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    Old Client, new nigger...

    So as the oldies may remember, I owned a tech business years ago. Gave it to my employee's in 2015, due to health issues. I sometimes get calls to come down to the shop to help out, which is fine with me. I really don't have the capacity to work fulltime and it gives me a chance to catch up with my old team. Got a call earlier this week, that one of my very first clients needed to have a server upgrade (this is probably the 4th one we have done in roughly 15 years). I happily agreed to go with, the owner of this company and myself have become buddies over the years. Play golf once in a while, grab a beer here and there, that type of shit. Good guy. Well at this point, he is in a similar role as myself. More or less retired, his son took over the company and things are going well for them all. I spoke to my old friend a few days ago, it was imperative that we do the change over early this morning, before his staff and customers hop onto the network. Not a really hard thing to do on an upgrade. He had asked if we could be there around 7am this morning, which sucks for a Friday, but it means my crew are done early for the day which they like. Plus, the owner of this company, is a legend for taking care of people. Like it's not uncommon to have one of our crew there, doing something stupid (he would call for all computer issues), fix the problem and the owner would pay the bill plus palm the tech a hundred dollar bill. So our staff jumps to go over there.

    So we got to the client site at 6:45. Place is dark, no big deal. Figure someone will be there right at 7. I send one of the techs to do a coffee/bagel run while we waited. Tech came back about 30 minutes later, place is still not open. Odd, I think to myself. We have never had an issue like this. I tell the team, if no one is here by 7:30, I will call the owner. 7:30, I call Scott, the owner. He answer's and asked if there was an issue we ran into, I said "Yeah, no one is here to let us in, what the hell Scott?" He apologized, said he was on his way and would be there in 20 minutes or so. About 15 minutes later, a car comes FLYING into the parking lot, a little Kia pile of shit, you know the ones that you see in ads "If you have a job and 100 bucks, we can get you into this SWEET Kia whatever". One of those numbers. Out hopped one of the biggest sheboons I had ever seen, she immediately started apologizing for running late all the while we were wondering how she even fit in the car. She had to have weighed as much as the car, it was astounding. She opened the doors, shut the alarm off and sat at the reception desk. Now, it's a normal desk, but her chair was a heavily modified office chair. The arms were missing and it almost looked like two seats were welded together to create this ass cushion. Whomever designed it, should be working for NASA. We proceeded to the break room, bagels and coffee were laid out and we went to the server room (next to the break room) to get everything going. At this point it was about 8am, we had an hour to do things, we were going to be close. Everyone starts doing what they know to do, the team is very efficient and works well together, everyone stays in their lane.

    Now, as I had mentioned. I have been in this building since Scott bought it in the early 2000's. Every cable run through the place was by my team. I knew where everything was, how it worked, etc. So did most of the team this morning. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, walked up to the door and it was locked. Bathroom is behind the boon's desk in the hallway, I walked up and asked if there was a key. She was yapping on her cellphone and I shit you not, she said "Da Hepp is axing a quession, hole on.." She turned to me and said "We keep da dooh locked now, da hepp can't use it. Gas stations down da stree." And she went back to playing on FB on her workstation. Odd, I said to myself. This sow seriously called us the help and won't let us use the restroom. Give a nigger a little power I guess. Also, at this point, I realized the sow had 3 bagels and one of our tubs of cream cheese on a plate on her desk. We never offered her one, she decided that she would just take the bagels and an entire tub of cream cheese. So I once again, asked if I could use the bathroom, she let out a very loud sigh and repeated exactly what she had just said a minute before. Once again, calling us the "help". I casually reached over, grabbed the plate of bagels and tub of cream cheese and threw them into the garbage can next to her. I think the fact that i did that scared her more than anything, she just sat there, mouth agape, realizing I tossed her free breakfast. Judging by the food stuck in her teeth and cream cheese on her face (which I hadn't noticed), the 3 bagels I pitched were only what was left of the 5 or 6 she grabbed. I turned around to walk back to the server room as Scott came flying into the office. He was pissed. He didn't even say hello to me, just eyes right on the sow. "Nigger-Name! What time did you show up today!" she looked scared. She knew she fucked up. "Um...a lil aftah 7..." she meekly said. Scott looked at me and said "NTG, what time did she show up?" I told him about 7:45 or so. She started to argue, he said he was going to pull the alarm deactivation times and that they would talk later. He then looked at me, gave me a smile and said "NTG, you look great, how have ya been?" I said "Scott, I am doing great, but in all honesty, I gotta take a piss and she won't unlock the bathroom". His smile instantly went to rage, he slowly looked at the sow and said "We have had this conversation, you WILL go unlock the bathroom doors right now. You are NOT in charge of them. That is not your role in this company. If you want to be a bathroom attendant, then go down the street and get a job at Manny's Steakhouse". At this point, she knew she fucked up. She waddled down the hallway, huffing and puffing, unlocking both doors and then just kept walking. I didn't see her for the rest of her time there. Not sure if she took his advice and went down to Manny's or what. But she was gone. We finished up with things right on time, Scott and I caught up over coffee and bagels. Scott palmed all the techs a little "something for Christmas" and we left. On our way out, I announced in a loud voice "The HELP is leaving". Scott looked at me funny and I told him the story of the sow calling us the "help". He just hung his head down and turned around. I will post an update as soon as I hear what happened. I am sure I will get a call tonight.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post

