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Thread: Election fraud?

  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Election fraud?

    just read that:
    Any chance that this is true? Or is that just some weird joke? Opinions from US people would be highly appreciated!
    Take care.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest

    No surprise here

    Just like a host of recent stories about nigger misbehavior that fully justified this supposed police over reaction.

  3. #3
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    There's always some "election fraud" in national elections here, but usually, it's inconsequential. What we're dealing with right now is procedural. The rules were changed at the last minute in many states. Hundreds of thousands of votes have been counted at this point that would not have been in 2016. I am satisfied at this moment in time that the TRUMP team is on it.

    There's no way Arizona breaks for Biden. I just don't see the mathematical "path". Pennsylvania looks like a lock for TRUMP. NC and GA look to be lining up for the president.

    This is absolutely not over.

    Bonus Factoid: The commies lost seats in the House, failed to take the Senate, but won the presidency...? Riiiiiight...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    There's always some "election fraud" in national elections here, but usually, it's inconsequential. What we're dealing with right now is procedural. The rules were changed at the last minute in many states. Hundreds of thousands of votes have been counted at this point that would not have been in 2016. I am satisfied at this moment in time that the TRUMP team is on it.

    There's no way Arizona breaks for Biden. I just don't see the mathematical "path". Pennsylvania looks like a lock for TRUMP. NC and GA look to be lining up for the president.

    This is absolutely not over.

    Bonus Factoid: The commies lost seats in the House, failed to take the Senate, but won the presidency...? Riiiiiight...
    Just look at the way the Democrats acted during the last four years. They were trying to do anything possible to get rid of Trump. That leads me to believe that they would do anything possible to win this election. And of course that means cheating. I just hope that Trump and his team can prove that there was election fraud.

  5. #5
    Tell it like it is
    Chimpout Guest

    I'm sorry

    I apologize up front....but I am done being proud of my country.They have managed to vote out the most patriotic candidate since Reagan, and replace him with a doddering old nigger coddler and his half breed communist vice.The sight of niggers rejoicing at the destruction of our once great nation fills me simultaneously with fear, sadness, and consuming rage.Thanks to all who tried to put America first, but we are too far down the path liberalism and political correctness to make a comeback.This country now appears to be in the hands of f'ing niggers, both white and black.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tell it like it is View Post
    I apologize up front....but I am done being proud of my country.They have managed to vote out the most patriotic candidate since Reagan, and replace him with a doddering old nigger coddler and his half breed communist vice.The sight of niggers rejoicing at the destruction of our once great nation fills me simultaneously with fear, sadness, and consuming rage.Thanks to all who tried to put America first, but we are too far down the path liberalism and political correctness to make a comeback.This country now appears to be in the hands of f'ing niggers, both white and black.
    As a Brit who has always loved the United States, and what your great nation has always stood for, it is with heavy heart that I no longer feel a wish for us to be allies. With that total crook Biden and his nigger ho, I feel no connection with the U.S. at all. That feeling I've always had has just died.
    Today I feel just dead toward America. Not the Trump supporters, of course. So I guess that means most, and probably all, of you here. But politically, I hope we pull away from the U.S. and cause Biden as much difficulty as we can.
    I just live in hope that President Trump can prove electoral fraud. I'm certain it's taken place on a massive scale, but proving it is another matter!

    To the REAL Americans (which basically means white Americans) I shall always love you. But forgive me if I no longer feel politically anything but neutral towards the U.S. I've no desire for us to suck up to Biden.
    I know Britain is not the huge power it once was, but we are still one of your closest allies. I hope we go cool on America until Trump gets back in in 2024. I bet he'll go for it.

    I'm real sorry to say this, but I hope America tears itself apart until it realises what a huge mistake it has made to allow the Democrats to cheat their way to power.
    And the thought of another nigger in power when Biden's carted off to a retirement home just does not bear thinking about.
    I wish you all good luck, my friends. I think it's time to gather that ammo and take to the hills to set up your own white communities.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    Trump did tell people to vote in person and not do mail in, however I was watching when Biden suddenly jumped several 100k in Michigan and not a single trump vote. Shouldn’t it only take one person saying they mailed in to Trump to declare shenanigans in Michigan? I’m from Wisconsin and we won red in 2016 just barely. Covid has spiked a lot up here and the fear of covid would be believable in just steering Wisconsin to just barely winning blue on mail ins, yet the whole jump BS happened here too.
    If they swear it isn’t fraud, they better explain it... cause it’s a little too perfectly lined up.
    If Trump must lose, I’d like it to be sure it was fair and square.

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    We have become so politically correct that we let assholes restrict a public count of our election to the chosen few. That stinks worse than properly tenderized gator bait. It is getting real close to an armed insurrection time to get to the bottom of this!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    All I can say is get ready for one of the biggest shit storms in election fraud in our history. The dems have been caught doing it and denying poll count watches access to view the counting process. That is a FEDERAL Violating and the american people and patriots will NOT stand for this, I for one.

