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  1. #1
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    My Sistah's House: nigger trannies fight for housing and rights for nigger trannies & 'sex workers'

    These Black transgender women are fighting housing insecurity for LGBTQ people in the South

    Kayla Gore wants transgender people of color in the South to have a fighting chance.

    In 2016, she and her friend Ellyahnna C. Wattshall were working at a local community center in Memphis, Tennessee, when they noticed emergency shelters were discriminating against trans people like them.
    "It was just me and Ellyahnna at the (LGBTQ) community center one day," Gore told CNN. "I was working there ... and I was having a lot of frustration with the organizations that provided emergency shelter in Memphis."
    Gore said she was hearing reports from local trans people that shelters were asking invasive questions about their genitalia.
    "(There was) no concern for the actual people who were in an emergency situation who needed housing," Gore said.
    That year, she and Wattshall created a new option: My Sistah's House, a grassroots organization that provides emergency housing and resources to LGBTQ people, and especially trans people of color.
    "The desire was for My Sistah's House to be a place of refuge," Gore said.
    My Sistah's House, along with providing housing, hosts clinics to educate trans people on the legal process of name changes, provides survival kits to local sex workers and offers resume coaching.
    The services are "delivered by and for gender non-conforming people of color," their GoFundMe says.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  3. #2
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    emergency shelters were discriminating against trans people like them.
    Meaning they weren't allowing bucks into the women's shelters as a happy hunting ground for muh dikk.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    Meaning they weren't allowing bucks into the women's shelters as a happy hunting ground for muh dikk.

    Exactly. Real women don't take kindly to randy bucks in dresses and false eyelashes bunking in with them? Transphobic!

    Reminds me of the woman who lost her job for protesting men who "identify as women" being put into women's prisons, where of course, they proceeded to rape the actual women there.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  7. #4
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    I'm proud to be brought up in a home that was Christian, loving and enjoyed being the sex the good lord engineered with the equipment I carry. I have nothing against those that want to swing to the other side of the tree just don't shove it down my throat that I have to accept it as being normal. Do I feel they should get special treatment because they buck what they were born with, fuck no! Go whack your crank off with your butcher knife and hope like hell some one gets you to a hospital before you bleed to death. Should my tax dollars pay for your gender re-assignment; fuck no that's on you fruit loop. And should every article I write be inclusive of society's deviants; again fuck no!

    Now that pedo Joe stole the election they want to mandate that the opposite side get their due in every article published. I thought the constitution had an amendment on the freedom of speech? What is the cost of man hours, paper and ink to accomplish this mandate. If they could put common sense in a pill it would be a very dangerous world for those that think they haven't been given their due. Seeing how the supreme court has been legislating from the bench and not interpreting the argument as valid from the constitutional stand point we as Americans are in serious trouble. Keep your powder dry folks.

  8. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by zagnut View Post
    I'm proud to be brought up in a home that was Christian, loving and enjoyed being the sex the good lord engineered with the equipment I carry. I have nothing against those that want to swing to the other side of the tree just don't shove it down my throat that I have to accept it as being normal. Do I feel they should get special treatment because they buck what they were born with, fuck no! Go whack your crank off with your butcher knife and hope like hell some one gets you to a hospital before you bleed to death. Should my tax dollars pay for your gender re-assignment; fuck no that's on you fruit loop. And should every article I write be inclusive of society's deviants; again fuck no!

    Therein is the problem. Equality isn't enough for them. They want to be seen as special, worthy of adoration, more privileges and given power because they are a tiny minority of the seriously mentally ill. The worst part is that they being given this as their due, having done nothing to earn it, except being nutjobs.

