I'd meant to post this yesterday. The video clips have been out for years, and the dhimmis among us still insist it was all fake, but it is completely true that they were even handing out candy on the street in celebration. If I were elected president, one of my terms for Peace In The Middle East would be that every last person in the video clips is handed over to the U.S. for immediate execution, and until then, U.S. forces blow up a Palestinian village once an hour, every hour.

This is a new upload (not mine), and some fucktard commented about "Jews" across the river cheering the attacks. Actually, that was the asslifters also. Trump himself has mentioned that there were muzzies on rooftops, watching across from NJ.

So when I hear of "children" being hungry or even getting killed anywhere in the West Bank, oh well. Their people dared to openly cheer the murder of innocent Americans, and dare to say that we aren't innocent? Well to hell with all of them.