    Have your guns handy and plenty of ammo my friends, this is going to get very ugly if Biden and Kameltoe get in the white house.
    I had purchased two 5000 rd boxes of 62gr Hornady 223 bullets.All I’ve been doing for the past yr is re-loading for an hr or two several nights a week. Just got done processing another 2000 rounds of 556 brass. I’ve got over 20,000 rounds ready and working on more. My wife and I both have and know how to use our AR15.We both have gun club memberships and shoot.So I’m not worried.

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  11. #10
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Tell it like it is View Post
    I apologize up front....but I am done being proud of my country.They have managed to vote out the most patriotic candidate since Reagan, and replace him with a doddering old nigger coddler and his half breed communist vice.The sight of niggers rejoicing at the destruction of our once great nation fills me simultaneously with fear, sadness, and consuming rage.Thanks to all who tried to put America first, but we are too far down the path liberalism and political correctness to make a comeback.This country now appears to be in the hands of f'ing niggers, both white and black.
    Sadly, the same can be said for the whole western world. France, Sweden, Germany, Italy and probably the UK are lost. The only exception are the former eastern block countries, but Angela Stalin Merkel tries to destroy them as well.

  12. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    I had purchased two 5000 rd boxes of 62gr Hornady 223 bullets.All I’ve been doing for the past yr is re-loading for an hr or two several nights a week. Just got done processing another 2000 rounds of 556 brass. I’ve got over 20,000 rounds ready and working on more. My wife and I both have and know how to use our AR15.We both have gun club memberships and shoot.So I’m not worried.
    I can see America now going this way. The people are not going to accept this lightly. Mind you, with the nigger invasion under way, I've forecast for months that the American nation will resort to civil war in the early part of the 2020s, and Britain and some other parts of Europe will follow in the latter half of the decade. Buckle up, and batten down, folks - I'm afraid it's coming!

  13. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    I can see America now going this way. The people are not going to accept this lightly. Mind you, with the nigger invasion under way, I've forecast for months that the American nation will resort to civil war in the early part of the 2020s, and Britain and some other parts of Europe will follow in the latter half of the decade. Buckle up, and batten down, folks - I'm afraid it's coming!
    And I don’t disagree with you! But I hope you are wrong. However, the writing is on the wall.I’ve been reading that writing for many years. I am an avid shooter.Into hand loading,bolt action rifles ,SA, AR15 handguns,ect....
    The Liberals have made me an AR 15 fan. I love the black rifle. I’ve built many.Own enough.And have over 20,000 rds of .223.I’d prefer to use it for target practice and plinking.But if the situation arises where I need it to defend myself and mine,so be it.

  14. #13
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    IMHO, I think it isn't a prudent move at this point to be broadcasting on an open channel about firepower. We are already on the radar with these assholes.

    While I am keenly aware of what's going on and intend to provision myself accordingly, I'm also aware of the fact that we just moved up a notch on the takedown list - especially if (or now likely when) Cameltoe and Creepy Joe make it back to DC in new digs.

    I think it would behove us all to be wary of our words and not to tip our hands. No lurkers need get to get the false impression that we are some sort of movement, here folks.

    I for one don't want any 3AM visits from blue helmet wearing jack boots asking where my equalizers are located because they know what I own from a posting that I myself put up on any public forum for the world to see.

    I'm thinking it's time to quietly gird our loins, guys.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  15. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    IMHO, I think it isn't a prudent move at this point to be broadcasting on an open channel about firepower. We are already on the radar with these assholes.

    While I am keenly aware of what's going on and intend to provision myself accordingly, I'm also aware of the fact that we just moved up a notch on the takedown list - especially if (or now likely when) Cameltoe and Creepy Joe make it back to DC in new digs.

    I think it would behoove us all to be wary of our words and not to tip our hands. No lurkers need get to get the false impression that we are some sort of movement, here folks.

    I for one don't want any 3AM visits from blue helmet wearing jack boots asking where my equalizers are located because they know what I own from a posting that I myself put up on any public forum for the world to see.

    I'm thinking it's time to quietly gird our loins, guys.
    Abso-goddamn-lutely! Only 3 days have passed since the "election". We are nowhere near the time and place where we need to start talking about armed insurrection.

    Not even close...

    Tweak is spot on! Now, more than ever, we need to keep our powder dry.

    One thing I know for sure -- this is not the country I thought it was three days ago. The election system is engineered to be manipulated and vulnerable. The Electoral College no longer works as intended by the Framers; instead of the 50 states, national elections are now decided by a few dozen large metro areas. And a majority of the electorate is left-of-center. That has never been the case in this country before...

    I look at my own state... Most of the state is red, but the population density of 4 or 5 counties, renders the vote of the other 35, largely irrelevant. Oregon is worse. The seething cesspool of Portland determines every election in the otherwise red state. None of that is going to change anytime soon.

    As far as I'm concerned, the 2020 election has been decided. I would rather see TRUMP spend his last 75 days doing what he can do to Kamala-proof as much as possible. Biden isn't going to last long after he's inaugurated.

