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  1. #1
    Allah the Pig-Fucker
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    Colorado woman lets porch monkeys take out her trash with decoy packages

    A Colorado woman reportedly gave some porch pirates a taste of their own medicine this week by leaving trash-filled Amazon packages outside her front door.

    Christine Hyatt told KKTV in Colorado Springs that thieves have stolen at least 20 packages from her porch and last Wednesday was the third time she was able to dupe the criminals into removing her garbage for free.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    We should be allowed to install lock boxes on the outside of our homes specifically for the delivery of goods.

    Long gone are the days when the mail(wo)man could put stuff in your mailbox, or leave it on your porch, and it would still be there when you came home.

    You could have it set up where you have the master key, and sub keys are dropped off with major shipping companies. And you could have the lock box set up where the packages are put in a bin, and then lowered and/or maneuvered into another bin that can't be opened with the sub keys. Maybe even have it set up to dump the packages directly into a cardboard box, in your house, that has padding. But of course, eventually some nigger will use the keys to put bombs in peoples' homes, so... (yeah, eventually we will have scanners in these lock boxes)

    I honestly don't know why nobody else thought of this before. I mean, yes, I'm aware that similar lockboxes DO exist, but not where they REALLY matter.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by CreepyAssNigger View Post
    We should be allowed to install lock boxes on the outside of our homes specifically for the delivery of goods.

    Long gone are the days when the mail(wo)man could put stuff in your mailbox, or leave it on your porch, and it would still be there when you came home.

    You could have it set up where you have the master key, and sub keys are dropped off with major shipping companies. And you could have the lock box set up where the packages are put in a bin, and then lowered and/or maneuvered into another bin that can't be opened with the sub keys. Maybe even have it set up to dump the packages directly into a cardboard box, in your house, that has padding. But of course, eventually some nigger will use the keys to put bombs in peoples' homes, so... (yeah, eventually we will have scanners in these lock boxes)

    I honestly don't know why nobody else thought of this before.
    At first, I was annoyed when I moved into my new house years ago that we have "community" mailboxes. But Now I like it. The community mailboxes require a key to get your mail, so niggers and illegals can't just stick their paw in the mailbox and run off with your mail/packages. True, niggers can also gorilla smash into the community boxes, but that's fortunately not as common at least in my area.

    I'm happy that Amazon has started getting Amazon Lockers in my area. Basically you have your stuff delivered to a local participating store like Staples or Walgreens, and then you drive over at your convenience after you get the notification and SHOW ID. Much more secure than leaving a big, tempting box on the front porch for any nigger to knuckle off with.

    If the cops were really serious about stopping this shit, they'd be running massive "bait" operations where they leave GPS tracked decoy packages on volunteers' porches, then wrangle any nigger that takes the bait. I'd volunteer for that, just to get porch video of the nigger getting wrangled, or better yet, having a "failure to communicate" and getting ass-whipped and/or batwinged by the po-po.
    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    I have done this before. I lived in a shitty neighborhood when I was younger and was still on the cusp of true hatred for niggers. I had truly learned what they are with nigger neighbors on both sides of me and down the road. The garbage truck would not take this box I had because it would not fit in the can with wheels. Nigger garbage men of course... So I filled it with trash and kitchen waste until it was chock full. Put it our front with a for sale sign ( it was a fish tank box ) and it was GONE in like 30 minutes.

  5. #5
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    I do this every year. I make up a pile of brightly packed parcels, filled with garbage, cat shit, chicken bones, coffee grounds, etc....We take my wife's daily driver minivan and leave the sliding side door very slightly ajar, nothing too obvious, and go shopping for a few items. I've never come back and not been cleaned out.

    This method works best when it's like Dec. 22nd or later, and the niggers are getting desperate for shit to steal.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    I do this every year. I make up a pile of brightly packed parcels, filled with garbage, cat shit, chicken bones, coffee grounds, etc....We take my wife's daily driver minivan and leave the sliding side door very slightly ajar, nothing too obvious, and go shopping for a few items. I've never come back and not been cleaned out.

    This method works best when it's like Dec. 22nd or later, and the niggers are getting desperate for shit to steal.
    Chicken Bones? You are being too kind to them! Niggers will think they have hit a lottery there!!!!
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  7. #7
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    Colorado Springs mom sets trap for package thieves, includes used kitty litter and cigarette butts
    If I was her I wouldn't have advertised this, the niggers'll come back with revenge on their dim minds! People should try to be safe, it's a niggerish world out there! Pick the fights you can win!
    Liberalism is the root of heresy, the tree of evil in whose branches all the harpies of infidelity find ample shelter; it is today the evil of all evils. - Dr. Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany

  8. #8
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    I watched a youtube video a while back about guy who rigged a dye pack up to a remote and laid in wait for the thieves. It ruined the hooptie and marked them with dye. That UV dye doesn't wash off for days and NEVER comes out of upholstery. That was some funny shit.

  9. #9
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    This is just fucking hysterical
    Give America back to the human race and end nigger fuxation - TRUMP 2020

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by White Orchid View Post
    This is just fucking hysterical
    It's so bad that even niggers couldn't deal with the smell! I'm surprised they didn't inhale deeply and dream of fresh jenkem.

    The glitter would embarrass humans, but you never know with niggers, they'd parade around with their newfound lookiezmeez.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rape Ape View Post
    At first, I was annoyed when I moved into my new house years ago that we have "community" mailboxes. But Now I like it. The community mailboxes require a key to get your mail, so niggers and illegals can't just stick their paw in the mailbox and run off with your mail/packages. True, niggers can also gorilla smash into the community boxes, but that's fortunately not as common at least in my area.

    I'm happy that Amazon has started getting Amazon Lockers in my area. Basically you have your stuff delivered to a local participating store like Staples or Walgreens, and then you drive over at your convenience after you get the notification and SHOW ID. Much more secure than leaving a big, tempting box on the front porch for any nigger to knuckle off with.

    If the cops were really serious about stopping this shit, they'd be running massive "bait" operations where they leave GPS tracked decoy packages on volunteers' porches, then wrangle any nigger that takes the bait. I'd volunteer for that, just to get porch video of the nigger getting wrangled, or better yet, having a "failure to communicate" and getting ass-whipped and/or batwinged by the po-po.
    You could make a TV show out of it.

    "Bait Box."
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Stoopnig View Post
    You could put a blonde wig on a mousetrap and a nigger will fuck it.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by White Orchid View Post

    This is just fucking hysterical
    I almost peed my pants watching that!! Definitely fucking hysterical!!

  13. #13
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    You beat me to it. I love that video of the bait box.

    Almost as life-affirming as the van with the back left open with the boxes full of manure. The screeching from the trapped niggers as they get tossed around in the back is truly heartwarming.

    I think it is on the same youtube thread.

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