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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticgirl View Post
    It was about 10 years ago what black women would call white women. If a nigger took up with a mudshark the black girls would call the mudshark a "Becky". Granted, I think mudsharks are idiots.
    I don't hate the term "Karen," I just hate the way it's been twisted so far from its original meaning. It was originally and properly meant to make fun of fat, ugly, dumb women, typically leaning left/feminist in political persuasion, who always complained about the smallest things - and it was never meant to solely target white women. As an ER nurse, I've had to deal with many patients who were real Karens. Now the libtards think they can just steal the term, since they're too stupid and uncreative to come up with any interesting terms on their own, and scream "Karen" at any white woman who doesn't want to be sexually assaulted by a nigger.

    The best way we can fight back is to use "Karen" against libtard women and especially against nigger sows.

  2. #22
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    Maybe we need a new and unique name to brand mudsharks. Maybe like that recent one "Khia or Kia" whatever that loser's name was. That way the name can be used in polite company and still describe what the woman is and how she will end up. E.G. "Shut your fat face KHIA, and take your pet monkey with you!!!"

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  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeQuint Dickey Mining Co. View Post
    I would say prison is like home away from home for a nigger. But it's not. Prison to them is actually a step up in living conditions for most niggers. For the reasons you listed Ms Diva. That's why they don't give two shits about getting incarcerated.
    A. Wyatt Mann said it best:

    Coon, coon, black baboon
    Worthless lying thieving goon
    Often high, thrives in jail
    The welfare check is in the mail
    Some 40 niglets have been had
    But not one ever calls him dad
    And yet he hollers day and night
    "I blames all YT foh muh plight!"

    Instead of the police properly not taking the nigger alive, the nigger will get to plead dindu nuffins, and maybe even blame the girl for leading it on. It'll get 25 to years to life and be out in 15, unless some nigger or coddler DA gives it a plea to simple manslaughter. Then it'll get 5 to 10 years, out in 3.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nig Zero View Post
    Maybe we need a new and unique name to brand mudsharks. Maybe like that recent one "Khia or Kia" whatever that loser's name was. That way the name can be used in polite company and still describe what the woman is and how she will end up. E.G. "Shut your fat face KHIA, and take your pet monkey with you!!!"
    Perhaps, most-honorable nigger-detesting Nig Zero an ape-propiate name would be Nichole, in dishonor of the goodified race-traitor Nichole-burner Brown Chimpson, O. J.'s mud shark.

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by chimp detester View Post ape-propiate name would be nichole, in dishonor of the goodified race-traitor nichole-burner brown chimpson, o. J.'s mud shark.

  7. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    Niggers kill other niggers with full violence. If you've seen video clips at other sites how they cut up, slice, burn other niggers, it'd be very clear to you they really are animals. Even animals don't behave like niggers. Not an ounce of morality or compassion. These are so foreign to them; they only think of their own monkey self. To even think they are human equals, or be allowed in civilized places, is really a crime on everyone.

    This has happened even before the slave days. You can bet they cooked and ate captured white explorers. It's not just about color, it's about their very non-human DNA. And of course, nothing from national news.

    One day, a nigger will hurt someone whose family members will not care, and it will spark a fire no nigger can stop. Most of us really want peace, but niggers never stop the violence. And one day they will go too far.
    That day is getting CLOSER!!

  8. #27
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    I think it will take a tragedy to wake up White women. A White woman (or child) that is raped and murdered on a viral social video may be the only event to reach their minds. Only when White women demand that their men get off their sofa and do something (like peaceful participation in the local community and government), will anything get done.

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  10. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nig Zero View Post
    Maybe we need a new and unique name to brand mudsharks. Maybe like that recent one "Khia or Kia" whatever that loser's name was. That way the name can be used in polite company and still describe what the woman is and how she will end up. E.G. "Shut your fat face KHIA, and take your pet monkey with you!!!"

    We need a name that comes directly from the "Trailer Trash Baby Naming Book." These are often names that are common, but mohters of future coal-burners prefer bizarre spelling or they just don't know any better:
















    Treasure, etc etc.

    Take your pick.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  11. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nig Zero View Post
    Maybe we need a new and unique name to brand mudsharks. Maybe like that recent one "Khia or Kia" whatever that loser's name was. That way the name can be used in polite company and still describe what the woman is and how she will end up. E.G. "Shut your fat face KHIA, and take your pet monkey with you!!!"
    How about- LeGenious!

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