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  1. #1
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    University of Wisconsin is too White

    In a Homecoming Video Meant to Unite Campus, Almost Everyone Was White

    MADISON, Wis. — The video was just two minutes long: a sunny montage of life at the University of Wisconsin’s flagship campus in Madison. Here were hundreds of young men and women cheering at a football game, dancing in unison, riding bicycles in a sleek line, “throwing the W” for the camera, singing a cappella, leaping into a lake.
    “Home is where we grow together,” a voice-over said. “It’s where the hills are. It’s eating our favorite foods. It’s where we can all harmonize as one. Home is Wisconsin cheese curds. It’s welcoming everyone into our home.”
    Days before Homecoming Week, the student homecoming committee, tasked with producing the video, posted it online. The outrage was almost instantaneous. Virtually every student in the video was white.
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  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    It probably wasn't intentional.

    Most likely, niggers didn't feel like participating in the production of the video and were made aware of the production beforehand. The niggers are chimping out because they want to blame someone else for their own inaction and laziness.
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