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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Coddlers should take a close look to South Apefreaka...

    ...and see for themselves what happens when their beloved pets take power: rampant crimes, rapes, and aids, mass pedophilia (with niglets raped as soon as they're crapped), cannibalism, witchcraft, organ harvesting, destruction of the economy, destruction of the infrastructure, riots... South Apefreaka quickly fell from a first-world tier to a third-world tier nation. Each passing day since the coons took over, the country is looking closer and closer to Haiti. Any country ruled by niggers is a hellhole, it's the antithesis of civilization.

    But there's a much more nightmarish consequence: white genocide. Under the ape rule, whitey will be actively hunted down and exterminated to the last, that's a fact. Farmers in South Apefreaka are suffering genocide and while Europe and North America take hundreds of thousands of dindus and al-dindus, the whites are stuck in the South Apefreakan shitholes praying they won't be mauled by a gaggle of groids. Even the wealthy whites, despite their security, are threatened by the masses of feral chimps.

    Obviously, liberals media will never talk of what is unfolding in South Apefreaka, and especially the dire consequences for Caucasians, that's why it's important to educate other whites that aren't braindead about SA, Rhodesia, etc.

    To be fair, you don't even need to go to South Apefreaka to witness the true magnitude of the negro's stupidity, just look at Apelanta, Chicongo, Detoilet, or any other fuxxated American town. The only difference is that coons only achieved power locally, not nationally. However, white flight cannot last indefinitely, there'll need to be a huge resistance movement in the next 10-20 years or we'll be definitely doomed (not only whiteys but only human races as well).

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    I’ve always hated niggers but Zimbabwe is one of the biggest nigger wake up calls in my mind.
    It is solid evidence that when niggers are the majority that they will take peoples land and brutally murder them for no reason other than the color of their skin. Even that I’m not buying because of how frequently they murder each other. Niggers should never have positions of power over any other race of people and really be under strict supervision, at least.

    It may not be too much longer until this starts happening in other first world countries on a much larger scale than it already is. The only real thing we have that is keeping them in check is them always giving each other lead poisoning, which to a point makes me want them to own arms but never be allowed to leave their hoods.
    I don’t want to promote violence but I at least hope all the fast food chains keep on delivering them the most unhealthy disgusting food they can think of and other clever ways to keep them as unhealthy as possible.
    Niggers cannot be allowed to be in positions of power. I also haven’t forgotten about Doctor Watson’s testing on nigger genetics which just flat out confirmed that they are inferior. The sad fact that one of the worlds most brilliant minds on genetics flat out said niggers are inferior (even though a kindergartener could know this) and the fucking liberals couldn’t accept it.
    The niggers are never going to stop destroying everything that other cultures have worked so hard to build and in our lifetimes a civil war may happen as a result... niggers just bring violence and destruction everywhere they go!!

  3. #3
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    South Africa, once a nuclear power, now nigger powered. They don't have enough food, water and wastewater systems, electrical power, law enforcement, and health care. Niggers can't run successful human culture. I didn't expect to see so much nigger worshippers in my lifetime.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Member
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    I've tried to explain what's happening to but they believe the old lies so much they actually say the humans deserve what's being done to them.
    Separate is not equal,...
    it is better!

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Time for humans to GTFO of there.

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