, the military tamed her natural jungle instincts. That changed once she left and became a lawyer.

    She sent a hectoring message to me on Facebook about a Trump meme I posted. So I looked at her Facebook at it was nothing but Burn, Loot, Murder, but more surprisingly, trannies. Most niggers hate trannies and most tranny deaths are from niggers who want muh-pussy but get muh-dick instead.

    Although she was seeing the dregs of humanity working in the DA's office, a Trump meme set her off in a way that only a nigger libtard would react. She moved to private law firm, and she is the token negress lawyer. She could have gone to an all nigger legal firm, but she probably wanted to be the wise negress for the virtue signaling libtard legal firm. It shows that niggers will sacrifice their BLM talking points and belief in diversity for money, that many niggers don't being like around other niggers, and that whitey has to provide them with a living.

    She'll probably cause so many problems from BLM activity, tranny advocacy etc. that the firm fires her, gets sued etc., all from hiring a nigger. Never worth it.
    They may have temporarily TRAINED her, but never can a nigger be truly tamed.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da'Spooktravious View Post
    While in the military, I worked - fortunately at distance - with a negress Captain. Never really interacted with her a great deal, knew much about her but she seemed personable as much as a nigger can be. Obviously, the military tamed her natural jungle instincts. That changed once she left and became a lawyer.

    She sent a hectoring message to me on Facebook about a Trump meme I posted. So I looked at her Facebook at it was nothing but Burn, Loot, Murder, but more surprisingly, trannies. Most niggers hate trannies and most tranny deaths are from niggers who want muh-pussy but get muh-dick instead.

    Although she was seeing the dregs of humanity working in the DA's office, a Trump meme set her off in a way that only a nigger libtard would react. She moved to private law firm, and she is the token negress lawyer. She could have gone to an all nigger legal firm, but she probably wanted to be the wise negress for the virtue signaling libtard legal firm. It shows that niggers will sacrifice their BLM talking points and belief in diversity for money, that many niggers don't being like around other niggers, and that whitey has to provide them with a living.

    She'll probably cause so many problems from BLM activity, tranny advocacy etc. that the firm fires her, gets sued etc., all from hiring a nigger. Never worth it.

    Niggers will always nigg sooner or later, that's their genetics! Simply because they are NOT human! Apart from that, if she chimps on you because of a Trump meme and is into the Burn Loot Murder activism thing, you can simply call her a hypocrite for not choosing to work in an all nigger law firm.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    Niggers will always nigg sooner or later, that's their genetics! Simply because they are NOT human! Apart from that, if she chimps on you because of a Trump meme and is into the Burn Loot Murder activism thing, you can simply call her a hypocrite for not choosing to work in an all nigger law firm.
    I dealt with the negress for about three years or so. She never chimped out in that time, which must be a world record. But sooner or later, the natural instinct emerges. And that is what first really opened my eyes to these tamed apes. Then George Floyd and the ensuing chimpout put me on a path of no return. And yes, if she had any integrity, she'd work for an all nigger law firm. But even she knows that an all nigger law firm would a disaster as no-one would want to use them for legal services and she would be unable to pay her rims on her hooptie or afford to eat out at KFC or Popeyes on a daily basis.

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  8. #7
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    The nigger Floyd category N chimpouts opened my eyes too. Before that, I thought that 1% of niggers were magical. Now I know it's 0%.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    Niggers will always nigg sooner or later, that's their genetics! Simply because they are NOT human! Apart from that, if she chimps on you because of a Trump meme and is into the Burn Loot Murder activism thing, you can simply call her a hypocrite for not choosing to work in an all nigger law firm.
    BEST response yet!! Why didn't she apply with shyster crump?!

