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  1. #121
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    This is the end of it. This is his concession speech as written for him by the enemy. They have won, America has lost. They now own his ass!

    In the end he had nothing, a fist full of fuck all. Not one wild card to play, not even a pot to piss in. His final play was to rally his base in DC, then send them to the Capital to pressure Pence into sending the crooked vote tallies back to states. The commies obviously figured this out, compromised Pence and staged the invasion with Antifa/professional operatives, which actions could then obviously be blamed on Trump supporters. They could then accuse Trump of inciting an insurrection. Next, they silenced him on Twitter, Facebook and other commie platforms and then read him the riot act!

    I'd guess it went something like this...

    We've finally got you, you smart fucking bastard.
    We're going to try you and hang you for inciting that fucking fiasco at the Capital.
    Now, your only option is to concede, on our terms.
    Firstly, you will stop with all the election rigging accusations.
    Secondly, this is your fucking concession speech you're about to read out.
    Thirdly, you will sit through Biden's inauguration and kiss his ass.
    Fourthly, you will go away, keep your fucking mouth shut and forget about any ideas of ever running again.

    That's my take, and believe me, there's no one more disappointed than me!

    EDIT: I just picked up on your hint TS. Yep, they've got him!
    Melbourne does not have a gang problem. Melbourne has a nigger problem!

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie Chimper View Post
    EDIT: I just picked up on your hint TS. Yep, they've got him!
    I wondered if anyone was going to catch that.

    To what end? Well, I haven't figured that out yet but I have my theories: They are worried. They can't have him whipping out his pen and declassifying docs. This is the reason they are going for impeachment round two as well as the 25th (a dangerous precedent to set indeed). If I'm right, given that video and the implications of which seem to me to be buried in plain sight within it, I'm just hoping he's going to come out of this thing alive.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  4. #123
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    Nancy Pelosi, Fear incarnate: Fear of aging, Fear of losing power, FEAR of Donald Trump

    Pelosi said she hoped Pence would act to remove Trump, using the 25th Amendment, “today.”

    “It’s a simple matter in terms of the Constitution, the vice president working with the cabinet, can immediately improve the security of our country,” she said.

    Pelosi acknowledged that little time remains before Biden takes office but said removal is warranted via the amendment when a president is determined unfit to serve, for whatever reason, and Trump “clearly has indicated that, over and over again.”

    “While there’s only 13 days left, any day can be a horror show for America,” she added.
    I can smell the Fear through my monitor.

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  6. #124
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    ^^Yeah, Trump also has ALL the dirt - on all of DC. He knows where the bodies are buried. He knows who the corrupt ones are, who the compromised ones are and most importantly, who the pedophiles are.

    They have to silence him.

    He is willing to die for this country.

    He just might.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  8. #125
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    ^^The ONLY president I've ever respected. The ONLY president I've ever wanted to meet.

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  10. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by NigShitPigShit View Post
    ^^The ONLY president I've ever respected. The ONLY president I've ever wanted to meet.
    I agree whoe heartedly! The only president with a set of balls! I never got to meet Donald Trump. But I did see him at the Melbourne international Airport in Melbourne Florida four years ago. My wife,both daughters and I love the guy

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  12. #127
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    Dish the dirt, Mr. President, then come over to Britain to live.

    I can dream, can't I? At least don't take that away from me.

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  14. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    I agree whoe heartedly! The only president with a set of balls! I never got to meet Donald Trump. But I did see him at the Melbourne international Airport in Melbourne Florida four years ago. My wife,both daughters and I love the guy
    As do I!! The BEST President of my LIFETIME!!

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  16. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by NigShitPigShit View Post
    I can smell the Fear through my monitor.
    They have to suppress Trump, because he is currently one of the few people that have the power AND the ability to completely wreck the status quo.

    Censoring him on the MSM and social media might be annoying, but then you have to ask yourself a question: How did people organize and fight wars before the radio, the telephone, and the internet?

    That was something that happened, right?

    (Someone could probably reverse engineer and create a new version of The Onion Router if they really felt like it. It's hardware intensive when large numbers of people are using it, but it if it restricted to important information only, it should make things more reasonable on a smaller scale, especially if most data is text-only and triple encrypted.)

    The democrats are stupid because they are trying to turn Trump into a martyr, and they are playing right into his hands.
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

  17. #130
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    A BLM activist admits that he was in the crowd that broke into the Capitol:

    Sullivan, who is the founder of Insurgence USA, a social justice group that calls itself anti-fascist and protests police brutality, was detained by Washington police for about an hour and a half Thursday night, a day after he talked to local and national media about what he witnessed Wednesday.

