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  1. #1
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    The niggers... sorry, 'youths', are out causing mayhem in my city again, like clockwork.

    Causing fights on public transport and causing a ruckus at the beach, scaring off the humans that want to cool down and have a swim.

    Everyone knows it's niggers. Call them " youth", call them "troubled teens", call them "confused migrants" ( that's been used as an excuse in some crimes here and everyone got pissed off) the MSM can call them whatever they like- they are fucking niggers. They are a fucking disease. They are no different from one another. A nigger that plants it's paws on my country is no different than the ape that has never left the ghetto in Compton.

    A nigger will always be a nigger, no matter what it does and I for one am so damned sick of them. I'm sick of them getting a free pass whenever they cause havoc. I'm sick of the inaction from our police force. I'm sick of the government that not only won't do anything about these violent thugs aside from getting assurances from the nigger council association of niggerdry ( whatever the apefrican interest group is called) and importing more of them in. Like that will solve the problem.

    Just, watch the video. This has been going on for years now. I had to film it on my phone then upload it on YouTube so I can link it here.

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    Last edited by BigJigger; 12-19-2019 at 09:51 AM. Reason: Spelling

  2. #2
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Niggers destroying a city bus? No way! That would never happen!!!!

    Police open fire with pepper spray but it does little to control the violence
    Next time try this instead!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cannon.jpg 
Views:	75 
Size:	31.5 KB 
ID:	10503
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJigger View Post
    Causing fights on public transport and causing a ruckus at the beach, scaring off the humans that want to cool down and have a swim.

    Everyone knows it's niggers. Call them " youth", call them "troubled teens", call them "confused migrants" ( that's been used as an excuse in some crimes here and everyone got pissed off) the MSM can call them whatever they like- they are fucking niggers. They are a fucking disease. They are no different from one another. A nigger that plants it's paws on my country is no different than the ape that has never left the ghetto in Compton.

    A nigger will always be a nigger, no matter what it does and I for one am so damned sick of them. I'm sick of them getting a free pass whenever they cause havoc. I'm sick of the inaction from our police force. I'm sick of the government that not only won't do anything about these violent thugs aside from getting assurances from the nigger council association of niggerdry ( whatever the apefrican interest group is called) and importing more of them in. Like that will solve the problem.

    Just, watch the video. This has been going on for years now. I had to film it on my phone then upload it on YouTube so I can link it here.

    Sent from my SM-J250G using Tapatalk
    Niggers are niggers no matter where they go!! The high testosterone combined with the UNDEVELOPED frontal lobe guarantees it!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buck Simian View Post
    Niggers destroying a city bus? No way! That would never happen!!!!

    Next time try this instead!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cannon.jpg 
Views:	75 
Size:	31.5 KB 
ID:	10503
    I hate the jig as much as anyone here, it takes a lot out of me to be compassionate.

    Repatriation is the best option. If we can all repatriot all of them we can build a wall around Africa... It's not like they have the brains to build aeroplanes, helicopters, stealth technology to hide themselves or anything. They are happy with a bit of marijuana, some booze, a few 2pac and NWA albums and a way to play it, some guns and some randomly selected coloured rags thrown so they have some sort of purpose. Niggers minds are simple, but it needs to be engaged, like any other animal on earth, we humans need to care for them

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJigger View Post
    I hate the jig as much as anyone here, it takes a lot out of me to be compassionate.

    Repatriation is the best option. If we can all repatriot all of them we can build a wall around Africa... It's not like they have the brains to build aeroplanes, helicopters, stealth technology to hide themselves or anything. They are happy with a bit of marijuana, some booze, a few 2pac and NWA albums and a way to play it, some guns and some randomly selected coloured rags thrown so they have some sort of purpose. Niggers minds are simple, but it needs to be engaged, like any other animal on earth, we humans need to care for them

    Sent from my SM-J250G using Tapatalk
    Also throw in the oildrillers, mudsharks and wannabe niggers in to boot.
    Although its origins are uncertain, there are some scientific studies showing that Ebonics had originated from niggers trying to speak English with a French accent, albeit with little finesse, through thick, blubberous spoonbills.

  6. #6
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    @ OP...

