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  1. #1
    Allah the Pig-Fucker
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    Rabbi beaten up by two saggy-panted groids shouting "Fuck Jews", "dirty Jew" and "kill the Jews"

    Detectives investigating an attack on a rabbi who was beaten to the ground have released CCTV images of two pavement apes.

    The Israeli national was set upon by two attackers who shouted "Fuck Jews", "Dirty Jew" and "Kill the Jews" in Stamford Hill, north London, at around 9.45pm on Friday. The rabbi had travelled to the UK to attend a family wedding and has since returned to Israel.

    The two suspects are pictured at Stamford Hill station, wearing dark jackets with the hoods up, saggy jeans and trainers (sneakers).

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    Just once I'd like to see one of these nigger thugs go after a ISF Sayeret with a few years of Krav Maga under his belt. I'd pay to watch that shit. Set a few of them loose in Londonistan dressed in the typical rabbi garb and just let 'em start clearing the deck.

    You know these were not just plain niggers but nigger/dune coon hybrids. These are the worst kind of niggers on the planet.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Just once I'd like to see one of these nigger thugs go after a ISF Sayeret with a few years of Krav Maga under his belt. I'd pay to watch that shit. Set a few of them loose in Londonistan dressed in the typical rabbi garb and just let 'em start clearing the deck.

    You know these were not just plain niggers but nigger/dune coon hybrids. These are the worst kind of niggers on the planet.
    Yeah, man! Niggers are craven and will almost always flee against a determined attacker!
    Liberalism is the root of heresy, the tree of evil in whose branches all the harpies of infidelity find ample shelter; it is today the evil of all evils. - Dr. Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany

  4. #4
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    if those two pavement apes were whites, that is all we'd hear is "Trump Inspired Nazis attack Poor Rabbi in London" all over the world
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Just once I'd like to see one of these nigger thugs go after a ISF Sayeret with a few years of Krav Maga under his belt. I'd pay to watch that shit.
    Sounds like fun, I'd also like to see that

  6. #6
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    They must have listened to a few of Farrakhans seminars.
    "Of course there's something wrong with him, he's a Negro probably been stealing since he could crawl".
    Mortimer Duke, Trading Places, 1983. "Burn wood, not coal".

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    Mark my words on this one - In a few short years we will see the crusades 2.0 happen in the EU. The citizens are getting fed up with this muzzie and nigger rioting, bombings and crime. They will take the same stance as Poland and Hungary has.
    I'd love that to happen it but I just don't read it in the tea leaves. The niggers and dune coons have something westerners don't and that is giant BANKROLL. Nothing you see on the news is happening organically. It is all orchestrated by demons operating in the shadows of power. These are asshat one worlders the likes of Soros who are paying for them to come into the civilized world to destroy us. They are doing it all from the inside. They make up the fifth column and have the wealth of the west backing them at the whim of the NWO. This is the entire purpose of the EU and the UN in general - Novus Ordo Seclorum. Rest assured, there is nothing "new" about it and the only "order" to it is controlled chaos, war, death and control by the few of every aspect of what's left of our miserable lives.

    France is a lost cause anyway. Always has been, always will be. Like Rome 2000 years ago, they are all too preoccupied with mon pénis et mon vagin to be bothered with something like a takeover of there homeland. In some ways it's almost nigger behavior. Women there refuse to have children because it might mess up their hot bodies so what do you think that does to the population balance when they are being over-run with jizzlam? France will go the way of the dinosaurs in our lifetime. They have been setting themselve up for it for hundreds of years. If you want to see what digital crickets look like then just google "French military victories."

    May God have mercy on us all.

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