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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Nigerian Niggers burn Nigerian niggers sleeping in their cars

    Nothing like a feel good story is there?

  2. #2
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    Borno State governor Babagana Zulum looked visibly shaken
    LOL that's a pretty crazy nigger name.
    But, what's up with niggers setting things on fire? It's like they have an insane fascination with burning things. Pathological pyromaniac friggin' apes.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  3. #3
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  4. #4
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest
    ....and just think, those niggers doing all the "nigger-burning" are relatives of the niggers we have here in this country..Same demented warped DNA..

  5. #5
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    "You can sleep in yo' car, but you cain't drive yo' house!"

    -Nigger Wisdom.

  6. #6
    Chimpout Guest
    Well, if you think about it, it actually makes a weird kind of sense.

    So you have nigger #1 in a car, and another nigger, known as nigger #2, is hungry.

    Nigger #2 realizes that nigger #1 is inside a metal device, and nigger #1 is a potential source of food.

    Nigger #2 uses his melanin magic to come to the conclusion that he can turn the car into an oven, and nigger #1 into a meal.

    So nigger #2 uses the gasoline to turn nigger #1 into a ghetto lobster.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Well, if you think about it, it actually makes a weird kind of sense.

    So you have nigger #1 in a car, and another nigger, known as nigger #2, is hungry.

    Nigger #2 realizes that nigger #1 is inside a metal device, and nigger #1 is a potential source of food.

    Nigger #2 uses his melanin magic to come to the conclusion that he can turn the car into an oven, and nigger #1 into a meal.

    So nigger #2 uses the gasoline to turn nigger #1 into a ghetto lobster.

    It might be more simple than that. I believe it is just a fascination with fire. If they aren't dancing around it, they are lighting each other up. My personal favorite is the tire fire. It falls back to their base instincts. Muh dik, loud noises, shiny objects, gibsmedats, and of course fire. They don't understand it so they worship it

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    It might be more simple than that. I believe it is just a fascination with fire. If they aren't dancing around it, they are lighting each other up. My personal favorite is the tire fire. It falls back to their base instincts. Muh dik, loud noises, shiny objects, gibsmedats, and of course fire. They don't understand it so they worship it
    I'm gonna go with BoH on this one....Niggers are fascinated with things that twinkle and shine and magically generate heat and light.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    I'm gonna go with BoH on this one....Niggers are fascinated with things that twinkle and shine and magically generate heat and light.
    Oh... Like bling and crack pipes!

  10. #10
    Senior Trustee
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    Fire is juju magic to a nigger. It has fascinated them even before they watched YT harness it. Giving fire to niggers is like giving a toddler a box of matches in a fireworks factory.

    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  11. #11
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    I'm gonna go with BoH on this one....Niggers are fascinated with things that twinkle and shine and magically generate heat and light.
    They musta been utterly fascinated by a christmas tree before the advent of cool-running LED lights.
    That was about the time racist hell-a-days of kwanza became popular, no doubt the candles.


    --->> NIGGERS ONLY!!!

    At the heart and soul of Kwanzaa is the Nguzo Saba, Kiswahili for seven principles. Dr. Karenga stresses the
    importance of these principles in his 1997 book, Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture, when
    he says:

    "The Nguzo Saba . . . are the core and consciousness of Kwanzaa. They are posed as the matrix and
    minimum set of values African Americans need to rescue and reconstruct their lives in their own
    image and interest and build and sustain an Afrocentric family, community and culture." (p. 41)

    The purpose of the Nguzo Saba is non other than setting a value system specifically for the black family. This
    contradicts any attempt by Karenga and others to say that Kwanzaa is a holiday to be celebrated by ALL people with
    its UNIVERSAL principles. A greeting similar to the one made by former President Clinton in 1997 when he declared
    that "the Principles of Kwanzaa -- ring true not only for African Americans, but also for all Americans."

    Unfortunately, Clinton and many others were completely unaware that the principles of Kwanzaa are not aimed for
    all Americans but ONLY for African Americans as we can see in Dr. Karenga's full description of the Nguzo Saba. He
    says in the principles repeatedly, to do for "our own" and as an "African people." Not exactly terms that can be
    used for universality.

    -->>> Belief in God is Condemned

    Dr. Karenga's hatred of God-fearing religions prompted him to create his own system of principles that apparently
    he hoped would steer men away from what he felt was a weakness -- a belief in God. An example of his opinion of
    religion is the following quote from his book, Kawaida Theory (1980):

    --->> calls God a 'spook' - blasphemy -the nigger parrots no end of blasphemy from its father the devil!

    "Belief in spooks who threaten us if we don't worship them and demand we turn over our destiny and
    daily lives must be categorized as spookism and condemned." pg 27

    A Black Way of Life, for Blacks Only

    The Nguzo Saba are seven principles clearly set apart for the Black American and not for others. It is also an
    attempt by Dr. Karenga to introduce humanistic principles for improving life without God. Kwanzaa is not just a
    cultural celebration, but an attempt to establish a way of life with man as the center of worship and reverence. The
    Nguzo Saba as a way of life are being recognized by many Blacks as such. An example is a quote from the Kwanzaa
    Information Center website that says the following:

    "Thus, the Nguzo Saba are social and spiritual principles, dealing with ways for us to relate to each other
    and rebuild our lives in our own images."

    If anything, many are accepting these principles as SPIRITUAL principles and a guide for their lives. A disturbing fact
    for the Christian who believes that all spiritual principles begin with the Bible and not with man.



  12. #12
    Chimpout Member
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    Do not call for black power. Call for human power.

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