Employees did NOTHING. It was a Meijer department store, which is laid out similar to Walmart, Target and the rest. I first spot the nigger when I walked in the door. He is just standing there around 10 feet away from those self check outs. Kind of in a daze, just standing there mumbling to himself. All niggers look retarded but this nigger took it all to the next level. I grab a cart and go about my way. After around 30 minutes I am done and ready to check out. I go up to the self check outs and there it still stands in the same spot. Still standing there kind of rocking back and fourth in a trance and mumbling something to itself. Now around this time a very attractive young lady - probably mid 20s comes up and starts using the register next to me to scan her stuff and check out. She also has a baby with her, a little boy who looks to be around a year old and is pure white thank God. Cute little fella. Now I have to admit I did glance more than once at this girl but I kept it discreet unlike this nigger. You would have thought someone opened up a box of KFC and waved it in front of his nose. He moved for the first time, stepping probably around 5 feet away from her making these odd grunting noises while staring at her like he is in a trance. I dont think she noticed or if she did probably just ignored him. She was busy trying to check out and take care of her baby at the same time. She finished up well before I did and left the building, and thank God the nigger did not follow her out the door. Meanwhile I finish checking out, the nigger was still there just gazing at everyone checking out making people feel uncomfortable. I asked the lady who was watching over the registers what is up with that guy? She just shrugged her shoulders and said I dont know. No care whatsoever. I guess they cant throw the nigger out the door or else they would be called racist.