    Sullivan said he also intended to "support the Black community" with his attendance, but also feels it's "important to understand" those who were protesting in support of President Donald Trump. He said he was on the "front lines" of the protest as it turned from a peaceful march into a violent storming of the Capitol.

    That was not an impromptu act, Sullivan said.

    "As far as them storming the Capitol, I knew that was going to happen," he said. "I'm on chats that are underground that are sending out flyers that are just like, 'Storm all Capitols on the 6th.' It wasn't anything that was secret. It was something that was out there ... and they did it."

    Sullivan said he also made his way inside the Capitol during the riot and witnessed the shooting death of protester Ashli Babbitt, and the Twitter account for Insurgence USA retweeted video from someone with Sullivan that shows the shooting and the aftermath.

    "I have video of it," he said, describing in detail seeing the flash of the gun, the bullet strike Babbitt, and Babbitt's reaction as she died there on the floor. "I am hesitant to post it. ... It's something I have to take in. I hope that people get a grasp of that situation. Whoever shot her, maybe should be held accountable. I guess that's up to the law to decide."

    When he was asked if he was a member of Antifa, as he has used the hashtag in his social media posts, he said he understands where there could be confusion.

    "If people are saying I'm Antifa, as far as a terrorist organization, I'm not," he said. "Am I anti-fascist? We all are anti-fascist. And that's what we should all strive for being. I have my own organization, Insurgence USA, and that's what it is for. That's really what it is."

    Sullivan, 26, faces two criminal charges stemming from a protest he organized in Provo last June.

    Charging documents say Sullivan recorded several hours of the protest and is seen in the recordings "kicking vehicles and threatening drivers" and directing protesters to block intersections.

    During that protest, a Provo man, 60, was shot in the elbow after protesters blocked his vehicle. Sullivan later admitted to police that he knew who the gunman was but failed to report it to authorities, according to the charges.

    In the video it looks like the cops immediately felt regret after shooting her. This was probably the reason nobody else was shot; it's very difficult for difficult for soldiers to shoot people they can empathize with, and even more difficult when they are instructed to kill the people they are supposed to protect.

    This is also a perfect example of why any attempt to order members of the US military to kill American civilians will end in failure. On that note, I may not like certain Americans, but I would also be unwilling to harm or kill other American citizens, even if they were democrats or niggers. Unless they tried to harm my family.

    Since the cops probably didn't perceive themselves or other cops as being under any serious threat, but rather saw only the Capitol as being under risk of vandalism, that was probably why they didn't go hog wild with the murders, and probably permitted some of the shenanigans. And I think they were able to evacuate the politicians before the protesters entered the building, so that was an entire group of potential hostages that they didn't need to worry about.

    Where BLM and Antifa went wrong in their protests was when they decided to directly attack the police as a group and as individuals, making it extremely personal, and they gave the police legitimate reasons to hold grudges. A lot of politicians also chose to directly attack the police as a group and as individuals, which may have influenced the collective decision of the police to show initiative when it involved protecting human members of the Capitol (in other words, their lives), but significantly less interest in protecting their trifles.

    The death of a police officer in this incident does not appear to have been intentional (or at least, I certainly hope it wasn't), and we all mourn the loss of any defender of the people. It takes a special kind of person to choose to stand up and protect those who cannot protect themselves. The ones that do it without an expectation of a reward are the ones I really like.
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

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  19. #131
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    The video appears to be pre-recorded and edited for time. Trump's affect is different than usual -- almost like he's doing something against his will. The way he used the term "election laws" at about 1:14, shrug of the shoulders, hands turned up, spoken as if a question, stood out as particularly odd to me.

    I hope it's not more than just some weird lighting and a long day. I read a novel once where a secret group inside the government kidnapped the president's family and threatened to kill them if he told anyone. He acquiesced to their demands over time, under duress of course, and avoided the 25th Amendment until some reporter learned the truth. I wish I could remember the name of the book...

    Anyway, I hope some shit like that isn't going down here!

  20. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    The video appears to be pre-recorded and edited for time. Trump's affect is different than usual -- almost like he's doing something against his will. The way he used the term "election laws" at about 1:14, shrug of the shoulders, hands turned up, spoken as if a question, stood out as particularly odd to me.

    I hope it's not more than just some weird lighting and a long day. I read a novel once where a secret group inside the government kidnapped the president's family and threatened to kill them if he told anyone. He acquiesced to their demands over time, under duress of course, and avoided the 25th Amendment until some reporter learned the truth. I wish I could remember the name of the book...

