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  1. #21
    SC Anemia
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    They made short work of the taxi and runway at full AB the whole way immediately turning north. When they returned, one of them landed with no missiles on the rails.
    Before I say anything dumb, I was wondering what your MOS was.

    Secondly, having had a short career in Marine Corps Aviation, specifically ordnance, I can tell you EXACTLY what the paper trail may (or may not) be in place for military hardware. Just curious.

    EDIT: Though I would entertain a conspiracy theory if it had at least a bit of merit, the chain of custody that an ordnance officer follows is insanely rigid. Not a chance in hell that a sortie came back with an empty launch rail and an unaccounted for weapon. Never happened, never could happen.

    Also if a shoot down order were carried out, there'd already be about a dozen or more personnel aware of it before the pilot toggled step-reset and pickle. WAY too many people to hush it up.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    That's why I ask this same question every year on 09-11.

    The Ground Zero mosque is an abomination. It should have never been allowed!
    But, but, it's a cultural center! People can go there to learn about Islam!

    Fuck that. We had all the "sharing" from asslifters that a people could ever have, the morning of 9/11/01.

    It is written in the Koran (shit be upon its pages), "Some said, 'Let us build a building around them.' Their Lord is the best knower about them. Those who prevailed said, 'We will build a place of worship around them.'"
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  3. #23
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    My reaction at the time and my feelings toward the perpetrators as individuals and the rest of their species would get me banned here. It hasn't changed since then.
    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  4. #24
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    I can remember that morning well. I was pushing people for a living and was watching the tube when the second plane hit. I commented to those around me that the buildings were fucked and going to fall. You could see the asbestos protectant being blown out of the side of the buildings that covered the steel girders after the crash. That is the stuff during a fire that protects the structure from failing while a fire burns. Thousands of gallons of jp4 going down elevator shafts sealed the fate of so many. The most memorable moment was calling my parents and telling them we were under attack. The second was when I called a recruiting station and they told me that I was too old to enlist. That really pissed me off because I wanted to mount some sand nigger heads above my fireplace!

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by zagnut View Post
    The second was when I called a recruiting station and they told me that I was too old to enlist. That really pissed me off because I wanted to mount some sand nigger heads above my fireplace!
    I talked with men in their 60s and even 70s, who had seen real war but still wanted back in. One had been with MacArthur in the Philippines. He said he'd never see front lines again, but maybe he'd get commissioned as a colonel to advise on infantry tactics.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  6. #26
    Chimpout Guest
    I am not big on conspiracy. All those hippies saying things like there were explosives in the building piss me off to no end. But... If that plane were shot down in the air, it would have littered debris for miles. You quite literally need to ask permission to shoot down the guy you are after unless you are taking fire first. Which does bring up an amusing story of handing some sand niggers their asses and batwings I may someday tell.

    I am not saying it did not happen. But I find it all but impossible that someone in the last 18 years has not come forward if that were the case. Regardless of how it happened, those people on flight 93 are still heroes in my book. They lost their lives, willingly or not to preserve the lives of others.

    As for where I was? I had the 00-08 watch the night before. On my way home I decided to stop at the gym. I hit it hard so I could sleep as soon as I got home. To which a phone call comes in as soon as I walk in the door blasting me for not answering sooner. Everyone come in to work RIGHT NOW. All shifts. GET HERE!! I remember being super pissed off as I had no idea what had happened yet. I had not listened to the radio or the TV yet. I thought it was just my work center and was thinking "great, somebody fucked some shit up and it is going to be a long fucking day". Well it was a long day... Once we had been told what was going on ( some people already knew and the rumors were spreading), it was time to put together the deployment. We already knew we were going out before any word had come down. We didn't have a tv or a radio and everyone was told to stay in their work centers. We were in the dark about what was going on as it happened. We only had what people who knew had seen already.

    I worked in an intel based command. At the time I was still a little shit on his first tour sitting there waiting for the CO to address us all and tell us what was going on.

