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So I usually refuse to watch any movie starring niggers but this movie depicts niggers being terrorized by a demon so I figured it would be at the very least funny. And that it was. It was accurately written because the tnb was very present (families beating the shit out of each other, it’s not my fault I’m not making payments, ook ook eek eek, you know the usual). The biggest laugh I got was the youngest taking his pants off at school, shitting on the floor and slinging it at the teacher. The other thing I found hilarious was at the end of the movie when mammy was “delivering” the demon it started speaking nigger gibberish and begging not to be “delivered.” I’m a huge horror buff and that was a first (I don’t want to start a spiritual debate but I feel like anything demonic is going to be more intelligent than that, and I’ve never seen a demon in a movie saying please don’t). If you scare easy I wouldn’t watch it, but if you need a laugh this movie is hilarious. Supposedly it was based on true events but I don’t think a nigger needs to be possessed to sling shit across a classroom. That’s just pissed off nigger tnb. Mind you I binge horror like there’s no tomorrow so nothing scares me anymore so I got a huge laugh out of this.