    Anyway, I hope some shit like that isn't going down here!
    I thought it was odd how in the movie it seemed as if some things were shot in an unusually low resolution (less than 480p), and yet some things had much higher detail.

    Trump's hair alone seemed odd to me. I mean, at his age it is possible that he is balding and maybe wearing a wig (no disrespect intended to The Donald, peace be upon Him), but in the video it looks a little weird.

    Maybe he is afraid that the democrats may actually be able to mobilize a nazi-style movement where all of the republicans are rounded up, sent to FEMA camps, and then tortured and executed. (Come on... did anyone except the gullible useful idiots genuinely believe that antifa was anti-fascist?)
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

  21. #133
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    He has no doubt been threatened with something. What that is? I am not sure. Likely something to do with his family and kids because I don’t think he gives a rat’s ass about his own safety at this point. I was raised a Christian. I won’t get into my thoughts on religion but this guy has literally been crucified and taken every nasty thing thrown and spit at him for 4+ years. He is what 74? I said it a long time ago, why would a billionaire continue to put himself through this instead of enjoying his golden years?

    I do not want anything to happen to his family but I hope we see an unbiased interview in the coming months or years where he exposes everything he does know and fist fucks these bastards in their already gaping assholes. I know hate is a strong word but I fucking hate liberals as much as I despise niggers. Get ready, ladies and gents, because we will be kissing nigger ass in order to avoid losing our jobs and livelihoods. One little misstep and they will call you the r word and end your life as you know it.

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  23. #134
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    If Trump is under some form of duress at this point, it's likely meant to keep him from declassifying something the commies don't want the rest of us to see.

    I am honestly reevaluating what I thought I knew about this country right now.
    Last edited by Midder Peenud Hayed; 01-08-2021 at 07:39 PM.

  24. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by I aint bin dun did dat! View Post
    I said it a long time ago, why would a billionaire continue to put himself through this instead of enjoying his golden years?
    Honestly, why would ANYONE put themself through what The Donald went through?

    There has to be something beyond the obvious here, and I'm unwilling to chalk it up to him being insane.

    I mean, it's possible that he is nuts (some might find it disturbing if they knew how many soldiers preferred their leaders to be a little bit crazy), but that can't be the whole story.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    If Trump is under some form of duress at this point, it's likely meant to keep him from declassifying something the commies don't want the rest of us to see.

    I am honestly reevaluating what I thought I knew about this country right now.
    I honestly don't know what the dems are worried about, because the real mind warping stuff, if revealed, would be briefly acknowledged by the general public, and then disregarded completely.

    Here's a small taste of the bad stuff: really old aliens hidden inside the Earth are producing "fossil fuels," but they are waste products for them, in the same way shit is a waste product for us. It gets much, much worse than that.

    As far as I can tell, the crap we are dealing with is about as consequential to the universe as, I don't know... a crumb from a piece of toast falling into the sink.
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

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  26. #136
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    Twitter have now suspended his account. They have silenced him!
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  27. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie Chimper View Post
    Twitter have now suspended his account. They have silenced him!
    I thought he was already suspended from the major social networks.

    Also, Pelosi wants to ban Trump from the nuclear football. A fat lot of good that will do...

    At least one major news network has already told the world that the secret code on the physical devices is 0-0-0-0.
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

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  29. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    I thought he was already suspended from the major social networks.

    Also, Pelosi wants to ban Trump from the nuclear football. A fat lot of good that will do...

    At least one major news network has already told the world that the secret code on the physical devices is 0-0-0-0.
    Twitter suspended him for 12 hours. He then made 3 tweets including the above video. Now they have suspended his account again. Possibly permanently.
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  30. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie Chimper View Post
    Twitter suspended him for 12 hours. He then made 3 tweets including the above video. Now they have suspended his account again. Possibly permanently.
    Well, at least the Democratic Party isn't attempting a coup against an active sitting president of the usa.

    That would be something that might bother a few people, don't you think?

    Besides, if Clinton wasn't removed from the office after being found guilty and after being impeached, what makes you think Trump will be removed after being found innocent and not being impeached the first time? Even if Trump was (allegedly) guilty this time around, what makes anyone think that he will be treated worse than Clinton?
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

  31. #140
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    Goodman Grey, I saw you responded to me and apparently decided to delete it. I think I know exactly what you had to say but worried it would offend me or more than likely, violate some rule here. Let it rip brother. I dont give a flying shit.

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