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  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
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    Angry Filthy Gangbanging Mudslime Rapefugee GETS NO PRISON TIME FOR Violent Rape of a Swedish Teen

    Sweden: Muslim migrant participates in brutal gang rape, won’t be deported, avoids prison, gets community service
    DOMESTIC. 22-year-old Mehdi participated in perhaps the most brutal gang rape in Sweden in modern times. Among other things, the girl was raped with a gun, so that her abdomen burst, and she was finally dumped – after a whole night – apathetically in a pool of her own blood. Mehdi is now sentenced to 200 hours of community service.

    It was on 19 June 2014 that an immigrant gang brought a Swedish teenage girl to a colony cottage on Järvafältet, a green area surrounded by Husby, Rinkeby and Tensta.

    There they held the girl down and began to rape her vaginally and orally. Exactly how many raped her is unclear, but according to the girl, it was maybe five to eight people.

    When the girl screamed, one of the men, encouraged by the others, pushed a pistol or a pistol-like object into her mouth.

    “If you are not silent, I will kill you,” he said.

    After they had finished the repeated rapes, one of the immigrants pushed the gun into the girl’s abdomen, so that she suffered heavy bleeding.

    I'd like to get a tailor made pig carcass suit and sew that mega turd Muslime POS into it!
    Last edited by Sandy; 03-16-2021 at 08:40 AM. Reason: Cut down on quoted text
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

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  3. #2
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    Sweden was already lost. Now imagine what would have happened if a bunch of native Swedish men did that to a jizzlam female.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Groid_Rage View Post
    Sweden: Muslim migrant participates in brutal gang rape, won’t be deported, avoids prison, gets community service

    I'd like to get a tailor made pig carcass suit and sew that mega turd Muslime POS into it!
    FUCKING @$$lifter$!!

  5. #4
    Chimpout Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    Sweden was already lost. Now imagine what would have happened if a bunch of native Swedish men did that to a jizzlam female.
    Muslim women are ugly, smelly, most have rags on their heads and have mutilated genitals.

  6. #5
    Chimpout Member
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    This is outrageously egregious.

    I've heard of white women in Europe (Netherlands, Sweden) committing suicide after getting raped by muslims. Muslims are so wild and merciless they don't even spare underage girls (grooming gangs).

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