    "We keep da dooh locked now, da hepp can't use it. Gas stations down da stree."

    "...If you want to be a bathroom attendant, then go down the street and get a job at Manny's Steakhouse".

    "...I didn't see her for the rest of her time there. Not sure if she took his advice and went down to Manny's or what. "

    That is some seriously funny shit NTG. How can you not laugh about that even though it probably wasn't funny at 0600!

    Typical freeloading nigger. It's what they do!

    = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Carrying Pistols
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Copping Pleas

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    I was an IT Admin for a radio station. The cheap management kept sending me totally useless niggers from the local university as interns. The idiot pieces of shit couldn't change a stick of RAM much less troubleshoot hardware and software issues. Without exception every time one of them put its greasy paws on a PC or server I had to come in and repair it to get it working again. I finally ended up password protecting everything in BIOS along with installing keyloggers. The Operations Director came into my office and asked my why I put the BIOS passwords in (nobody knew about the keyloggers) and I told him what was going on. I also showed him that since doing that equipment trouble reports had dropped from over 20 per day to none for two weeks. That ended up being a double win for me. The OD told the Board of Directors is was a security issue decision that he approved of and the Board terminated all of the interns because they were no longer needed. An added bonus was a coalburning DJ quit in protest after all of her pet niggers got the boot. Happy memories. < That's the .gif of the nigger electrocuting itself that I had on the original site years ago.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post
    So as the oldies may remember, I owned a tech business years ago. Gave it to my employee's in 2015, due to health issues. I sometimes get calls to come down to the shop to help out, which is fine with me. I really don't have the capacity to work fulltime and it gives me a chance to catch up with my old team. Got a call earlier this week, that one of my very first clients needed to have a server upgrade (this is probably the 4th one we have done in roughly 15 years). I happily agreed to go with, the owner of this company and myself have become buddies over the years. Play golf once in a while, grab a beer here and there, that type of shit. Good guy. Well at this point, he is in a similar role as myself. More or less retired, his son took over the company and things are going well for them all. I spoke to my old friend a few days ago, it was imperative that we do the change over early this morning, before his staff and customers hop onto the network. Not a really hard thing to do on an upgrade. He had asked if we could be there around 7am this morning, which sucks for a Friday, but it means my crew are done early for the day which they like. Plus, the owner of this company, is a legend for taking care of people. Like it's not uncommon to have one of our crew there, doing something stupid (he would call for all computer issues), fix the problem and the owner would pay the bill plus palm the tech a hundred dollar bill. So our staff jumps to go over there.

