All niggers suck.But,it’s the Island niggers that I’ve been seeing more in abundance as of late that really get on my nerves. I’m talking about the.Jamaicoons Hayshees dominicoons etc…. They think they’re more entitled. I know this is Florida and most of these pieces of shit come in through Miami.
Now,I haven’t seen any in my own neighborhood yet.It’s nigger free as far as I know. We’re about a 5-6 square mile radius of maybe 150 houses. Each on a minimum 2 acre lot. And our neighborhood is surrounded on each side by canals from the other neighborhoods. I like it. I think houses here start in the mid $500,000 range. Which doesn’t attract nigger vermin.
It’s when I’m out and about. I see these Island beasts walking around like they are so fucking entitled. I was shopping in Wallyworld today. Left my cart for a second to grab some pasta. Turn around and there was a nappy headed hayshee shitlet grabbing my pint of Häagen-Dazs chocolate chip cookie ice cream off my cart. I quickly grabbed it out of the little beast’s paw and placed it back in my cart. I really felt like fast balling it at it’s fat Hayshee-rilla mammy’s big pepper nose,then take it from there.
But it was the last pint of Häagen-Dazs chocolate chip cookie ice cream they had. And ol Jimmy boy sho do loves his Häaggies! But it really pissed me off, the way the Hayshee sow looked at me when I snatched what was mine from it’s nappy headed shitlet’s paw. these fuckers really think that they are the fucking shit!
Well, they are shit! I’ll give them that! They are the shit of the earth! They feel so fucking entitled and that YT owes them a fucking living. I’m not one to start a fight but if we were on the street, I would’ve flattened some nigger lip!