I claim to be a Christian, and try to live that life.....Good husband, go to church, help others...
But I really struggle with what can only be described as a hatred for niggers.
They are at the center of crime that is destroying our country....
They are the epitome of liars, thieves, murderers , and all immorality.
I just saw on tv where two niggers best and robbed a Mississippi preacher whose car broke down in Memphis.
But yet he won't condemn the people who did this....
Is it anti Christian to tell the truth and call out these predators for what they are????
Is not telling the truth responsible behavior, even if it offends??
I don't want to go to Hell over my feelings for niggers, but how else can a person look at them, when all they do is kill and ruin the things we care about???
Anybody else feel this way?