    So we got to the client site at 6:45. Place is dark, no big deal. Figure someone will be there right at 7. I send one of the techs to do a coffee/bagel run while we waited. Tech came back about 30 minutes later, place is still not open. Odd, I think to myself. We have never had an issue like this. I tell the team, if no one is here by 7:30, I will call the owner. 7:30, I call Scott, the owner. He answer's and asked if there was an issue we ran into, I said "Yeah, no one is here to let us in, what the hell Scott?" He apologized, said he was on his way and would be there in 20 minutes or so. About 15 minutes later, a car comes FLYING into the parking lot, a little Kia pile of shit, you know the ones that you see in ads "If you have a job and 100 bucks, we can get you into this SWEET Kia whatever". One of those numbers. Out hopped one of the biggest sheboons I had ever seen, she immediately started apologizing for running late all the while we were wondering how she even fit in the car. She had to have weighed as much as the car, it was astounding. She opened the doors, shut the alarm off and sat at the reception desk. Now, it's a normal desk, but her chair was a heavily modified office chair. The arms were missing and it almost looked like two seats were welded together to create this ass cushion. Whomever designed it, should be working for NASA. We proceeded to the break room, bagels and coffee were laid out and we went to the server room (next to the break room) to get everything going. At this point it was about 8am, we had an hour to do things, we were going to be close. Everyone starts doing what they know to do, the team is very efficient and works well together, everyone stays in their lane.

    Now, as I had mentioned. I have been in this building since Scott bought it in the early 2000's. Every cable run through the place was by my team. I knew where everything was, how it worked, etc. So did most of the team this morning. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, walked up to the door and it was locked. Bathroom is behind the boon's desk in the hallway, I walked up and asked if there was a key. She was yapping on her cellphone and I shit you not, she said "Da Hepp is axing a quession, hole on.." She turned to me and said "We keep da dooh locked now, da hepp can't use it. Gas stations down da stree." And she went back to playing on FB on her workstation. Odd, I said to myself. This sow seriously called us the help and won't let us use the restroom. Give a nigger a little power I guess. Also, at this point, I realized the sow had 3 bagels and one of our tubs of cream cheese on a plate on her desk. We never offered her one, she decided that she would just take the bagels and an entire tub of cream cheese. So I once again, asked if I could use the bathroom, she let out a very loud sigh and repeated exactly what she had just said a minute before. Once again, calling us the "help". I casually reached over, grabbed the plate of bagels and tub of cream cheese and threw them into the garbage can next to her. I think the fact that i did that scared her more than anything, she just sat there, mouth agape, realizing I tossed her free breakfast. Judging by the food stuck in her teeth and cream cheese on her face (which I hadn't noticed), the 3 bagels I pitched were only what was left of the 5 or 6 she grabbed. I turned around to walk back to the server room as Scott came flying into the office. He was pissed. He didn't even say hello to me, just eyes right on the sow. "Nigger-Name! What time did you show up today!" she looked scared. She knew she fucked up. "Um...a lil aftah 7..." she meekly said. Scott looked at me and said "NTG, what time did she show up?" I told him about 7:45 or so. She started to argue, he said he was going to pull the alarm deactivation times and that they would talk later. He then looked at me, gave me a smile and said "NTG, you look great, how have ya been?" I said "Scott, I am doing great, but in all honesty, I gotta take a piss and she won't unlock the bathroom". His smile instantly went to rage, he slowly looked at the sow and said "We have had this conversation, you WILL go unlock the bathroom doors right now. You are NOT in charge of them. That is not your role in this company. If you want to be a bathroom attendant, then go down the street and get a job at Manny's Steakhouse". At this point, she knew she fucked up. She waddled down the hallway, huffing and puffing, unlocking both doors and then just kept walking. I didn't see her for the rest of her time there. Not sure if she took his advice and went down to Manny's or what. But she was gone. We finished up with things right on time, Scott and I caught up over coffee and bagels. Scott palmed all the techs a little "something for Christmas" and we left. On our way out, I announced in a loud voice "The HELP is leaving". Scott looked at me funny and I told him the story of the sow calling us the "help". He just hung his head down and turned around. I will post an update as soon as I hear what happened. I am sure I will get a call tonight.
    LMAO!! It's pretty OBVIOUS that "Frichiggunesha" got fired!! Off course the sow would SCREAM "thas RACISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S!!"