    I'll never forget how this unified most of us in the country. But the next few years of "freedom fries", Alan Jackson, and the relentless bickering or liberals talking about how we invaded Iraq made me sick to my stomach.

    I had just extended earlier to finish out a deployment where I was originally due to get out in August of 2001. I had a job lined up already and was set to get out Jan of 2002. About October timeframe, that job had vanished and I wanted to re-up anyway. Somewhat out of loyalty, somewhat out of not wanting to move back home. But it was the catalyst that led me down 21 years of a love/hate relationship with the military.

  7. #27
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    @ tweakstick

    Very thought provoking.

    I have heard various versions of that account over the years. I'm not sure what to make of it.

    Thanks for the post!

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    I am not big on conspiracy. All those hippies saying things like there were explosives in the building piss me off to no end. But... If that plane were shot down in the air, it would have littered debris for miles. You quite literally need to ask permission to shoot down the guy you are after unless you are taking fire first. Which does bring up an amusing story of handing some sand niggers their asses and batwings I may someday tell.

    I am not saying it did not happen. But I find it all but impossible that someone in the last 18 years has not come forward if that were the case. Regardless of how it happened, those people on flight 93 are still heroes in my book. They lost their lives, willingly or not to preserve the lives of others.

    As for where I was? I had the 00-08 watch the night before. On my way home I decided to stop at the gym. I hit it hard so I could sleep as soon as I got home. To which a phone call comes in as soon as I walk in the door blasting me for not answering sooner. Everyone come in to work RIGHT NOW. All shifts. GET HERE!! I remember being super pissed off as I had no idea what had happened yet. I had not listened to the radio or the TV yet. I thought it was just my work center and was thinking "great, somebody fucked some shit up and it is going to be a long fucking day". Well it was a long day... Once we had been told what was going on ( some people already knew and the rumors were spreading), it was time to put together the deployment. We already knew we were going out before any word had come down. We didn't have a tv or a radio and everyone was told to stay in their work centers. We were in the dark about what was going on as it happened. We only had what people who knew had seen already.

    I worked in an intel based command. At the time I was still a little shit on his first tour sitting there waiting for the CO to address us all and tell us what was going on.

    I'll never forget how this unified most of us in the country. But the next few years of "freedom fries", Alan Jackson, and the relentless bickering or liberals talking about how we invaded Iraq made me sick to my stomach.

    I had just extended earlier to finish out a deployment where I was originally due to get out in August of 2001. I had a job lined up already and was set to get out Jan of 2002. About October timeframe, that job had vanished and I wanted to re-up anyway. Somewhat out of loyalty, somewhat out of not wanting to move back home. But it was the catalyst that led me down 21 years of a love/hate relationship with the military.
    Awesome post, man!

  9. #29
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    Here is something that is very disturbing. The chirping of firefighters alarms, devices which activate if the firefighter is injured or trapped somewhere to help others find them. Dozens going off at the same time under the rubble.

    And don't forget this:

    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by zagnut View Post
    I can remember that morning well. I was pushing people for a living and was watching the tube when the second plane hit. ...
    When you say you were "pushing people", were you an air traffic controller?

    I know this thread is a couple weeks old, but if you were an ATC, I would love to hear about what you got from the FAA that day.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    When you say you were "pushing people", were you an air traffic controller?

    I know this thread is a couple weeks old, but if you were an ATC, I would love to hear about what you got from the FAA that day.
    Negative, I was an operations manager for Lucent Technologies. I had the installation crews for 5 electronic switching systems and power installs for North Texas. We were locked out by the phone companies over security concerns and that began the demise of Lucent Technologies and the beginning of my early retirement.

  12. #32
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    I gave this thread a sticky. I think that the seriousness of this question warranted it.

    I never told the story of where I was when I heard the absolutely shitty news of 911. It didn't catch me in a good place. I had my my first 'real' job in this world. Essentially, I stocked shelves at night for a local grocery chain formerly ran by a local family who ran a squeaky clean, respectable and humane business. Then, they sold it. And the corporate buyers eroded the company, little by little, into a shithole. I started in a good store and then they kept transferring me into shittier and shittier locations. Finally, I found myself in the shittiest location of them all (#627).

