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  1. #1
    Allah the Pig-Fucker
    Chimpout Guest

    Exclamation Philadelphia Police Department twice released illegal alien child sex predator despite ICE detainers after both arrests

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement has arrested an illegal immigrant from Guatemala and charged him with numerous sexual crimes against children. Hector Moran-Espinoza had been arrested for similar charges twice previously by the Philadelphia Police Department and then released despite ICE detainers.

    Hector Moran-Espinoza was arrested April 2, by the Philadelphia Police Department for multiple sexual crimes against children.

    May 9, Moran was again arrested by the Philadelphia Police Department for similar crimes.

    In both cases, ICE’s Philadelphia Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) lodged an immigration detainer on Moran the same day of the arrest, and each time Philadelphia Police Department did not honor this detainer and released this predator onto the streets.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    These are the cases where I beleive those government and law enforcement officials involved in enabling this to happen should get life in prison. General population.

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