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    Scott called me this morning, we chatted for a bit. Server is working as it should, another slam dunk for my old company. He mentioned Sheria (I shit you not, that is her name) and that she is still an employee, but has been moved to a different position. Basically, due to the fact that she is a lazy, 800 pound, muzzie sow (didn't know she was a muzzie), she can't be fired...for anything. Every single time he has tried, she complains to the state about discrimination and the state demands she be hired back and put into a more "fitting" position for her "skills". So she has been bounced around the company for over a year, getting fired then rehired into a different position. I asked if she was going to be the new bathroom attendant, he chuckled and said "no..." We can't fire her, so we are going to put her in a position she will fail epically at and will quit. She is now part of the "cleaning crew", which vacuum, take out trash and whatever else. It's where lazy niggers go to die. He figures within 2 months she will leave because her body can't handle that kind of exercise. The state will come in and demand he make adjustments to make her work life easier on her morbidly obese body, but his lawyer said he can fight that too. If she physically cannot do a job, that is the end of it. I mentioned the chair and who built it. Apparently, she made a complaint and he had it made just for her. Guess what her first job as a janitor is on Monday? Throwing the chair in the dumpster, just to remind her that she will never be allowed to sit on her ass and play on Facebook at this company.

    All in all, I am happy with the outcome. In retrospect, I have had niggers babble some stupid shit at me before, but never once have I had one call me "the help". What the fuck...

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post
    All in all, I am happy with the outcome. In retrospect, I have had niggers babble some stupid shit at me before, but never once have I had one call me "the help". What the fuck...

    That story made my day.

    The funniest part of your story is that fat cow calling you "the help." That was the name of a shenigg moobie that came out a few years back with that fat ass Octo-labia Spencer:

    The movie tried to make niggers seem like poor mistreated but wonderful ladies who just happened to have the misfortune of being born black when in fact they were thieving, ungrateful, conniving bitches that shit in their bosses food then laughed about it like Typhoid Mary.

    Please keep us posted if there are any new developments. I can't wait to read how the story ends!
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post
    Scott called me this morning, we chatted for a bit. Server is working as it should, another slam dunk for my old company. He mentioned Sheria (I shit you not, that is her name) and that she is still an employee, but has been moved to a different position. Basically, due to the fact that she is a lazy, 800 pound, muzzie sow (didn't know she was a muzzie), she can't be fired...for anything. Every single time he has tried, she complains to the state about discrimination and the state demands she be hired back and put into a more "fitting" position for her "skills". So she has been bounced around the company for over a year, getting fired then rehired into a different position. I asked if she was going to be the new bathroom attendant, he chuckled and said "no..." We can't fire her, so we are going to put her in a position she will fail epically at and will quit. She is now part of the "cleaning crew", which vacuum, take out trash and whatever else. It's where lazy niggers go to die. He figures within 2 months she will leave because her body can't handle that kind of exercise. The state will come in and demand he make adjustments to make her work life easier on her morbidly obese body, but his lawyer said he can fight that too. If she physically cannot do a job, that is the end of it. I mentioned the chair and who built it. Apparently, she made a complaint and he had it made just for her. Guess what her first job as a janitor is on Monday? Throwing the chair in the dumpster, just to remind her that she will never be allowed to sit on her ass and play on Facebook at this company.

    All in all, I am happy with the outcome. In retrospect, I have had niggers babble some stupid shit at me before, but never once have I had one call me "the help". What the fuck...
    Nigger sow was "projecting" n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit!!

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  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    Nigger sow was "projecting" n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit!!
    Except nigger sows are NO "HELP!!"

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    Taking food away from that sow had to be priceless, not to mention her watching it go flying into the trash.
    Like a dog, she automatically assumes that any food not eaten, that you've walked away from, is fair game.
    Protecting a lazy porker like her deprives someone who wants to work. That's bad for everyone, blacks included.

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  16. #10
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    Scott should put that nigger on a boat and ship it back to Africa.
    If it is wrong to hate niggers, I don't want to be right.