    I have always believed that a reparations for repatriation program is the ultimate solution to our Nigger Problem. That opens a "Door #2" any time a nigger ooks about being "repressed" or "oppressed" or simply being a nigger. They can then accept a cash settlement, a free boat ride, and a nice warm mud hut somewhere in West Africa. They would have to surrender their U.S. citizenship forever of course (something niggers were granted by statute in the first place).

    Problem solved.
    Last edited by Midder Peenud Hayed; 12-20-2019 at 11:43 AM. Reason: spelling error

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    @ OP...

    I have always believed that a reparations for repatriation program is the ultimate solution to our Nigger Problem. That opens a "Door #2" any time a nigger ooks about being "repressed" or "oppressed" or simply being a nigger. They can then accept a cash settlement, a free boat ride, and a nice warm mud hut somewhere in West Africa. They would have to surrender their U.S. citizenship forever of course (something niggers were granted by statute in the first place).

    Problem solved.
    I believe as you do, reparations as repatriation in the US.

    Unfortunately our nigger problem is a bit more complex in Australia. They chose to move here and still go about and monkeyshine all about the place, as my video shows. It's not a one of occurrence, they have been nigging it up for a while now. Watch these videos, they were unreported and had complete media black out

    It's been acknowledged but at least in my state, niggers are given a pass as my original video shows

    We even had a rally earlier this year ( I was there) and of course the fuckwits of antifa rocked up to defend their pet niggers and as the video shows, brought a bunch of strawmen arguments to the table ( this had nothing to do with gender or lgbt rights but that didn't stop the dumb fuck left)

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJigger View Post
    I believe as you do, reparations as repatriation in the US.

    Unfortunately our nigger problem is a bit more complex in Australia...
    Interesting stuff.

    Australia s on my "bucket list". I would love to take a long trip there when the kids are a bit older.

    Your country doesn't report the percentage of niggers in the general population evidently, but I assume these are mostly niggers transplanted from the UK and East Africa. The main difference is, our niggers here in the Americas -- especially here in the U.S., are massively inbred and mongrelized. It was prohibited by the Slave Importation Ban of 1810 to import any more niggers from dah Mudderlan'. When that law was passed, we had 1 million niggers in the United States.

    Unable to import new niggers, it was a common practice for slave-holders to operate slave breeding farms using small, geographically-isolated, and already inbred, populations of niggers. There were approximately 4,000 new nigger slaves brought into this country in the 50 years after The Ban. Still, in 1860, the Census proved that we had FOUR MILLION NIGGERS in the population. Nigger immigration was effectively zero during that period. These niggers all came from the practice of Negro husbandry, and almost all of that resulted from compound inbreeding.

    Niggers of any origins are foul, but inbred mongrelized niggers are worse. We went to Kenya on safari in 2006. I can tell you, while the coal-black locals are definitely niggers in all the ways we know niggers to be, they are not as dumb, mean, violent, or destructive as our inbred niggers here in the U.S.A.

    The nigger population here is 12% - 14% -- almost certainly multiple times of what you Aussies must endure. After Congress passed the 14th Amendment to our Constitution in 1868, all niggers living within our territorial borders were granted statutory citizenship. That is a form of U.S. citizenship that can still be revoked. However, niggers born after that Amendment took effect, were given the status of natural born citizen -- a level of citizenship that is absolute and cannot be revoked. There are only two officials in our government who must be a natural born citizen to be eligible for office -- the president and vice president.

    That makes it impossible to deport a nigger that has been shit out in the U.S. unconstitutional. Therefore, that "repatriation" (presumably to nigger Africa), would have to be voluntary. Hence, my belief that reparations-for-repatriation is the only solution. RE-segregation is a close runner-up...

    Niggers have done enough damage to this country already. I don't want the Constitution shredded just to get rid of them.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    Please..... Don't forget the Nigger Lovers / Coddlers , they need to go to.
    Them MOST of all!!

  10. #10
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    I recently talked to someone who is close to a senior policeman here in Melbourne. I was told that the police here are totally fed up with the niggers and all of their bullshit. But they have all been ordered to keep a "hands off" approach, from all the way from the top. Apparently, the police here refer to them as "skinnies" and "Mondays."

    We both agreed that it is only a matter of time before a nigger comes at an officer with a large blade and the officer blows the nigger away instead of fooling around with the nigger seasoning. Then we will see one epic CHIMPOUT!

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