Ive been waiting for this moment for 2 years now. The only niggers on my street, and they lived almost directly across from my house. Turned a nice recently remodeled two story home into a ghetto section 8 nigger nest. Police were always there over something. And did they leave with a bang. Drug a bunch of old junk out into the yard and onto the sidewalk that they didn't take with them. Mattresses and a couch blocking the sidewalk where people couldn't walk by. I know the place is probably filled with mice, rats and roaches so I am going to spray the Hell around the outside of my house. The last day they were there a fight broke out, police were called and a couple bucks were dragged away, which is nothing unusual for this bunch.
I wonder if there is a way I can keep the owner from renting it to more niggers? This person has owned the place for around 10 years or so and has exclusively rented to niggers in a neighborhood that is majority white. I don't even really know who owns it but I hope they lose their asses trying to repair it.