  17. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    Taking food away from that sow had to be priceless, not to mention her watching it go flying into the trash.
    Like a dog, she automatically assumes that any food not eaten, that you've walked away from, is fair game.
    Protecting a lazy porker like her deprives someone who wants to work. That's bad for everyone, blacks included.
    Want to bet it dug the food out of the trash and ate it? Niggers are the most repulsive creatures on earth. < That's the .gif of the nigger electrocuting itself that I had on the original site years ago.

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  19. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post

    "... lazy porker..."

    = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Carrying Pistols
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Copping Pleas

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  21. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rastus Nigger View Post
    Want to bet it dug the food out of the trash and ate it? Niggers are the most repulsive creatures on earth.
    I was thinking the same thing!!

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  23. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post
    Also, at this point, I realized the sow had 3 bagels and one of our tubs of cream cheese on a plate on her desk. We never offered her one, she decided that she would just take the bagels and an entire tub of cream cheese.
    The rest of the bagels should have been considered contaminated. If the nigger touched any, it touched the rest it left behind. I've told the story of where I once worked, where when the top dogs had lunch meetings, they'd order sandwiches from a great local deli. One day the e-mail went out that there were leftovers. I arrived just in time to see a she-nig pick one up with its bare paws, put it back down, lick its fingers, then go on to handle the rest. What niggers don't want, they'll destroy on purpose so nobody else can have it.

    That sowapotamus sounds just like the worst boss I ever had, down to waddling around. Nobody could understand how it got promoted, except by apefirmative action, and it was always threatening lawsuits when management said they had to let it go for not doing enough work. It would criticize me if I got caught in traffic and arrived 5-10 minutes late, even though markets didn't open for an hour. It wanted me to keep the phone lines open until exactly 5, even though markets closed at 4. But it sure loved to waltz in at 9 whatever, and at 4:30 it was already in an elevator going down.

    I'm wondering if it's the same nigger, because now I remember my vile ex-boss complained when our clients used the bathrooms. I know it hated validating their parking tickets. It actually told me to tell clients that if they hurry back to their cars within 15 minutes, parking doesn't cost anything.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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  25. #15
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    Personally,if the state wouldn’t allow me to fire the nigg,I’d pay someone to disable her car every morning.After serval days of being out or late,they can’t stop you from firing the piece of shit.You’ll have just cause.

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    HAAAA HA! That's awesome, NTG. Give a nigger a little bit of authority and they think they run the place. I hate goddamn niggers. ESPECIALLY fat, greasy sheboons.

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    ooooooohhhh....... I HATE goddamn niggers. ESPECIALLY fat, mouth-breathing sheboons......

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    The disgusting shit-beast likely muh-poosied it.......

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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    - So he made the muzzie sow a janitor..... perfect position for the lazy sow.
    Funny enough, that this thread got renewed. Talked to Scott this morning, Grapesodasha has left the building. After two days of "garbage" duty, she quit. Said her ankles couldn't take all the walking.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post
    Funny enough, that this thread got renewed. Talked to Scott this morning, Grapesodasha has left the building. After two days of "garbage" duty, she quit. Said her ankles couldn't take all the walking.
    At least private businesses have the option of demoting such a useless burden. Any public sector or union employer is stuck with whatever boon is foisted upon them. The NYC Fire Dept. was ordered to graduate completely unqualified sheboons, who are then assigned to take up space, while doing nothing. The owner of a NYC high steel construction company wrote a blistering statement about the useless boon situation. He said getting in the Ironworkers union once had no exceptions as far as training and qualification, which included a rigorous climbing test. Now he was forced to hire unqualified fat sheboons, who were assigned only to jobs formerly reserved for older workers, or those recovering from injury. Shorthanded on the job one day, he assigned one of his boons to schlep bolts, on the elevator, to crews on upper floors. She refused, saying "I only do coffee runs". He booted her on the spot, and was told he couldn't. The point of his public statement was that he would not put up with such insubordination, from anyone, and either she stayed fired, or he would fold his company. Not sure what the outcome was on that, but at least he made a stand.

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