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  1. #1
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    Melinda Gates: Dead african niggers will pile up in the streets if no COVID-19 vaccinations

    'You'll See Bodies In The Streets Of Africa' Warns Melinda Gates; Says Vaccine Is 'Ultimate Solution' To COVID-19

    Melinda Gates says that COVID-19 is going to "be horrible in the developing world," and that we're going to see 'bodies in the streets of Africa' like what's happening in Ecuador.
    "Look at Ecuador," said Gates, adding "They're putting bodies out on the street. You're going to see that in countries in Africa."
    During a Friday interview with CNN's Poppy Harlow, Gates said that when she saw how China had to enact mass quarantines in order to combat the virus, "my first thought was Africa," adding "how in the world are they going to deal with this?"
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    There's already bodies in the streets of Apefrica. Shot, hacked, starved, dead from AIDS or necklaced and still smoldering. How would you tell the difference without a coroner? Last I checked, voodoo witch doctoring wasn't a real science.

    Go cry your bleeding liberal heart out Melinda. Quit tending to those lost cause niggers and maybe throw your husband some instead. Maybe if you did, he wouldn't have gotten your legal permission in his prenup for his mistresses. He don't mind the ugly ones either (judging by the looks of his concubines) so you shouldn't have too much of a problem there. That's right honey, what happens in Vegas might stay in Vegas but if it happens at Boomtown in Harvey, all of Nig Orleans knows about it. I just happened to be one of the first. Tell Bill he's a good tipper but his people laugh at him behind his back.

  3. #3
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    I just hope they don't try to waste any of my money on the ungrateful monkeys. You want to try to help these apes, Melinda, you go right ahead and give it your best shot. Just keep your greedy niggerloving fingers out of my wallet, thank you very much.

    He don't mind the ugly ones either (judging by the looks of his concubines) so you shouldn't have too much of a problem there.
    You beat me to it, tweakstick. That hooked schnozz must get in the way of her...never mind.
    Last edited by Sheboon DeLuxe; 04-14-2020 at 08:30 AM.

  4. #4
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    It only matters to me if nigger bodies pile up in Detroit, NYC, Baltimore, Chicago and all the other nigger infested places here in the U.S. That's a win for us all here. Zero fucks given for the africacoons since they don't affect me in any way as long as they stay in the Muddaland.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    There's already bodies in the streets of Apefrica. Shot, hacked, starved, dead from AIDS or necklaced and still smoldering. How would you tell the difference without a coroner? Last I checked, voodoo witch doctoring wasn't a real science.
    Seriously, how are the carcasses in the streets of Africa (and Haiti and anywhere else that niggers congregate) any different now than they usually are? I think Melinda should go there and personally help them since they mean so much to her.

    Gates said that when she saw how China had to enact mass quarantines in order to combat the virus, "my first thought was Africa,"
    Yes, that was my first thought too, Melinda - "Oh, the poor niggers! Whatever will happen to them?"

    Let's all send what money we have left to the niggers. Maybe then they can buy guns to kill each other instead of being forced to smash heads in with rocks and slabs of concrete:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Haiti3%20Deadly%20Protest.jpg 
Views:	197 
Size:	48.5 KB 
ID:	11102

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    Seriously, how are the carcasses in the streets of Africa (and Haiti and anywhere else that niggers congregate) any different now than they usually are? I think Melinda should go there and personally help them since they mean so much to her.

    Yes, that was my first thought too, Melinda - "Oh, the poor niggers! Whatever will happen to them?"

    Let's all send what money we have left to the niggers. Maybe then they can buy guns to kill each other instead of being forced to smash heads in with rocks and slabs of concrete:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Haiti3%20Deadly%20Protest.jpg 
Views:	197 
Size:	48.5 KB 
ID:	11102
    Those Haitian niggers must have some money. That SUV is newer than my car. Including the nigger that snapped the pic of the about to be flattened nigger, I count four sail foams. Are cell phones and wireless plans somehow dirt cheap or free over there when I'm paying 130 a month for two lines here? Fuck those mud pie eating, filthy, gibs me dat, murdering, soulless niggers. If they're too stupid to feed and clothe themselves or keep themselves healthy then let them die.