    One little ray of hope is that it appears Nutsy Botoxi might not be Speaker much longer.

    It's just my opinion, and I might feel differently down the road, but I think the smart play at this point is to stay off the RADAR.

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    Faithless Electors may be our only hope at this point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    One thing I know for sure -- this is not the country I thought it was three days ago. The election system is engineered to be manipulated and vulnerable. The Electoral College no longer works as intended by the Framers; instead of the 50 states, national elections are now decided by a few dozen large metro areas. And a majority of the electorate is left-of-center. That has never been the case in this country before...
    This election outcome is exactly what our founders were trying to prevent with the Electoral College being chosen by the states for the same reasons that the Congress is divided into two houses with the Senate having more power over the the House - to wrestle power away from population centers.

    Ironically, the SCOTUS is hands off with this one when it comes to ballot box stuffing because the states have the right to choose the EC Representatives. As long as they don't break their own laws in a manner that can be proven quickly before the count is done, they won't touch the case.

    Just as ironically, the EC may be our last and only hope here by "faithless electors."

    What they didn't foresee was the sheer lack of morality in the hearts of the ruling elite who would be willing to stop at nothing to maintain their power.

    They envisioned an electorate which would send representatives to do their bidding rather than the power resting with the populace who are easily swayed. Give women the vote, doubly so. No offense intended, ladies, but from where I stand...

    Then, give niggers the vote and it's all over with.

    Our founders intended for property owners who had a stake in land and blood to make the decisions that would affect them directly. The POTUS was never meant to be chosen by popular vote. Most people assume that we have always had the right to vote for our Presidents and would be surprised to find out that it is not a right nor can it be found in the Constitution. Our founders never intended for this to happen because it would be too much power in the hands of fools easily swayed by the promises of professional paid liars and Robin Hoods. Rob Peter to pay Paul and you'll always have Paul's vote.

    All of these safeguards were the very reasons that it has taken so long for this country to be destroyed. Evil men had to engineer it's destruction for over 200 years. Suffrage, nigger vote, popular vote for POTUS, all of these poisons had to be slowly digested to get us into sad state of health. Now they are going after the Electoral College. It's all over for sure once this happens.

    We're all just the poor frogs that have been in a slowly heating pot for all these years. Now the water is nearing the boiling point and people are just now wondering what the smell is.

    It's us, folks. Soylent green is people.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  17. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Awareness View Post
    What is you think is going to happen?
    I don’t care, because I’m prepared.

  18. #17
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    Excellent, nay, brilliant post, Tweak!

    Most lawyers don't understand the Electoral College or its purpose as well as you (and hopefully, I) do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Awareness View Post
    Prepared for what?
    Anything. And keep in mind,I’m an avid shooter.I target shoot regularly.I go through 1000 rds a month shooting targets.

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    Electoral College Feetsball

    Quote Originally Posted by Awareness View Post
    You know, the left has been talking about doing away with the Electoral College.
    That was one of my points:

    Now they are going after the Electoral College. It's all over for sure once this happens.
    The fact is, they've been effectively doing away with the EC with chisels for years now.

    If the EC turns on the corrupt governors and legislatures back in their home states, it might save the Trump Presidency, but it will surely seal the fate of the EC. Right now, states are trying to kill the EC with a death of a thousand cuts. One by one, the most liberal states are trying to hand over the Electors to the candidate who gets the popular vote nationwide instead of statewide. This is their right to do so as the Constitution gives the states the power to choose their Electors by virtually whatever criteria they deem fit:
    Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress (art. 2 sec. 1)
    Doing so, however, would take power away from the state and hand it over to the collective. This is the only reason that it hasn't happened yet. E.g. Imagine if California passed that law and Trump had won the nationwide popular vote forcing them to send all 55 of their electors to vote for Trump. They would shit collective bricks.

    The fact is, the left cannot simply do away with the Electoral College. It's hard wired into the Constitution. It can only be rendered ineffective by the few states that want to do it. They already started doing just that when they gave the Electors over to the state's popular vote results. This was done specifically to chip away at the Constitution's purpose and authority.

    The only way to actually do away with the Electoral College is to amend the Constitution, call for a Constitutional Convention - or loose a world war.

    Frankly, they don't need to do any of those things since the one-worlders, other liberals, dimz and central bankers get what they want anyway through pulling the types of stunts like they pulled this week. Hell, they've been doing it for so long they have it damn near down to a science. That's how Kennedy got elected!

    The Netflix movie "The Irishman" might has well have been a documentary, it was so accurate.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  21. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    Excellent, nay, brilliant post, Tweak!

    Most lawyers don't understand the Electoral College or its purpose as well as you (and hopefully, I) do.
    Did I mention that I kept a copy of the US Constitution in my uniform front pocket for twenty years? I took my oath seriously, especially the part that said "support and defend the Constitution" so I figured I might as well learn and understand it. I've still got it pretty much memorized despite my middle aged moments.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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