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  1. #21
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Here's my question. Since when do strret level LEO's get to decide whether or not they're going to cooperate with their own departments internal investigators? Cage this nigger for obstruction, along with his partner. I get that they have union reps, but the description of these events so far can only lead one to believe that this was a flat-out street execution.
    I agree 100%. I respect the hell out of (most) cops, but why the hell do they have more rights than me? If this had been you or me, they'd slap us with a 2nd degree murder charge, lickity-split-no-shit. Unless it could CLEARLY be defined as self defense, your ass is going to jail. A criminal is a criminal and that's exactly what he is. Fuck this, "Aww shucks, he won't talk to us, oh well!" What a bunch of bullshit!

  2. #22
    Chimpout Guest
    I smell a "get out of jail free" card in the making. Something tells me that this nigger will be acquitted. Now the story is that Justine slapped the back of the cruiser before running up to the window.

  3. #23
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    This shit is just being swept under the rug. 10 days and everyone has forgot about it. Not that CNN ever was reporting on it to begin with. They are just biding their time waiting on the next nigger or muslim to get shot by cops, then they will have something to talk about. Imagine that the rolls be reversed. Some muslim hag with a hijab covering her donkey face getting shot by a white cop. We would have had more wall to wall coverage and special reports than in the first 10 days following the 911 attacks.

  4. #24
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Just wanted to bump this thread so that everyone doesn't forget it. The media certainly is doing a great job at making certain nobody remembers it. When was the last time anyone heard anything mentioned about this on the news? I do a search just about every day hoping to find some new info but nothing is ever posted anywhere. This guy will walk.

  5. #25
    LT. Colonel
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    The only time updates I've seen are about the Niggeapolis police searching her home for drugs. They still can't find any dirt on her! That photo of her with a big smile hits me every time. She has an amazing resemblance to a co-worker, whose husband and sweetest kids imaginable I've gotten to know. It would piss any of us off when someone we know is killed unjustly by a cop, but this is a million times worse with the niggerloving mayor bending over backwards to protect the pet nigger. How many years before whites abandon the Twin Cities like Detroit?

    I've always hated it when human cops were acquitted by a jury of their peers, only for Clinton and then Obama to order civil rights charges. But this is a time I want the feds to do something if the locals won't.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  6. #26
    Chimpout Guest

    Any new info?

  7. #27
    Senior Trustee
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    Wait tilljit comes out who her husband/fiance is. Its been fairly quiet otherwise.

  8. #28
    Chimpout Guest
    From earlier this month, search warrants issued for his phone and social media accounts. Other articles suggest, SURPRISE, that he very well may get off with no charges. He'd lose his job, at the most.

    MINNEAPOLIS (KMSP)*- Cell phone and social media records for Officer Mohamed Noor and his partner,*Matthew Harrity, are being parsed as a part of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension's investigation into the*fatal shooting*of Justine Damond in south Minneapolis, according to a new search warrant released Thursday.

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