There is a problem with mega-cash rich corporations buying every home for sale, doing nothing to improve it and turning around and putting fucking niggers in them.

As you know I reside in Atlantastan (sadly - i'm planning to exit soon) and this has become a HUGE problem for every former whyte, clean neighborhood.

Apelanta is one of their top targets due to jobs in the area and the never-ending flood of people coming here from everywhere (including Commiefornia).

A house next to me formerly owned by respectable humans that kept up the place was bought by 'Progress Residential' and was rented out to a gang of dope sucking no good trasheap niggers.

Now the yard never gets mowed, the bushes never get cut, junkheaps parked all over and unknown gangstas comin' and goin' all night there.

I can't even sit outside on my porch swing and smoke a cigar anymore because the niggers hang out on de deck next to me sucking dope weed like the heathen addicts they are yelling, cussing ans sheeet.

I hate goddamn America!!!!!!