    Hey, Billie boy and Melinda... Do you think that feeding those worthless apes will somehow buy your way out of hell? Why don't you start here? Try not ripping people off for shitty operating systems that you monopolize the market with. Then, try helping out humans in your own country that could actually appreciate it and not squander the help offered to them. How about taking care of your countrymen and your own employees who have been laid off due to this shit storm? Do you even have any American workers left outside of a few in Silicon Valley? Every time I've needed MS tech support I get Apu and that guy is no damn help at all.

    Bill, you and your foundation are flushing money down a sewer hole. I hope you wake up for your own good. Your whole empire is built on lies, theft and sand. No amount of money you throw at niggers will change that - but if that's what it takes for you to sleep at night...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Those Haitian niggers must have some money. That SUV is newer than my car. Including the nigger that snapped the pic of the about to be flattened nigger, I count four sail foams. Are cell phones and wireless plans somehow dirt cheap or free over there when I'm paying 130 a month for two lines here? Fuck those mud pie eating, filthy, gibs me dat, murdering, soulless niggers. If they're too stupid to feed and clothe themselves or keep themselves healthy then let them die.

    Hey, Billie boy and Melinda... Do you think that feeding those worthless apes will somehow buy your way out of hell? Why don't you start here? Try not ripping people off for shitty operating systems that you monopolize the market with. Then, try helping out humans in your own country that could actually appreciate it and not squander the help offered to them. How about taking care of your countrymen and your own employees who have been laid off due to this shit storm? Do you even have any American workers left outside of a few in Silicon Valley? Every time I've needed MS tech support I get Apu and that guy is no damn help at all.

    Bill, you and your foundation are flushing money down a sewer hole. I hope you wake up for your own good. Your whole empire is built on lies, theft and sand. No amount of money you throw at niggers will change that - but if that's what it takes for you to sleep at night...
    The niggers were given a ton of money after their earthquake which sadly failed to delete them all. Sean Penn himself went there to make sure the poor niggers were being taken care of, not to mention they got rid of a shitload of niglets when all the idiotic do-gooders flocked there to adopt the things (wonder how that's working out for them all these years later when the tarbabies are now big, ugly, feral bucks and sows?). What did the niggers do with all this money? Seems they set up portable brothels - muh dik! - and bought bling.

  8. #8
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    You had me at "Dead African niggers will pile up in the streets..."!

    Anyway, ever notice how these billionaire do-gooder leftists are always whining about the poor niggers in Africa, even though most Humans on the planet couldn't give less of a shit? Is there some secret pact with Satan one has to enter into if they want to be a billionaire?

    The Billionaire's Oath to Satan...

    I solemnly swear to Lucifer that when in public, I will pretend to care about niggers, to whine constantly about their plight, and to blame all their woes on Evil Whitey instead of the ones actually responsible -- niggers themselves. In private, I will pay bands of ruthless mercenaries to hunt down niggers and harvest their organs for other billionaires. So help me Satan...

    Then there are billionaire wannabe's like the Clinton's who raise money off of whining about niggers. They raised tens of millions in the wake of the Haitian earthquake and kept almost all the money for themselves, but that's a whole other subject...
    Last edited by Midder Peenud Hayed; 04-14-2020 at 06:52 PM. Reason: Spelling like a nigger

  9. #9
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    Bill and Melinda Gates need to shut the fuck up. They are well known vaxxers, who want everyone living better through chemistry, and having sub-dermal implants with digital information about their medical history. All controlled by Microsoft, of course. Get back to fixing Windows and shut yer fucking mouth, Bill.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  10. #10
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    She cares more about wild apes in Apefreaka than us humans in the US
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

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