    Now that pedo Joe stole the election they want to mandate that the opposite side get their due in every article published. I thought the constitution had an amendment on the freedom of speech? What is the cost of man hours, paper and ink to accomplish this mandate. If they could put common sense in a pill it would be a very dangerous world for those that think they haven't been given their due. Seeing how the supreme court has been legislating from the bench and not interpreting the argument as valid from the constitutional stand point we as Americans are in serious trouble. Keep your powder dry folks.
    Therein lies the problem. Equality isn't enough for them. They want to be seen as special, worthy of adoration, more privileges and given power because they are a tiny minority of the seriously mentally ill. The worst part is that they being given this as their due, having done nothing to earn it except being overly-vocal nutjobs.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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    I read where some nutjob from the ACLU, who should be sticking up for the original Bill of Rights, is advocating that "sex work" should become legal, so - get this twisted logic - that "Trans people of color can pay taxes and get health care" ! Let me get this straight - nigger bucks, are going to be allowed to parade around dressed as women, sell their nasty mouths and assholes, spread diseases, fight over street corners, and then are going to voluntarily pay taxes, and buy health insurance ? Is there LSD in the water supply ? Has the whole world lost their fucking minds ? God help us all.

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  12. #7
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    shelters were asking invasive questions about their genitalia.
    Muh dikk aint muh dikk no mo!

    It's muhh puzzee AN NOEZ YOU CAINT INSPEX IT!

    NOW LETZ MEEZ IN dayuhhz you bitchezz!!!
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  14. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    I read where some nutjob from the ACLU, who should be sticking up for the original Bill of Rights, is advocating that "sex work" should become legal, so - get this twisted logic - that "Trans people of color can pay taxes and get health care" ! Let me get this straight - nigger bucks, are going to be allowed to parade around dressed as women, sell their nasty mouths and assholes, spread diseases, fight over street corners, and then are going to voluntarily pay taxes, and buy health insurance ? Is there LSD in the water supply ?
    Yes, I can see them diligently reporting their full income (are they going to give receipts to the sickos who hire them?), regularly and voluntarily being tested for a variety of disgusting diseases, and paying for health insurance. Non-prostitute niggers doing legit work never pay taxes. They get paid under the table and freely admit it on my court shows. "It's da 'Merican way!" one of them ooked proudly with a big grin. Why should they pay taxes? Evil YT should just pay more.

    Has the whole world lost their fucking minds ? God help us all.
    Welcome to Clown World, where the prophecy of "Idiocracy" has come to fruition.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    Non-prostitute niggers doing legit work never pay taxes. They get paid under the table and freely admit it on my court shows.
    There was some heartbreaking story a few years ago, about the plight of the negro fambly. The mammy, and two of the fat teen daughters, had incomes that totaled above the limit for their gibs, when combined. They were going to have to pay for part of their rent, god forbid, oh lawdy lawdy. The older chile said "Why should we be punished when we get jobs" ? To them, paying anything to support themselves is outrageous. Dey need dat munny for jury, weave and fingernail appointments. I'm sure they fixed that situation by shitting out their own welfare burdens, and moving into separate nests, paid for by the white debbil.

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  18. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    There was some heartbreaking story a few years ago, about the plight of the negro fambly. The mammy, and two of the fat teen daughters, had incomes that totaled above the limit for their gibs, when combined. They were going to have to pay for part of their rent, god forbid, oh lawdy lawdy. The older chile said "Why should we be punished when we get jobs" ? To them, paying anything to support themselves is outrageous. Dey need dat munny for jury, weave and fingernail appointments. I'm sure they fixed that situation by shitting out their own welfare burdens, and moving into separate nests, paid for by the white debbil.

    I'm so stupid. All the years I was single and working and not making much money, I idiotically paid all my own bills and rent ate Kraft dinner and hamburger, and once had to go to work with shoes that had holes in the soles. Not much left over for jury, weaves or fake nails, but I guess that was all part of my WHITE PRIVILEGE!
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post

    I'm so stupid. All the years I was single and working and not making much money, I idiotically paid all my own bills and rent ate Kraft dinner and hamburger, and once had to go to work with shoes that had holes in the soles. Not much left over for jury, weaves or fake nails, but I guess that was all part of my WHITE PRIVILEGE!
    Adversity builds character, and us white folks come from a long line of characters. Self-reliance is all we know.

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