    So, about three in the morning, the mattress back chick who fucked all the guys who worked in that shithole, walked up to me after stocking the frozen department. And she told me that a plane had hit one of the twin towers. She said that they thought that it might have been a mistake until another plane hit the second one. She thought that that shit was funny (I said that I'm not proud of where I was at the time.)

    At the time I thought that I hoped that maybe no-one was in the building at the time (I was on the West Coast and this was on the East Coast. My dumbass young mind didn't take into accountability time differences) and maybe that there were no, or minimal, casualties. Then I clocked out and went home. It was early morning here and I flipped on the TV. I then saw the news.

    It was devastating. Over three thousand people died. And emergency crews were working around the clock to save who they could. People had literally thrown themselves out of burning sky scrapers several stories to a certain death hundreds of feet below to escape the flames. I saw this on my TV and I was horrified to say the least.

    After that awful event it always seemed to me like everything was going to shit. It seemed like jobs paid less, people were less likely to trust each other, it was harder to make a living and there was less of a sense of community among people. I can't say if it was the truth or just my altered perception. But let's just say 911 changed the world forever for all of us. For the worst.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  13. #33
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    @ Whitey Ford

    First of all, thank you for making this thread a sticky. I agree with you 100% that this is a question we must never stop asking! And, we must never forget the innocent American citizens savagely and brutally killed that day.

    WF perfectly described the crux of the matter -- something I too hit upon in my posts here. 09-11-01 was a national trauma. It altered all of our lives in one way or another, and 18 years on, continues to haunt all of us.

    Of course, life does go on -- and living in the United States of America, we're in our third century of absorbing blow after blow, and have always come out the other end bigger and badder.

    Still, I remember the victims. And those who sacrificed to avenge that loss. I grew up with those magnificent bastards...

    Never Forget and Never Forgive. That's my ultimate takeaway from those attacks.

    We all know damn well who was ultimately responsible for 09-11-2001!

    Peace to all of you...

    ~ Tommy

  14. #34
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    This was the day I turned from being a liberal who lived in that liberal dream world, imagining we could all live together, side by side in beautiful harmony - to a realist!
    It was the day I started thinking, "They'll never integrate into the western way of life. They hate us, and they always will - simply because they're jealous of us. They can't compete - and they know it."
    I've felt that way ever since - and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    And I totally agree - the Ground Zero mosque is an abomination. It should have never been allowed! Appeasement doesn't work - how many times have we seen that throughout history?
    Personally, I always felt it would have been better to rebuild the World Trade Centre so it looked identical (from the outside at least). It's like sending a message, "OK, a short setback - but here is that very same building back in its rightful place."

  15. #35
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    This was the day I turned from being a liberal who lived in that liberal dream world, imagining we could all live together, side by side in beautiful harmony - to a realist!
    It was the day I started thinking, "They'll never integrate into the western way of life. They hate us, and they always will - simply because they're jealous of us. They can't compete - and they know it."
    I've felt that way ever since - and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    And I totally agree - the Ground Zero mosque is an abomination. It should have never been allowed! Appeasement doesn't work - how many times have we seen that throughout history?
    Personally, I always felt it would have been better to rebuild the World Trade Centre so it looked identical (from the outside at least). It's like sending a message, "OK, a short setback - but here is that very same building back in its rightful place."
    So long as it looked like this. Rebuild it.

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  16. #36
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    I have never understood why the U.S. had such a lukewarm response to this attack. Even over here this side of the pond, I felt it was an attack on the West generally. We - all of us - should the very next day have started shipping out all our enemies back to where they or their parents or grandparents originated from.
    It's not too late! Multiculturalism simply does not work - and it never will.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    I have never understood why the U.S. had such a lukewarm response to this attack. Even over here this side of the pond, I felt it was an attack on the West generally. We - all of us - should the very next day have started shipping out all our enemies back to where they or their parents or grandparents originated from.
    It's not too late! Multiculturalism simply does not work - and it never will.
    There are still many "Give peace a chance" liberal Americans who believe we "overreacted." They said we shouldn't go into Afghanistan at all, and I remember them blaming Bush, "He had a chance to unite us, and he wasted it!" (Sounds just like what's said about Trump, right?) So what were we supposed to do, let the Taliban stay in power and protect al Qaeda?

