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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Four main causes of niggerloving

    We all saw the disgusting display of niggerloving these last days (I think I'll need therapy for quite a long time after that). Even though many humans are aware of the nigger menace, there are also large swaths of the population who supported their pets and even assisted in the looting and crimes against police officers. I wondered, why all of this niggerloving bullshit despite the fact that the main cause of niggercides are niggers themselves, and I think I identified the culprits:

    1. The media, in general. I'm not saying just the liberal media, because EVERY mainstream media feature at one point or another niggers or niggerloving. The riots were caused because the media lied, and keep lying that the stupid groid who I forgot his worthless name was killed by police officers, while the autopsy report noticed that his deff occurred due to some medical conditions coons are familiar with. Obviously, libtards will be the first to defend and protect their beloved pets at all costs since they're their main vote base, but niggers also infiltrated the right. Trump, the so-called rayciss orange man bad, is a professional coddler who did almost nothing to fight the nigger threat (it's not like he can do much, though).

    2. The music industry, which glorifies nigger cultcha with the stupid jungle beats which became not only mainstream but liked by most of the white youth with many coddling wiggers that try to imitate the stinky apes. Of course, nigger rap and hip-hop are atrocious but wiggers are perhaps even more insufferable than the POS.

    3. The porn industry, which propagates the myths that niggers are well-endowed through the BBC meme. Young burners are particularly concerned, and I've seen pictures of some stupid white slut who hold a large black penis at a BLM contest. But men are not spared by the heinous propaganda since sows/human male porn is also on the rise. This is perhaps the most worrying aspect of our degenerate niggerloving society because once you willingly partake in negrophilia you can't go back.

    4. Last but not least, the social(ists) networks that are virtually dominated by niggers and niggerlovings degenerates. Social networks act as an echo chamber that amplifies the niggerloving degeneracy and drowns any protestation. They also allow niggerlovers to organize themselves, stage attacks, riots..., with little to no consequences.

    That being said, I'm not saying that all niggerlovers are completely brainwashed and misled, some of them can truly be evil, know the truth about niggers but still side with them because they're honorary niggers (I'm thinking of all the race mixers). But, if we could reverse this social engineering and shame any coddling, there would be a LOT less of niggerloving and perhaps, the possibility of sending the niggers back to dah muddaland, or at least containing them in their shitty ghettos.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    This is pretty much the cycle of BLDM bullshit, some nigger gets made good and the media attacks the police and riles everyone up before all the facts get out. Meanwhile hundreds(?) of niggers get ventilated by each other daily and nobody gives two shits.
    I don’t have much sympathy for those bestiality loving burners/drillers because all the info is out there if they’re willing to look outside the media.
    The BBC myth has been disproven ages ago and regardless it’s not exactly a secret that niggers are pioneers of all the worst STDs known to humanity.
    A real shame that it’ll take total anarchy before these people realize that nigger loving will not buy them out of hell.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest
    Coddlers think they will be spared when the groids and Muzzscum come to kill. Joke's on them. They will get no quarter from savages.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    It is always a propaganda gambit. It is the reverse of what happened in Nazi Germany. They wanted to create a sense on inferiority in the Jewish and Polish people so they created a propaganda machine which was helped by communist sympathizers in Hollywood. Today it still lives on and is better known as the Polish jokes and Jewish jokes. Though we don't see it as the same and in most cases as benign. The complete opposite is happening with niggers. They are being made into prophets, martyers, and heroes by the nigger loving communists. For years we have been told that niggers are just like us. We have been bombarded with niggers non stop yet they are complaining there are not enough niggers on movies and TV. "The Fonz" has been replaced as the cool guy by "shitovious" the aspiring rapper who fucks white women and has catchy one liners to insult evil YT. Children emulate not only authority but opposition to that authority. They see niggers as "cool" and try to be like them. Niggers do everything a human parent tells their kids not to do. Now the propaganda machine is known as black LIES matter. Victim after victim after victim is being paraded across the screen. Each one a rampant felon yet the media places a halo over their simian skull.

    Coddlers think they will be spared when the groids and Muzzscum come to kill. Joke's on them. They will get no quarter from savages.
    See my signature line with slightly modified Churchill quote.

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