Spotted-faced sheboon tapes herself screching at McNig drive thru: "I called and axe dem to BAKE the cookies FRESH!!! Where are mah FRESHLY BAKED COOKIES????"
Spotted-faced sheboon tapes herself screching at McNig drive thru: "I called and axe dem to BAKE the cookies FRESH!!! Where are mah FRESHLY BAKED COOKIES????"
Give America back to the human race and end nigger fuxation - TRUMP 2020
And that's just a warm up, wait to the hideous sow gets to the KFC drive thru!
The comment section was just damned hilarious. There was not a single one I could find that supported this batshit crazy bitch and most all of them were niggers themselves. It's a pretty bad day for you there, cookie, when even your nigger friends call you out on your foolish behavior and obvious lookeemeez!