    Maybe a war was fought less than perfectly, but it still had to be fought badly rather than not at all.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  18. #38
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    Personally, I think we should send all the niggers - and all others who hate our way of life - back to their homelands, and use at least the threat of nuclear weapons if any of these savages ever attempt to threaten us again.
    I'm not advocating the actual use of nuclear weapons, unless absolutely necessary, but surely the whole purpose of having them is to defend yourself against external attack. Our enemies have therefore taken a different path against us- that of attack from within.
    Another reason why multiculturalism will NEVER work - at least it won't work in our favour. We have to wise up, before it's too late!

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Personally, I think we should send all the niggers - and all others who hate our way of life - back to their homelands, and use at least the threat of nuclear weapons if any of these savages ever attempt to threaten us again.
    I'm not advocating the actual use of nuclear weapons, unless absolutely necessary, but surely the whole purpose of having them is to defend yourself against external attack. Our enemies have therefore taken a different path against us- that of attack from within.
    Another reason why multiculturalism will NEVER work - at least it won't work in our favour. We have to wise up, before it's too late!
    My Dad was near, and then at, the Pentagon on 9-11-01. In the days that followed, he was not in the strategic planning loop as far as I know. At the time, he was a newly-minted Rear Admiral (LH), and while he rarely tells me anything about his Pentagon days, a few years back, after a few bourbons with my late father-in-law Jacques, he did tell us that there was a very strong push to use tactical nukes on the Tora Bora complex a few days after the attack.

  20. #40
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    I was in school when 9/11 happened and come home and it has just all started (being in the UK we are a few hours ahead) I felt like it was the end of the world as we know it and the Muslims wanted a fight and Bush was going to give them one.

    I know slightly off topic. The UKs 7/7 I was actually in London, I just started out as an apprentice for the train company and had worked a very early morning service to Euston. I had always wanted to walk up to the Bank of England not sure why, but there was a place that sold jewellery across the way and I was young stupid. receiving good money and wanted to buy my (ex!) girlfriend something. I got to Aldgate still in my uniform with hours to kill before the return trip. is when the ass lifter Shehzad Tanweer decided to blow itself up. The next thing I knew I was running in to the station down to the circle line towards the train, I remember saying to someone badly injured they was going to be ok, albeit a bit late for work. but I'll have a word with their boss straighten it all out. He was bad, told me to go help others as it needed fire services to get him out. He lost a leg and we still keep in touch.

    Another one she was dying. I tried to help me and keep her awake whilst waiting for paramedics. She told me that my ex is clearly using me (We talked why I was a long way from the station my company operates to), she told me about her dream, She was a few years older than me (5/6) she asked me to ring her mum and tell her what had happened. I did the usual you can tell her yourself and she started telling me about her horses when she went to sleep. I helped get people out with no regard for my safety. I wanted to help. When I got out I had to make that phone call. However the mobile networks were jammed due to capacity and my phone just said and its stuck with me "Vodafone - Emergency only". I have a box that I put everything in, including the phone. my diary for that day. When I finally got phone signal. I made that phone call. Her mum afterwards thanked me. I had load of text messages and over 100 missed calls from family and work. None from my "girlfriend" she wasn't arsed when I told her. It messed my head up and I couldn't hold down a relationship because I was "too broken" and no one wanted to deal with me. I got help but they can't make you unsee things. Things I've not said here. Things I've only let Mrs CO in to part of.

    I got showered with awards after for bravery etc but I'd rather not have them. Mrs CO says I should have them on display as a positive reminder that during all that bad there were some good people who risked their own life to save others. I think "yeah shes right" then I think "No one need know what I did that day. It was nothing special".

    Sorry for derailing.

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