Well, sleepy Joe stepped aside, and now we have another half breed nigger trying to get elected.....
Hell, I don't blame the niggers...they've destroyed everything else they've touched, why go for the (formerly) greatest country in the world?
BUT.. The fact that damn near half the people in this country support this liberal fucking chimpanzee has caused me to to lose all faith in this nation.
Whoever wins, and I pray it is Trump, the U.S. has shown its true colors, and friends, that can't be unseen.
To quote Fletcher from the great movie "The Outlaw Josie Wales".... "I've had enough,boys, I'm riding in...."
Who can love a country made up of 50 percent queers, transgender freaks, niggers and the libtards that love them.
At least I am old enough to remember when this country was something to be proud of. I will look back on those days with fond remembrance as I prepare for my twilight years, and watch this shithole descend into the wretched hell it has prepared for itself.
Or am I the only one that gives a shit?