Airbnb TV Spot, 'Paris'

Airbnb sucking hard at the nigger dong.

This coonmercial makes me sick!

First of all don't come to my white country nigger apes, secondly get the hell out of my country niggers, YOU DONT BELONG HERE.

Thirdly what kind of moron would rent their house out to niggers, Fourthly implied teen coal burning promoted, disgusting...

Stupid nigger ape farm animal loving company even throws some implied coal burning in at the end.

oh ho ho nigger for your nexx "where duh white wimmenz at" vacation needz.

Teenaper not even in the country an hour and already white wimmenz be throwing themselves at it.

I will never use Airbnb again I hope it dies, soon!

Fifthly, niggers will destroy your country, that is a true fact.