Just tried a Fallout series game, and it sucks, and is fully niggered to all hell. "One of the best games of all time," said Wikipedia. The very first thing you hear is a nigger narrator, and then it's niggers just everywhere.

Of course all companies are responsible, but the main two that started it, about 2 decades ago, are


Other companies all followed them like spineless cucks.

I looked up the developers of these niggerfuxxed games and they're ALL WHITE. CUCK EPIDEMIC!

99% of all games are ruined with niggers now.
Everything is narrated by a nigger.
I played a Mass Effect where nigger was president of the first off-earth human planet. I was forced to play as a nigger in Borderlands. It's just sickening. I hate it.

I'm screening all my games for niggers now and I won't buy another game like this. NO GAMERS LIKE THIS OR WANT THIS.