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  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da'Spooktravious View Post
    I dealt with the negress for about three years or so. She never chimped out in that time, which must be a world record. But sooner or later, the natural instinct emerges. And that is what first really opened my eyes to these tamed apes. Then George Floyd and the ensuing chimpout put me on a path of no return. And yes, if she had any integrity, she'd work for an all nigger law firm. But even she knows that an all nigger law firm would a disaster as no-one would want to use them for legal services and she would be unable to pay her rims on her hooptie or afford to eat out at KFC or Popeyes on a daily basis.
    I personally think that is the only good thing of the whole Burn Loot Murder Fentanyl Floid affair: Many humans realized the real nature of the beast!
    And I think you are right, she knows! Actually I think most of them, especially the "magic" ones (assuming they are the smarter ones) know exactly, that's the reason why they decide to live/work/invade into white areas. The smarter ones perhaps even realize that their easy living will come to an end sooner or later. But niggers being niggers, instead of taming their more niggery peers, they decide to profit as well as long as it is still possible.

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  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    I personally think that is the only good thing of the whole Burn Loot Murder Fentanyl Floid affair: Many humans realized the real nature of the beast!
    And I think you are right, she knows! Actually I think most of them, especially the "magic" ones (assuming they are the smarter ones) know exactly, that's the reason why they decide to live/work/invade into white areas. The smarter ones perhaps even realize that their easy living will come to an end sooner or later. But niggers being niggers, instead of taming their more niggery peers, they decide to profit as well as long as it is still possible.
    This is one of the biggest reasons I stopped believing in magic niggers. No matter how educated, well-dressed, highly paid, and even whitewashed a nigger was, it always would make excuses for the most savage, thuggish, ghetto, and violent members of its race, just because they shared the same color skin. No matter that the ghetto nigger would stab or cap the edumuhcated nigger over three dollars or a chiggun wang, blind tribal loyalty was always more important to them. So I decided that tribal loyalty was going to be more important to me too.

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  15. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    This is one of the biggest reasons I stopped believing in magic niggers. No matter how educated, well-dressed, highly paid, and even whitewashed a nigger was, it always would make excuses for the most savage, thuggish, ghetto, and violent members of its race, just because they shared the same color skin. No matter that the ghetto nigger would stab or cap the edumuhcated nigger over three dollars or a chiggun wang, blind tribal loyalty was always more important to them. So I decided that tribal loyalty was going to be more important to me too.
    It's called 'in group preference'. When niggers want to live around niggers, then that's freedom. When whites want to live around whites, i.e. away from niggers, then that's 'racism'. I call it self-preservation.
    'Well, I don't look at negros as human beings. I mean, just because we brought them over here and learn them how to talk don't make them human'. Daniel Carver

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    This is one of the biggest reasons I stopped believing in magic niggers. No matter how educated, well-dressed, highly paid, and even whitewashed a nigger was, it always would make excuses for the most savage, thuggish, ghetto, and violent members of its race, just because they shared the same color skin. No matter that the ghetto nigger would stab or cap the edumuhcated nigger over three dollars or a chiggun wang, blind tribal loyalty was always more important to them. So I decided that tribal loyalty was going to be more important to me too.
    Exactly! That's what made me realize that there is no such thing as a "magic nigger" as well. Even though I never fully believed that anyway, because I more or less went from "they are just like us" to "they are non human, vile dangerous beasts", due to sudden massive exposition to the beast. But pre Floyd I still had this little feeling that I could be wrong - not any more!
    Mudslime goat-fuckers & hard core liberals, feminists, genderists tend to act the same by the way, they excuse everything a member of their group does, regardless how bad. Only difference is that they choose to do so, with niggers it's perhaps just instinct.

  18. #13
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    A nigger will never be anything but a nigger.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    They may have temporarily TRAINED her, but never can a nigger be truly tamed.
    Nigger can only be tame after acquiring bat wings!

  21. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    This is one of the biggest reasons I stopped believing in magic niggers. No matter how educated, well-dressed, highly paid, and even whitewashed a nigger was, it always would make excuses for the most savage, thuggish, ghetto, and violent members of its race, just because they shared the same color skin. No matter that the ghetto nigger would stab or cap the edumuhcated nigger over three dollars or a chiggun wang, blind tribal loyalty was always more important to them. So I decided that tribal loyalty was going to be more important to me too.
    GREAT minds think alike!!

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